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Q: What song has a siren sound in it it sounds like something by the arcade fire?
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What is the function of an IC UM3561?

it is used to generate 4 kinds of sounds-police siren,fire alarm,ambulance and gun siren

Makr a list of all the sounds that warn you of danger?

Fire alarm sound,anbulance siren sound,alarm bell sound and car theft alarm.

Is a siren a sound source or a sound reciver?

A siren makes a sound and that's why it must be a sound source.

Do golden retrievers howl in the night?

Golden retrievers howl when they hear a sound that hurts their ears, such as a fire siren. A golden's howl actually sounds just like a fire siren.

Name something that makes a startling sound?

car horn, siren, gun shot alarm thunder

Do greek myths the sirens make sound?

Yes, they make a sound like a siren. Hence the name "Siren".

What is the sound in a chase scene?


Name something that sound sleepers often sleep through?

Storms Alarm Clock Phone Ringing Siren Earthquake

What makes some sounds loud and some sounds soft?

When you bang something soft the sound will be soft and when you bang something hard the sound will be loud.The same with talking, if you talk loudly the sound will be loud and when you talk quietly the sound will be soft.

What sound does a siren make?

A wail

What is a sound that starts with s?

Saxophone, scream, sheep, shotgun, siren, sneeze, snore, squeak, subway and synthesizer are sounds that people recognize. They begin with the letter s.

What sounds do you recognize as warning or alerts?

Common warning or alert sounds include siren, beep, buzz, alarm, or any other loud or repetitive noise meant to grab attention and indicate a potential danger or important message. These sounds are designed to prompt immediate action or response to ensure safety or address an urgent situation.