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Paul Revere made an engraved copy of the scene where British soldiers fired on citizens at the Boston Massacre. It wasn't an original piece of work by Revere, though. He copied the work of Henry Pelham, the original engraver.

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Paul Revere used Propaganda to convince people that the civilians were defenseless at the Boston Massacre.

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Q: Which event was etched by paul revere and used as a anti- british propaganda?
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What event was propaganda used by the colonists against british?

Showe British troops firing on orderly crowd

What event that five colonists were killed was used as a propaganda to turn more colonists against the British?

The event was the Boston Massacre.

How did Samuel Adams and other colonial protester use the shooting as propaganda?

The Boston Massacre was not really a massacre, but more like a riot. In fact only five people died. One of the most common myths is that the BM was the event that led to the Revolutionary War. In fact, many important events led up to the massacre. It was called a massacre by the use of Propaganda. It mainly started by the British trying to enforce laws. British Soldiers were sent to America to enforce the Proclamation and to maintain order but their presence just made matter worse. It all started March 5 by a couple of boys throwing snowballs at British soldiers. A crowd soon gathered throwing ice and making fun of them. Soon after, the British started firing wildly. Other weapons were clubs, knives, swords, and a popular weapon, your own bare hands.

How was the Boston mascare used for propaganda purpose?

The Boston Massacre was merely a feeble shooting. The Colonists usso as to get someed it as propaganda by calling it a Massacre, to make it sound like it was a very serious event. It was to try to make other people angry and join the continental congress

How did British and Americans use propaganda in early 1700s Boston?

The Boston Massacre was not really a massacre, but more like a riot. In fact only five people died. One of the most common myths is that the BM was the event that led to the Revolutionary War. In fact, many important events led up to the massacre. It was called a massacre by the use of propaganda. It mainly started by the British trying to enforce laws. British Soldiers were sent to America to enforce the Proclamation and to maintain order but their presence just made matter worse. It all started March 5 by a couple of boys throwing snowballs at British soldiers. A crowd soon gathered throwing ice and making fun of them. Soon after, the British started firing wildly. Other weapons were clubs, knives, swords, and a popular weapon, your own bare hands.

Related questions

What event was used a propaganda to raise the fevor against british troops?

Paul Revere made an engraving of the Boston Massacre which was used as propaganda against the British.

Who claimed the Boston massacre to be a massacre?

Paul Revere when he drew a famous peice of propaganda of the event showing the British shooting straight at the "innocent" colonists.

Can you use etching of Paul revere as an accurate record of event?

No. Revere was an expert at showing events as propaganda. This is what he did with the handbills he produced on the Boston massacre.

What event was propaganda used by the colonists against british?

Showe British troops firing on orderly crowd

What event that five colonists were killed was used as a propaganda to turn more colonists against the British?

The event was the Boston Massacre.

What happend on Paul Revere's big event?

Paul Rever didn't have a big event, he had his ride, most commonly referred to as the Midnight Ride of Paul Revere. During this ride it was Revere's job to notify the local population of the arrival of British troops prior to the battles of Lexington and Concord.

How did Samuel Adams and Paul Revere use propaganda to rally colonists after the Boston Massacre?

Revere drew handbills showing the troops shooting colonist, but Adams had nothing to do with it. He was the lawyer for the troops who were put on trial for the event.

Why did the Boston masssacre ocurred?

It was really a very small event that happened because a group of colonist had been drinking and were yelling and throwing snow balls that British troops. It became famous because it was used as propaganda and Revere made his picture of what happened in the event. Historians have proven that the facts we think we know aren't the facts at all. Actually, there were other events before this that were worse, but the propaganda worked very well and is still in effect today.

What is the name of the event in which Samuel Adams and paul revere threw british tea into Boston harbor?

The Boston Tea Party

Who drew the official picture of the Boston massacre?

Paul Revere made and sold copies of Henry Pelham'sengravings of the Boston Massacre. Another engraver, Jonathan Mulliken, also made and sold prints of the event

WHY was the Boston massacre a big deal?

Because it was used to get people mad. It was Propaganda for the people who wanted to have a revolution. Paul Revere made the sketch for the newspapers and handbills showing the shooting of the colonist by the British troops. The history channel has a wonderful film on this event in its series Unsolved History that shows what really happened.

Why was the Boston Massacre made a big deal?

Because it was used to get people mad. It was propaganda for the people who wanted to have a revolution. Paul Revere made the sketch for the newspapers and handbills showing the shooting of the colonist by the British troops. The history channel has a wonderful film on this event in its series Unsolved History that shows what really happened.