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Q: When is the big dipper visible in Ontario Canada?
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When is the Big Dipper visible?

The Big Dipper is pretty much visible all year long in the Northern Hemisphere.Read more: What_months_of_the_year_can_you_see_the_big_dipper

Can you see Virgo constellation in Canada?

There are many popular constellations that are visible from Canada. Popular constellations include the big and little dipper for example.

What constellation is more famous big dipper or little?

That is relative.Probably the big dipper as it is much more visible than the little dipper.

Why did the Big Dipper usually leads the African Americans to freedom?

the big dipper was was pointing north, towards canada

What constellation will be visible tonight?

The north star and the moon and the big dipper.

Is the big dipper visible over Portugal?

Yes, all constellations are visible at one point through out the seasons.

Why can you not see the big dipper in Texas?

If you're anywhere south of about 35 degrees north latitude, then at least part of the Big Dipper rises and sets; that is, there are some parts of some nights when not all of its stars are visible. If you're farther south than about 40 degrees south latitude, then none of the stars in the Big Dipper is ever visible to you.

How Many Stars Are In Big Dipper?

The big dipper has 7 visible stars. There are really 8 but only 7 can be seen with the naked eye :P

What time of year can the big dipper be seen from Ohio?

The parts when it's night. The big dipper is a circumpolar asterism and is visible year-round from most locations north of the tropics.

What are the most visible constellation?

The most visible constellation year-round is the Big Dipper. in winter, it is probly orion in summer, its probablyyy scorpius

In what way is big dipper helpful?

It helped the slaves get to Canada when slaves were legal.

Why cant a person in Australia use the big dipper to find north?

In much of the southern hemisphere the Big Dipper is not visible. It is only barely visible just above the horizon in the far north of Australia. The Southern Cross, or Crux, is a more useful aid to navigation.