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They don't. However, a salad is used sometimes between courses to remove the taste of the previous course before moving on to something entirely different.

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Q: Why do french eat salad after every meal?
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Best meal to eat on Atkins?

A suggested meal would be beans and salad.

Should salad be eaten before or after meals?

i believe that you eat salad before you eat your steak because it helps you get in the mood. it also is not a strong flavor, (if you dont put everything on it) that helps when you eat your steak because you will not have any other taste in your mouth. one last reason is because that is the way that people have always done it.

Can you eat bread with every meall?

You can eat bread with every meal rather than for every meal. As part of a balanced diet

Which is healthier salad before a meal American way or after a meal European way?

I think what you eat matters more than what order you eat it in. But, I would think that eating the veg ahead of the main meal will make you more likely to eat more salad and less meat and potatoes. However, if you drown it in bleu cheese dressing then you pretty much lose the benefit of a salad. Hope this helps!

Do French people eat cheese in France?

Yes, of course with more than 400 different cheeses. It is often served after the main meal and before the dessert, sometimes accompanied with salad.

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How do I stop feeling full?

Try eating less at each meal, and eat more salad and fruit.

Do bearded dragon have to eat bug an salad an crickets?

For your bearded dragon to be healthiest you should feed him crickets meal worms and Romain lettuce. when he is a baby he probably wont eat the salad, and he will eat a LOT of crickets. when he gets older he will cut back on crickets and go to salad. I would not recommend giving him meal worms until he is full grown they can cause impaction in babies.

Why do the french eat salad before a meal?

The most common way you will find salad served in France is after the main course, just before or after the cheese, and often at the same time. However it may also be served as the hors-d'oeuvre, which seems better for persons who are worried about their diet balance.

When do you eat cheese?

I tend to think that the french would eat cubed cheese with ham on the side. *** In French culture Cheese is eaten in many different forms, cubed, wedges, curdes etc. It is also used in many cooked and cold meals. In French Canada - for example many people eat cheese curds as if they were chips. While they also place them on french fries with gravey - a poutine.

Do Madagascar eat french food?

Rice is a staple in Madagascar, and is eaten at every meal.

What do English people eat with every meal?

Possibly salt.