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Q: Are death stalker scorpion endangered
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Which venom is more toxic Death stalker scorpion or Brazilian wandering spider?

Death Stalker

Where does the Death Stalker Scorpion live?


What is the scientific name for the death stalker scorpion?

A desert scorpion is an arachnid.There are many species of scorpion that live in the desert. One such species is the Desert Hairy Scorpion, which has a scientific name of Hadruras arizonensis.

What is the population of the death stalker scorpion?

Over 9,000!

What is the most poisonous scorpion in the world?

The most dangerous scorpion in the world is either the Deathstalker or one of the Fat Tailed Scorpions. Here are some great links to futher answer. The most poisonous scorpion is the death-stalker scorpion. The name says it all. The Elmwood Park Zoo on the Death-Stalker Scorpion: The Death-Stalker Scorpion: Wikipedia on the Death-Stalker Scorpion:

Taxonomy for death stalker scorpion The family?

taxonomic breakdown

How does a death stalker scorpion move?

it crawls along using its 6 legs

How much legs does a death stalker scorpion have?

8, just like every other arachnid.

How long is the death stalker scorpion?

L. quinquestriatus (Death Stalker) is Yellowin color, and measures 30-77 millimetres (1.2-3.0 in) long, with an average of 58 mm (2.3 in)

Where do deathstalker scorpions live?

The death stalker scorpion inhabits the deserts and scrublands of North Africa to the Middle East.

What is the most venomous scorpion of the world and how much time takes its sting till death of human?

The most venomous scorpion is the Leiurus Quinquestriatus, or the Death Stalker scorpion. But even it isn't likely to kill a healthy adult human. However, the elderly, sick or children have a VERY high risk of dying within a matter of hours from this scorpion.

Is the Palestine Yellow the most dangerous scorpion in the world?

No. The world's most dangerous scorpion is the Death stalker (Leiurus quinquestriatus). See the related link below for the world's top ten deadliest sorpions.