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Nerve pathways are slim, however neurones are small in size therefore the total amount of atoms in the impulse is enough to fit through a gap in the pathway of neurons

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Q: How an impulse can continue to travel along a nerve pathway when there's a gap between two neurons?
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What do the neurons of the motor pathway control?

Motor pathway neurons control your motor skills such as walking, running, lifting your arm.

The simplest pathway of an impulse is?

A Reflex

What impulse conduction is the fastest in neurons?

Axons conduct the nerve impulses. Dendrites receive the impulses. Possible the impulses go through the dendrites faster, though the synaptic cleft may slow this pathway. Dendrites are much shorter than axons.

What is the name of the short pathway that carries the impulse for an automatic response?

The short pathway that carries the impulse for an automatic response is called a reflex arc.

Drugs act on the neurons in the reward pathway or the?

Drugs act on the neurons in the limbic system.

What is a neuron serving as part of the conduction pathway between sensory and motor neurons?

Interneurons are neurons found within the central nervous system (primarily the brain or spinal cord) that connect sensory (afferent) neurons to motor (efferent) neurons. Often these neurons are part of a polysynaptic reflex arc.interneurons. They are also called association neurons.

What pathway does a nerve impulse follow after initiated into a receptor?

nerve my a$$ nerve

How does the four major elements of a simple nervous pathway function during pain withdrawal reflex?

During a pain withdrawal reflex impulses are sent through different nerves and to the spinal cord. This reflex does not make it to the brain but only to the spinal cord. We call this involuntary action because we dont control reflexes. The sensory neurons are the first to recieve the impulse, then they travel to the interneurons, or associative neurons, and then they go to the motor neurons which carries the impulse to the central nervous system. Then the effector is the response, so in this case your musscle will contract.

Why does a reflex nerve pathway move faster than a normal nerve transmission?

Reflex nerve pathway is a monosynaptic transmission. There are no interneurons involved. Only the limb that carries the afferent nerve impulse from the stimulus and the efferent motor function for the reflex involved. That is why it is faster. Normal nerve transmission require an interpretation of the impulse by the brain whereas reflex pathways do not. Another reason is because most reflexes from the exteroreceptors travel along myelinated axons (white matter) which carry the impulse faster than other neurons that have unmyelinated axons (grey matter).

The motor pathway of the autonomic nervous system usually involves how many neurons?


What type of nuerons conduct nerve impulses along an efferent pathway?

Motor neurons

What is the majority of all afferent pathways pass through and synapse with neurons?

The motor neuron is the final common pathway for all neurons to travel to complete their synapse. Afferent neurons or unipolar neurons all pass through the cord and brain on this journey.