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actually! The ending, it is up to you to decide whether or not it is happy. We find out that Ah Ken and Xiao Feng were originally a god and goddess up in heaven, sent down to earth to find the Love Contract as punishment for being too rowdy and unloving. Ah Ken decides that if they cannot be together in life, it is better to die together, and he brings her to the ocean that had brought the two of them together so long ago and, carrying her bridal style in his arms, walks bravely into the crashing waves. Moreover, it turns out that the contract between Ah Ken and Xiao Feng had Xiao Bai as a third party beneficiary. In addition, in the closing credits we also learn that the contract also involved a covenant not to compete. The ocean once again brings the two together. As they have finally understood the meaning of love, the two are allowed to resurrect as immortal beings again. The lovers are reunited and they run around the beach and laugh and play before continuing on their way, presumably to heaven. Then, time goes on (and a hermit crab scuttles across the camera) and Xiao Feng and Ah Ken return to earth to do something that they never got to do. Get married. Dressed in their wedding glory, they speak of how much they miss their friends. Suddenly, all of their friends run toward them (we're presuming that their friends have also died) and congratulate them. "It's been too long since we last saw each other!" they say. Everyone is very happy to see each other. Even Xiao Bai, who had died so much earlier than everyone else, is able to join them. The drama is over, and after so much for everyone, they are finally able to indulge in something that is 100% happiness! This final interpretation explores both the boundaries of love and the concept of reincarnation.

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