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C flat is the same thing as a B. If it was a low B, you'd put all of your right hand fingers down, except the pinkie and then put your middle finger down on your right hand. If it was a high B, you'd put all of your fingers down with the register key.

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15y ago
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13y ago

To play a c sharp on the Clarinet (in the c is on the staff), u would finger a regular c and the key closest to the ring finger and pinky, aka the key that is not next to the other finger keys on the left hand

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12y ago

It depends which octave you're looking for, and since I don't know which one you need, it'd be best to find a fingering chart. I play Bass Clarinet, so I know two different fingerings for E flat on a standard B flat clarinet. The middle range (lower range for clarinet, I think) Is your left thumb (NOT the octave key) and your left pointer finger, with your right pinky pressed down. The next octave up is all your fingers with the back octave key held down as well, with your pinky on the pinky key right below your right ring finger. Hope this helps. (:

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11y ago

You should know that Gb is the same notes as F#. There are four Gb (F#) notes in the clarinet range and there are alternate fingerings for all four, but here are the basic fingerings. Since you are asking the question, you are most likely a beginner trying to play the first one of the notes listed here.

In the low "chalumeau" register second line Gb (the same thing as bottom space F#) is played with the first finger of the left hand alone. no other keys are pressed.

The low Gb written in the space below two ledger lines below the staff

is played with all fingers of both hands closed. The right pinkie is on the F key (nearest the bell in the upper tier of the cluster), and the left hand pinkie is on the top outside key in that cluster.

In the middle "clarion" register the Gb just above the staff (or top line F#) is played with all fingers on the left hand are closed (also pressing the register key with the thumb), and the middle finger of the right hand is closed.

Finally in the upper "altissimo" register the left hand thumb is closed (also pressing the register key) as well as the middle finger of the left hand. The right hand Eb pinkie key is usually indicated for the Gb, too (it's closed for almost the entire altissimo range, but it doesn't make a big difference on the Gb). That Gb is written on the fourth ledger line above the treble staff.

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14y ago

The note Eb or the Eb clarinet? If it's the note then it depends if it's Eb above the staff, on the staff, or below the staff?

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Q: How do you play c sharp on the clarinet?
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How do you play a B sharp on a clarinet?

The piano is a "C" instrument, meaning when it plays a C you hear a C. The clarinet is a "B-flat" instrument which means when a clarinet plays a "C" is sounds a "B-flat." I know this sounds confusing and the easiest thing you can do is play, rewrite the clarinet notes a whole step higher than the piano part.

What are the notes for melody to play on a clarinet?

A,B,C,D, B flat, B sharp, and B natural.

How do you play c sharp off the staff on the clarinet?

Middle C# is played like a normal middle C but using your left pinky on the C# key (just below the bottom key on the top half). If you don't know where it is, look up C# clarinet key.

Is there more than one way to play c on the clarinet?

yes, there are 7 ways to play the c on the clarinet

F chromatic scale clarinet?

the notes for the f clarinet 1 octave is f, f sharp, g, g sharp, a, b flat, b, c, c sharp, d, d sharp, e, f, f sharp you just repeat it for how many octaves to want to do x

How do you play b sharp on a bass clarinet?

B# is the same as C. So low C would be all fingers down, low E key and the bottom thumb key (if your bass clarinet has a low C) Middle C is thumb and 1st 3 fingers Upper C is thumb, register key, all 6 fingers down plus the bottom C key (on either hand) High C is thumb and register key (Super C is thumb, register key and index fingers)

What are the notes for the d scale on the bass clarinet?

D major is: D, E, F sharp, G, A, B, C sharp, D. D minor is: D, E, F, G, A, A sharp, C sharp, D.

Notes for Yankee doodle on clarinet?

G G A G sharp F F D C C B repeat

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How do you play rolling in the deep on clarinet?

play a c ed c ed da ad bbbbb ccccc eeeee

How do you play c sharp?

to play c sharp you can have all keys open or the three on the bottom hand closed with the top three open

How do you play no lie on the clarinet?

G, F, E,D,C,D,E,D,c