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The First Amendment relates to your right of free speech, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

However, this is not a free pass. While you've the right to post something online about how you don't like the Department of Motor Vehicles, if you criticize one of them while at the DMV, you may well be asked (made) to leave.

Likewise, discussions on the nature of liberty will not be allowed at airport security points. Or a lot of other places.

You should regard your "right" to criticize a government official as on a par with your "right" to bear arms. You, by a literal reading of the Constitution, have a "right" to do either, with no restrictions.

But you'd do well to exercise MUCH prudence.

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The First Amendment. Because it guarantees freedom of speech, the First Amendment gives Americans the right to criticize any part of the American government.

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The 1st Amendment gives citizens the right to freedom of speech. Criticizing the government is Political Speech; the most constitutionally protected type of speech.

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The first amendment guarantees freedom of speech and freedom of the press.

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The first amendment

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Q: Which amendment allows people to protest against the government?
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Which amendment allows people to protest the government?

The First Amendment allows people to publicly demonstrate or protest what they want to apply.

What First Amendment does concerns?

The First Amendment to the Bill of Rights is referred to as "Freedom of Speech". It protects American citizens' rights to speak out against the government (freedom of speech), to belong to whatever religion they choose (freedom of religion), does not allow the government to restrict the media (freedom of the press), and allows private citizens to assemble, or protest, without fear of government retaliation (freedom of assembly).

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It doesn't have to be Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, or Norway; the 1st Amendment protects US citizens to peaceably assemble to protest.

What document allows citizens the right to protest?

the ist amendment to the constitution provides for free speech and the right to peaceably assemble.

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The 16th

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What are you asking? There is no amendment in the U.S. constitution that allows the government to confiscate guns. The 2nd amendment guarantees U.S. citizens the right to bear arms.

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5th Amendment

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The tenth amendment is known for being supportive of states' rights. The amendment allows the state to bypass the federal government in regards to specific political powers.

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The Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution allows Congress to levy an income tax against individuals.

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