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I have actually been losing on an average of two pounds per day myself and this is how I have been doing it. I was a soda fan and a chocolate fan. I stopped both. About once or twice a week I will have a soda, but I try not to drink it all. If I crave chocolate I either drink a chocolate slim fast, which makes you full for four hours....or I just suck on a couple of M&Ms. Maybe just ten of them. I don't exercise...I drink mostly water. I also have been sick lately so I am not eating much. I rarely take in more than 500-700 calories. It is really hard for the first week or two but after that you honestly get full off of minimal food intake. Good luck with everything!

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Q: How do you lose 2 pounds a day without exercising?
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How long will it take you to lose 15 pounds while walking 2 miles a day and doing weight watchers?

probably around 3 weeks. Good luck!

Can you lose 5 pounds by drinking 4 cups of green tea with out have anything all day?

If it's really possible, it's only temporary (not worth it either because you won't feel that great) but I highly doubt that's true anyway.

Has anyone had a tubal ligation and gained weight instead of losing weight after exercising What did you do to lose the weight and how long did it take to lose it?

sorry, I never had a tubal ligation, but here's what I did to lose weight before and it works. I ate 5 small meals a day and got about four hours of walking everyday. ( you don't have to do four hours of walking a day to lose weight, I just had time for it. ) here's what I ate for each of my 5 meals- 1st meal 1 glass of skim milk 1 turkey sandwich w/ lettuce and mayonnaise 1 apple 2nd meal 2 bowls of special K cereal w/ milk freshly chopped salad w/ sliced oranges 3rd meal Fresh fruit salad w/ yogurt and granola 1 turkey sandwich w/ lettuce and mayonnaise 4th meal 1 banana 1 freshly chopped salad w/orange 1 glass of skim milk 5th meal 1 turkey sandwich w/ lettuce and mayonnaise 1 apple 1 glass of skim milk Doing the diet that I did I lost 2 pounds per week and was able to lose 45 pounds in a period of 5 months. Although 5 months sounds like a long time to lose 45 pounds, consider this, if you lose two pounds a week that's 1 pound every 3 or 4 days, and that's every 3 or 4 days that you will look more slimmer. Many people don't put much value on health and would try the latest in losing weight, such as fad diets and weight losing gimmicks. Don't get fooled by them, it's just a scam to con you out of your money. That sounds like a very effective way to loose weight (having 5 meals a day and walking for 4 hours everyday if you have time). One reason you might be gaining weight intstead of losing it is that you might be gaining mucsle. :-)

How can a 14 year old girl who weighs 163 pounds lose 20 pounds in 1 month?

DIETING ANDWEIGHT LOSSTWENTY POUNDS IS a lot of weight to lose in four weeks. If you are intent on doing it, please follow some basic guidelines. (1) Don't NOT eat, starve yourself or skip meals. Starving actually slows down weight loss. Think of it this way: when your body stops getting food, it thinks it's stranded on an island, and immediately slows down the fat burning process to conserve energy and body fat. (2) Consume less calories (3) Increase your exercise. (4) Make sure the calories you consume are "quality" calories: protein, complex carbohydrates {not simple sugars}, fruit, vegetables etc... (5) VERY IMPORTANT- Eat frequently!! REALLY! Eat small healthful portions 5-6 times a day. This keeps your metabolism in high gear, and your "fat burning furnace" on high. (6) NO JUNK FOOD or FAST FOOD. If you stick to these suggestions, you will lose the weight you want to lose. Good Luck!! go on the scarsdale medical diet! you lose a pound or more a day and it's EASY! look it up on google and it'll tell you what to eat. (only if you want to of course.) also, if you add exercise it'll go even faster. goodluck! by the way, im 14 too. :)

Gospel song i won't last a Day Without You?

carpenters song

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depending on how active you are and how much you want to lose a week would help. there are 3600 calories in a pound so if you cut out a 1000 calories a day you will lose about 2 pounds a week without exercising. So if you eat about 1200 calories a day and work out to burn about 300 calories a day you will lose 2-3lbs a week.

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maybe, maybe not. it depends on how much you eat.

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If you weigh 287 pounds, you can not lose weight by giving up water for 40 days. Water is a necessity for a body. A person can only go a few days without water before starting to shut down. Try exercising and limiting your calorie intake to lose weight.

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It depends on how much you are eating and exercising. It also depends on your calorie deficit. If it's a 500 calorie deficit a day, you will lose a pound a week. If it's a 1,000 calorie deficit a day, you will lose two pounds. Add 500 to each day and you will lose an extra pound. But, it's not good to lose more than 3 pounds a week.

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In order to lose 7 pounds in 7 days, you must burn at least 3,500 calories each day. This can be done by exercising and lowering your calorie intake each day.

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no you cant lose 100 pounds in 1 day

How do you lose 7 pounds in 10 weeks?

Exercising regularly, 1 hour of exercise per day -Gym -Swimming -Running -Cycling -Aerobics -Dancing etc.. Having a healthy diet (low on carbs and fatty foods) Only eating 3 meals a day without sugary snacks, will definitely help you to loose weight along with exercising

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It is simply not possible to lose 25 pounds per day.

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No, it is simply not possible to lose 100 pounds in one day.

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You cannot lose 20 pounds of body weight in one day.

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You cannot lose 40 pounds in one day by any natural means.