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Africa is a continent, they do not have opposites.

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Q: What is the opposite of Africa?
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Madagascar is a big island outside south africa opposite Mozambique. It is not in South Africa.

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No, Nauru is in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, just about on the opposite side of the world from Africa.

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They are on opposite sides of the Atlantic Ocean.

Which two regions were almost always on the opposite of every issue?

Two regions that were almost always the opposite in every way were Russia and Africa. Russia has severe winters while most of Africa has a tropical climate.

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Not they do not share a boundary, they are on opposite sides of Africa.

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Summer, the opposite to the Norther hemisphere

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No. The exact opposite occurred. Islam originated in the Middle East and spread to West Africa in the subsequent centuries.

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It is the opposite, so it would be Spring.

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Cape Verdi Island are off the west coast of Africa, opposite Senegal.

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Where to find hot weather in December?

try the southern hemisphere! its opposite from the north. so basically it is summer in January.