

Are emo girls skinny

Updated: 4/30/2024
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12y ago

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Most emo girls are pretty skinny. People concider me emo & I em a little skinny. And I DO love food xD

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2mo ago

It's important not to generalize or stereotype individuals based on their appearance or style. Emo girls, like individuals of any group, come in all shapes and sizes. It's best to focus on respecting and accepting people for who they are, rather than making assumptions based on their appearance.

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What are emo pplz?

emo people are just like other people but they are very emotional. they tend to like colors like black and anything neon. and where stuff like skinny jeans, band shirts and lots of eyeliner :)

How do emo people dress and why do they dress that way?

Emo people often dress in dark or muted colors, skinny jeans, band t-shirts, and hair with bangs covering their eyes. This style reflects their emotional expression and unique identity, as well as aligning with the emo subculture's music and aesthetic preferences.

How do say emo in Japanese?

Emo in Japanese is エモ (emo).

Do emo or scene guys only like skinny emo or scene girls?

Guys like girls if they look good and also for their personality, style, interests, etc. If you are fat, no, a scene guy probably wont be interested in you. If you are normal size, however, you might have a good chance if your interests match his. He will like you no matter what if you can win his attention. Flirt, be yourself, and don't try to hard. A. uhmm haha.very funny. emo or scene guys can like any catergories of girls. well not in a hoookerface kind of wayy but in a sense of a way of some sort..usually theyll be cool and honest.usually most of them don't care about your the other person said--be yourself. i mean goshh if he likes you he can loook past it all-especially if hes scene or emo.------but FYI some emo and scene guys don't like flirty all in their face girls♥ B. Emo or Scene guys like any girls. One time, I was in Gettysburg and this Emo kid was checking me out and smiling at me. He looked like he wanted to talk to me, and I was looking as preppy as preppy gets. So just be yourself, and I'm sure Scene and Emo guys will like you =) C. No, we don't. I don't really care about what clique or whatever you're in i don't care if prep,scene,emo etc. If i like the girl and we have a lot in common and she likes me then sure thing. On weight skinnier girls are fine with me and a little more to hold on to dosent bother me but if you're talking like obese in extreme then it bothers me a bit. I have nothing wrong with them but yeah but to answer no we don't just like skinny emo or scene girls as long as we both are happy there is no reason.That's like saying do Americans only date Americans no they don't. Label drama is lame. People who say stuff like "preps and goths hate emos and scenesters." That's just stupid and ignorant. I'm scene and I'm really into a goth guy and he's into me too. If a guy likes you, he'll be sure to let you know. :) x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x That's so lame. All guys are different, some 'scene' (stupid label btw) guys LIKE fat chicks. Some like skinny chicks. All guys have their own taste. A few piercings and amazing hair doesn't change what type they like really. :3 C'mon looks do matter but by that i mean you don't have to be beautiful or even pretty be you and that's pretty enough. People have to face the truth a guy isn't going to like a very ugly girl (not saying that you are I have not seen you) I mean would you like a guy that gross ugly? Its f*****d up but its true. Don't get all "scene looking" just for scene guys to notice you. That never works. I bet you you'd get more attention with your own style if your not copying everyone. Also in general it's so lame why the hellz do people label themselves anyways? People act like if "Scene", "emo", or "goth" kids are like a different species. They're people when people call meh scene I say "nu I'm not scene, emo, or goth, I'm me."

How do you dress emo?

To dress emo, you can wear dark clothing such as black skinny jeans, band t-shirts, studded belts, and chunky boots. You can also incorporate accessories like layered chokers, wristbands, and band patches to complete the look. Emo fashion often involves mixing punk, goth, and alternative styles to express individuality and emotions.

Related questions

Do emo girls like Latinos?

Emo girls usually just guys who are Emo's too, but they can like anyone!

Are emo girls more cute than normal girls?

No, being emo will not make a girl automatically cuter. There are emo girls who are cuter than non-emo girls and the other way round too, being emo really has nothing to do with cuteness at all.

How can a girl look emo?


What t to do to become EMO?

skinny jeans emo hair cut band tee hi tops!

Do they sell emo clothes in Macy's?

Yes and no they sell skinny jeans but I don't think the sell band t shirts and I'm sure they have other emo clothes emi clothes for girls are just a bunch of clothes put together

How do you dress more emo?

You get an emo style haircut, chopped layers are best and wear black with skinny jeans.

Are skinny girls ugly?

Obviously a matter of opinion but who likes seeing someones ribs (not me) same, i don't think anybody like's to c ribs of people only emo's.

Do emo girls like non-emo guys or is it possible for a non-emo guy to get a emo girl to like him?

they must have converted to being emo soon for it to happen. If the girl is sterotype emo then Most likly no. they do alot of dating withen the group. If they do find you attractive the relashinip will not last actually, as an emo, I can say that not all emo girls go for emo guys. emo girls can date non-emo guys if she wants to. the only thing that matters is whats on the inside.

Can emo girls get SHORT emo boy haircuts like the short midneck and layred and with the bang swipe?

Absolutely, emo girls can have any hair they wish.

Why do some emo couples share jeans?

Because the emo boyfriend is just as skinny as their girlfriend so they can fit the same jeans.

Are there more emo boys or girls?

boys. but emo girls that aren't Mexican are hotter then the guys. (in my opinion!) ;o

Do all emo boys or girls worship emo gods?

No, they do not. Emo boys and girls all worship the gods that everyday people do. They are no different. is there even an emo god? dud. i am sorry, but what type of question is that.^_^