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A:There is no historical evidence that King Herod ever killed any infants. Even the Jewish historian, Josephus does not mention such an episode, although he documents everything he could record to the detriment of Herod.

Scholars believe the nativity account in Matthew's Gospel, where this story is told, is only a literary invention with no historical basis. They point out that the author of Matthewhad drawn several parallels between Moses and Jesus, so the story of King Herod killing all the babies under two years old parallels the Old Testament story of the Pharaoh killing all the babies under two years old.

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2h ago

Herod ordered the killing of the babies in Bethlehem around 4-6 BCE according to the biblical account in the Gospel of Matthew. The event is known as the Massacre of the Innocents.

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15y ago

Because he was afraid one of them was the foretold King of the Jews, and he thought that this king would take over his role as king and depose King Herod.

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14y ago

All the babies under two years were killed according to the order of king Herod so the future king of the Jews would also be killed, and he would be supreme ruler.

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12y ago

He wanted all "male" babies killed so he could be sure Jesus was killed.

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10y ago

According to stories King Herod died a horrible death,where worms came out of his ears,mouth, nose and his bottom. His subjects were afriad to go near him and he died alone.

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