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Q: What percentage of male voters voted for obama?
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Did black American voters elect Obama?

Actually, no. Black people are not a majority in this country, and even if every black person voted the same way (which they do not), that would not put a president in office. As it turned out, the president carried 28 states, most of which had white majorities. And while 96% of black voters did support Obama, so did a large number of young voters, Hispanic voters, and female voters. There was a cross-section from just about every demographic. (It should also be noted that although McCain got more white male voters, 41% of white males voted for President Obama.)

What percentage of eligible voters actually voted in the referenda of 1898 and 1899?

Percentage was very small as only those male eligble voters were entitled to vote, and they had to be British Citizens. ---- The above answer is not strictly correct. Because women had already gained the right to vote in South Australia, they also voted to elect convention delegates in 1897 and they voted in the two rounds of referendums. In the 1900 Western Australian referendum, women also voted. However, women were not entitled to vote in NSW, Victoria, Queensland and Tasmania.

How many police voted for Barack Obama?

We do not have all the break-outs for the 2012 election but we do know it varied with the region of the country. In the south, white male voters overwhelmingly supported Mitt Romney, and some of those voters were undoubtedly members of law enforcement; but Hispanic-American and African-American voters overwhelmingly supported the president, and some of them were members of the law enforcement community too. There are photographs of Mr. Romney in several red states, appearing on stage or at an event with police officers, sheriffs, etc. But there are also photographs of members of law enforcement who campaigned with Democratic candidates and may indeed have voted for Mr. Obama: the National Association of Police Organizations gave the president their endorsement, for example. Thus, at this point, there is no reliable way to know how police officers nation-wide voted.

What percentage of employed adults voted for Barack Obama?

First, it seems to be a conservative talking-point that the people who voted for the president sought "gifts" from him and were mostly unemployed or on welfare This is a myth. Mr. Obama certainly received some votes from the unemployed (as did Mr. Romney), but the available evidence we have is that the people who voted for the president included a wide spectrum of Americans, some of whom were very educated (doctors, professors, scientists) and others of whom were from such coalitions as legal immigrants, working-class people, and yes, people on public assistance. Mr. Romney over-performed with white male voters (getting as much as 80-90% in some states) and did extremely well with senior citizens; while Mr. Obama performed especially well among voters who were Hispanic-Americans (getting about 71% of their vote), Asian-Americans (73%), young voters, African-Americans, and single women. We do not have the final tally yet on the percentages, as some votes are still being counted. But it does not seem that just one group's support gave the president a second term.

Who was the first black male that voted in virgina?


Is the obama's dog male or female?

The Obam's Dog Is A MALE

What US document defined voters as male?

Declaration of independance.

Is Barack Obama a male?

Yes he is.

Is Obama really a woman?

No, he is male.

Is Obama's dog a girl or a boy?

I believe Obama's pet dog is a male.

The founders believed the voters should be?

White,Male,Property Owners

What is the female to male ratio worlwide?

Male percentage 51% Female percentage 49%