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its the same as san or sama just in a familiar form

it means miss ms or master rarely mr.

it means your name ex, ******* then Chan as a sign of good fortune and respect

From my understanding from watching "Rurouni Kenshin" Chan can mean little.


(Bob saying to his young neice [Fred] whom is 4yrs old) " Hi fredu-Chan " or "Hi little Fred"

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ちゃん (chan) expresses that you find the person endearing. Usually this honorific is used for babies (赤ちゃん [akachan]), young children, and teenage girls, but it can also be used for cute animals, lovers, close friends, or youthful women. This honorific should not be used with a superior's name as it would be condescending.

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Q: What does Chan at the end of a name mean in Japanese?
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