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Q: How far would a 100mw am radio signal go?
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Can a radio signal be heard years after being sent?

Yes, if you're far enough away from its source. (Radio travels at the speed of light.)

Which has longer wavelength radio or gamma?

radio waves! radio waves have wavelengths longer than about a millimeter, while visible light has wavelengths around 750 billionths to 400 billionths of a meter.

What determines the range and distance of FM radio signals?

quite a few things come into play. FM stations are basically LOS (line of sight) frequencies, this means that the radio waves will not propagate off the ionosphere. The frequency wavelength is too small to be reflected back to earth so they punch through out into space. The curvature of the earth plays a big factor in how far you can get a FM signal. If the transmitting station is lower in altitude than where the receiver is then the signal will go further. At times due to atmospheric changes you can get a AM radio signal to bounce so you might pick up a signal from Boston up in Alaska but that is not normal.

What is the Nip tuck RADIO commercial song lyrcis are something like this i didn't think you would go this far?

"flashing lights" by Kanye West

How come during the day the radio only gets AM from near but at night you can hear AM radio stations from a distance?

There's a whole lot to it, actually, and real scientific. But basically, you can get AM radio from a distance at night, and only local during the day, because the straight waves of radio bounce from the ionosphere back to earth. The ionosphere is composed differently, depending on if it's day or night. When it's nighttime, the ionosphere reflects much better, thus you can hear stations from farther away.

Related questions

How far does a 100mW laser go?

Some can travel over 25 miles.

Can a radio signal be heard years after being sent?

Yes, if you're far enough away from its source. (Radio travels at the speed of light.)

Did a hotel in Billings MT hear the SOS signal from the sinking Titanic?

Highly unlikely. The radio signal from the ship wasn't strong enough to travel that far.

How far is the range on an FM tranmitter for a car radio?

The range on an FM transmitter for a car radio is roughly designed to transmit a radio signal to more than 500 meters away in the FM broadcasting band.

How many hours would it take a radio signal that's 6.00 10 to the 9 power to reach earth?

It's not clear what the number in the question refers to. The frequency or wavelength of the signal have no effect on the time required for it to reach earth. The only important number is: How far it has to travel. The signal would take 1 hour for every 670,615,200 miles it has to cover.

How far does the signal reach for a cb two way radio?

Typically, the signal that the cb two way radios can transmit would go up to a few miles on a good day. However, the likelihood is more likely that the signals will only travel one or two miles.

How far from home can you travel before you no longer hear local radio stations?

It depends on the signal strength of the radio station and its antenna, competing radio frequencies, the land's terrain, and the atmospheric conditions. Radio waves can travel great distances without obstacles. Depending on atmospheric conditions, the radio waves can travel hundreds of miles out of the local range. For example, you might pick up a Texas broadcast in the Northeast.) However, if the terrain is hilly or mountainous, the signal would not travel as far. Generally speaking, radio waves can travel about a 50 mile radius from the station's antenna.*It can also depend on whether it is an AM or FM station, and what other stations compete for a near-bandwidth.

How far is the cape hatteras signal visible?

how far is the signal visible in miles

How can radio waves be transmitted over half the world?

The Earths ionosphere reflects low frequency radio waves. At night it moves higher up. You can literally aim your antenna at it and bounce a signal to a very far away location.

How far can a radio wave travel into space?

Radio waves can travel indefinitely through space until they dissipate or are absorbed by particles in space. The farthest man-made radio signal, the Voyager 1 spacecraft, has been transmitting radio signals back to Earth from over 14 billion miles away.

What would cause the radio in a new 2004 Lincoln Navigator tuned to AM 750 to make the sound vacillate from muffled to clear audio?

== == Is it only this station that is coming in poorly? If so it may that the station's signal is weak or located in a place that is far away. The other thing to check.........the antenna cable jack at the back of the radio may be loose.

What are reasons for electrical interference on car radios?

Electrical interference in a car radio is the same as electrical interference on any radio. Radio interference is literally the sound of the air. When a radio signal is broadcast, the frequency that was previously only occupied by air is overpowered and drowned out, thus you hear the broadcast frequency clearly. When the broadcast frequency is weak (i.e. you are too far away or something is blocking the signal), the frequency cannot completely overpower the air and thus you hear some of both.