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the amount of cheese that the Chinese sneeze is measured in the degrees of how much the Chinese is allergic to cheese therefore the cheese that the Chinese sneeze goes great with peas but only if the Chinese who sneezed the cheese said please before it sneezed the cheese

this is cuz its the bee's knees for cheese in a Chinese after eating peas before saying please. jeez

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Q: How much cheese can a Chinese sneeze if a Chinese could sneeze cheese?
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I'm gonna sneeze in your bucket.

Is it better to sneeze or not to?

It's much better to let yourself sneeze. You sneeze because there's something inside your nose that isn't supposed to be there. When you sneeze, the air blasts out whatever was bothering your nose. Also, the pressure from holding in a sneeze could hurt your ears.

How much power is in a sneeze?

It is approximated, that there is about 0.3 Joules of energy in a sneeze. A sneeze refers to a convulsive expulsion of the air from the lungs through the nose and mouth.

Why do you sneeze 12 times?

You may have allergies if you sneeze that much at once. It can depend on the situation and the triggers. Pay attention to where and when you sneeze, and you can also consult a doctor if the problem persists.

Is blue cheese harmful or helpful?

Blue cheese is not harmful . They could never sell so much of it if it was harmful in any way.

Who can sneeze with their eyes open?

pretty much no one!

What happens when you sneeze too much?

You turn into a cactus

How much does a cup of cheese sauce weigh?

You haven't specified the amount of cheese sauce nor the size of the cup, so the answer is that it could be anything.

What is an example of a sentence using the word sneeze?

The flowers made her sneeze.You'll sneeze if you put too much pepper on your food.Cover your nose and mouth when you sneeze or you'll spread germs.He heard a sneeze from the next room. The house was supposed to be empty.

How much water comes out of your mouth when you sneeze?

Tens of thousands of tiny droplets fly out of your mouth when you sneeze, along with bits of mucus from your nose.

How much cheese is made in one year and how much does it weigh in pounds?

Nobody could possibly answer that. Cheese is made in almost every country in the world in all kinds of dairies, farms and even homes.

What determines how many times you sneeze in a row?

How much your nose is tickled.