Hinduism and Sheikism and Buddhism are 3 of them. Hinduism is most common.
Buddhism and Hinduism.
Buddhism was founded by the Buddha, and nobody knows who founded Hinduism.
In buddhism Anyone can enter Nirvana, no matter how lowly, whereas in Hinduism only the brahmins could achieve moksha.InBuddhism, there are no gods. The Buddhais not a god. In Hinduism there are many Gods.Karma is not earned by following the dharma of your caste.
Hinduism and Buddhism agree that a person life on earth is
Rather ironically, as Buddha was from India, Hinduism is far more common in India.
Same religion ( Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism,Hinduism, and Islam
Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, animism and Islam.
Sikhism existed from Hinduism so there is many things common. Such as humanity self defense & Peace.