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  • The role of religion in today's society should be to help heal the individual. When individuals are healed, families are healed, and when families are healed, society is healed. Most of the problems of today's society can be healed through following our religious moral codes, like the Ten Commandments. Christianity advises and warns because they believe that lives will be better enriched if they follow the will of God. Religion feeds the hunger of the soul and your soul has more needs than your physical body does.
  • Though it has weakened over time, in society religion plays the role of guidance. Without it mankind would be nothing more than animals. Most of our problems could be solved by following religious morals.
  • The role that religion sometimes plays in society is evidence by all the animosity, bigotry and intolerance in the world today and also on this R&S forum. Religion has a very powerful influence in economics and politics. It can be a very effective and rewarding tool in the hands of shrewd individuals.

This animosity is abundantly evident in the Middle East and the civil wars in India and Sri Lanka or Pakistan. The acts of terrorism against Americans are also evidence of religious bigotry. Some religious leaders can be seen using their religious fallacies to enrich themselves and to manipulate others to satisfy their selfish endeavors. There are religions where acts of bigotry, barbarism, oppression and terrorism have become less prominent than they were in the times of the vicious religious invasions. There is still evidence of religious bigotry in judicial, educational and financial establishments in many countries around the world. Even on this network there is the experience of condescending prejudice against those who dares to challenge what some consider to be a myth.

There are many countries around the world where religion governs the legislative framework and the mechanisms of the state and is therefore used to oppress and persecute those who do not conform to the economically superior dogmas.

There is an abundance of evidence in many societies worldwide, where religious bigots persecute men and women because of their sexual or racial preference. They also oppress some individual's right to terminate unhealthy, unwanted and unaffordable pregnancies. There are also religious cults that control economies, drugs and weapons.

  • Religion and today society should not be separated because religions play a very important role in bringing the society in unity, mutual co-operation, understanding and peace in the society. When we have a problem or violence in the community, we deal with religious term and could solve many problems in a peaceful way. Many destructive things are avoided through the role play by religion. Every member who is aware of their respective religion can think positively and can build a healthier society. A community where there is no religion is at risk of problems and challenges whereas a community or a society will be of more joyous and peaceful.
  • Religion is very much the same today as it was when at the beginning. It serves to manipulate people to fanatically accept theological concepts that has no actual evidence that can be proven beyond doubt.
It therefore conflicts with other equally fabricated theologies from other groups causing hate and war.

Religion has the greatest value for the leaders of each group as it gives them power to control the belief and actions of large groups of people that can be manipulated to serve their personal financial agendas.

Religion continues to play on human fear of death as a most effective tool for keeping them obedient to the set of social rules created by the men (Gods) that rule over them to keep their actions confined to that of a herd of cows.

  • Religion is an inspiration for human behavior. Sometimes it contains rules for behavior. It teaches the tenets of the faith. Religion is supposed to be a positive force in the society and will inspire good works and make people feel informed and part of the group.
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11y ago
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3d ago

Religion can provide individuals with a sense of purpose, community, and guidance for moral beliefs and behavior. It can also offer comfort and support during difficult times, and serve as a source of rituals and traditions that help to maintain cultural identity and cohesion. Additionally, for some people, religion may help to shape their worldview and provide a framework for understanding the world and their place within it.

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9y ago

Looking at The Bible as a reference of a progressive civilization, starting from. Egypt whose knowledge was inspired by the worship of. Gods (i.e mummy, pyramid).

Babylonians were also great worshiped idols was characterized by a. very organized government, and again.

Romans and greeks were strong idol worshippers who brought most of the ideas we use these days.

i.e have any one thought how Sir. Avogadro got the Avogadro's number (6.02 x 10^23). no human can ever count this number, even a computer that counts 1 million per second will take about 1 million years to finish counting.

Charles Babbage and. Aada Lovace King within the span of 60 years created the computer but Thomas Eisten took 99 attempts to create a common electric bulb.

knowledge is inspirational from spirits, therefore that which you worshp aid you and thats the world's system of civilization.

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15y ago

religon is a major part of devoloping new nations

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13y ago

Tends to provide stability during conflict and helps people adapt to change.

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11y ago

If people truly follow the religion they claim to, it affects their actions, thoughts, and choices.

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Q: What roles does religion play in peoples lives?
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What role did religion play in the lives of the people of catal huyuk?

Although no identifiable temples have been found, the graves, murals, and figurines show that the people of Çatalhöyük had a religion rich in symbols.

What was romeo Montague's religion?

If i do remember correctly, it was Roman catholic.

Describe the role of women in religion?

The role of women in religion varies across different faiths and cultures. In some religions, women play significant leadership and spiritual roles, while in others they may have more limited roles or restrictions. Overall, women have historically played crucial roles in preserving and transmitting religious traditions and teachings.

What is the difference between a religious family and a non religious family?

A religious family typically follows a specific set of beliefs, practices, and traditions associated with a religion, which may play a central role in their daily lives. In contrast, a non-religious family may not adhere to any organized religion, and their values, morals, and family dynamics may be influenced by secular or personal beliefs rather than religious teachings.

Who can parent play most improtent role in my life?

Parents play a crucial role in shaping a person's development and well-being. They provide emotional support, guidance, and structure which can greatly influence a child's values, beliefs, and behaviors. A strong parent-child relationship can have a lasting impact on a person's self-esteem, mental health, and overall success in life.

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Religion changes every single day i might ask?