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There are two answers for this depending on which constitution you mean.

The first Constitution Act for Canada was in 1867; this was an act by the British Parliament that originally created the Dominion of Canada as part of the Commonwealth.

The modern Canadian constitution derives from the Constitution Act of 1982, which was passed by Canada's parliament and was endorsed by all provinces with the notable exception of Quebec. It requested full political independence from Britain and created an amendment process that was separate from that of the mother country. It also endeavored to guarantee certain collective and individual rights that were part of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

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Q: What year was the Canadian constitution made?
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What year was the Canadian Constitution patriated?


In what year was the Constitution made?

in 1786

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Since Ontario is one of the 10 provinces of Canada, it falls under the Canadian Constitution. For more on the Canadian Constitution click on Canadian Constitution in the Related Links section below.

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The Canadian Constitution was written by many members of the Canadian Parliament. It was called the British North America Act of 1967.

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The current flag was made official in 1965.

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The Canadian constitution is not soley a written document and therefore you cannot quantify the number of pages, words or paragraphs as you can with the American Constitution.

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in 1989 the Canadian charter of rights and freedom was added to the Constitution act.

What is the Canada Act of 1982?

The Canada Act 1982 contains the Canadian Constitution, and made Canada a sovereign country.

What did the Canadian constitution of 1982 do?

The Constitution Act, 1982 created the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and set the formula for making future constitutional amendments. The parallel legislation passed by the Parliament of the United Kingdom made the Constitution Act, 1867 entirely a Canadian piece of legislation, ensuring that Canada would now be able to make any constitutional amendments it wished without the participation of the United Kingdom.