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Torvald treats Nora like she is his personal doll. The children represent Nora's childlike role in her relationship with Torvald. Just as she fusses over and plays with her children, Torvald plays with her.

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Q: What is the significance of children in 'A Doll's House'?
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When was The House of Dolls created?

The House of Dolls was created in 1955.

Why did European audiences find the character nora in Henrik ibsen's a dolls house scandalous?

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Who created the dolls house?

the person who created the dolls house is jack Richard blewett

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teatro casa de muñecas (also a toy house where children can play, not necessarily dolls)

Do the Goo Goo Dolls have any children?

No. As of 2011, none of the Goo Goo Dolls have any children.

Did the Sioux children have dolls?

Young girls were made dolls, but they stopped playing with their dolls when they were 7.

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Wasn't it the yellow lamp?

Where is Dolls House Emporium Located?

The Dolls House Emporium sells doll houses and miniatures with over 30 wooden dolls houses and 2500 furniture items. The Dolls House Emporium can be found near High Holborn Road, Ripley, Derbyshire, UK.

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maybe. children intend to see things about adults and copy them when they're playing with their dolls.

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The Kickapoo Indian children like to play with cornhusk dolls that their mothers made for them. Sometimes, the dolls even came with cradleboards.

When was dolls house written?