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Responding to similar stimuli is known as generalization in classical conditioning. This occurs when an organism responds to a stimulus that is similar, but not identical, to the original conditioned stimulus that was paired with an unconditioned stimulus.

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Q: Responding to stimuli that are similar-but not identical-to a conditioned stimulus is call?
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What is the answer to this the tendency to respond to a stimulus that is only similar to the original conditioned stimulus with the condition response?

The answer is generalization. It involves responding to not just the original conditioned stimulus, but to similar stimuli as well.

In classical condotioning the conditioned stimulus will trigger the?

conditioned response. The conditioned stimulus is a previously neutral stimulus that, after being paired with an unconditioned stimulus, goes on to trigger a response.

When can a conditioned response be extinguished?

A conditioned response can be extinguished through repeated presentation of the conditioned stimulus without the unconditioned stimulus. Over time, the association between the conditioned stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus weakens, leading to a decrease or disappearance of the conditioned response.

A learned response elicited by a conditioned stimulus?

A learned response elicited by a conditioned stimulus is known as a conditioned response. It is acquired through classical conditioning, where an initially neutral stimulus (conditioned stimulus) becomes associated with an unconditioned stimulus to elicit a specific response. Over time, the conditioned stimulus alone can trigger the conditioned response.

What is the conditioned response that resemble the conditioned stimulus?

The conditioned response is the learned response that is triggered by the conditioned stimulus. It is typically similar to the unconditioned response that is naturally elicited by the unconditioned stimulus.

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Responding to stimuli that are similar but not identical to a conditioned stimulus is called?

Stimulus Generalization-

Is Pregnancy unconditioned or conditioned stimulus?

conditioned stimulus

How does a neutral stimulus become a conditioned stimulus?

A neutral stimulus becomes a conditioned stimulus through a process called classical conditioning. This happens when the neutral stimulus is paired consistently with an unconditioned stimulus that naturally elicits a response. Over time, the neutral stimulus begins to evoke the same response as the unconditioned stimulus, becoming a conditioned stimulus.

When can a conditioned response be extinguished?

A conditioned response can be extinguished through repeated presentation of the conditioned stimulus without the unconditioned stimulus. Over time, the association between the conditioned stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus weakens, leading to a decrease or disappearance of the conditioned response.

In classical condotioning the conditioned stimulus will trigger the?

conditioned response. The conditioned stimulus is a previously neutral stimulus that, after being paired with an unconditioned stimulus, goes on to trigger a response.

What is generalizing response?

Also called stimulus generalization. the act or process of responding to a stimulus similar to but distinct from the conditioned stimulus.Also called response generalization. the act or process of making a different but similar response to the same stimulus.Also called mediated generalization. the act or process of responding to a stimulus not physically similar to the conditioned stimulus and not previously encountered in conditioning.(fosfatidilserina)the act or process of perceiving similarity or relation between different stimuli, as between words, colors, sounds, lights, concepts or feelings; the formation of a general notion.

What can happen if a conditioned stimulus is repeated over and over without being paired with an unconditioned stimulus?

Nothng. No response is elicited to the conditioned stimulus because it is not associated with an unconditioned stimulus.

How are the strongest associations between the conditioned stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus formed?

The strongest associations between the conditioned stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus are formed through repeated pairings of the two stimuli. When the conditioned stimulus reliably predicts the unconditioned stimulus, learning occurs through classical conditioning. The more consistent and closely timed the pairings, the stronger the association becomes.

What do you call the tendency to respond to a stimulus that is similar but not identical to a conditioned stimulus?

Generalization is the tendency to respond to a stimulus that is similar but not identical to a conditioned stimulus.

When a neutral stimulus becomes a conditioned stimulus has occurred?

When a neutral stimulus acquires the ability to elicit a response by being repeatedly paired with an unconditioned stimulus, it becomes a conditioned stimulus through a process called classical conditioning. This process involves the neutral stimulus eventually triggering the same response as the unconditioned stimulus.

When salivation occurs in response to a previously neutral stimulus it is called a?

conditioned response, specifically in the context of classical conditioning. This type of learning involves associating the neutral stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus to elicit the response.

In Pavlovs experiments the tone was the?

Conditioned stimulus