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The Canadian Shield is a geographic formation in the north central, and slightly eastern area of Canada. If your question is actually how many people speak French and live on or near the Canadian Shield, there are a few, but not many. The majority of French speaking Canadians live either in the Province of Quebec, and the Province of Manitoba. While a reasonably sized chunk of the Shield does lay in Manitoba, it is not the portion of Manitoba that is largely French speaking. That being said, I am French Canadian, and I was born in a small town, right on top of the Canadian Shield :)

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4d ago

It is estimated that approximately 2.6 million people speak French in the Canadian Shield region, which covers a vast area in central and eastern Canada. French is one of the official languages of Canada and is widely spoken in this region, especially in provinces like Quebec and parts of Ontario.

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How many people were present at the l Have a Dream speech?

There were about 250,000 people present at the March on Washington, August 28, 1963, when he gave the speech. The speech was also shown live on all three major networks; CBS covered the whole event live all day, and NBC and CBS interrupted regular programming to broadcast the speech.

Why do fat people have somewhat slurred speech?

Factors like obesity can sometimes lead to conditions like sleep apnea, which may affect speech patterns due to disrupted sleep and breathing. Additionally, excess weight can contribute to issues with oral motor functions and muscle control, impacting speech clarity. It's important to consult a healthcare professional to determine the specific cause in each case.

Can you give a speech to convince?

Of course! I can help you with points you can include in your speech to convince your audience on a specific topic. Just let me know the topic you have in mind.

What is a demographic characteristic of a speech audience?

An example of a demographic characteristic of a speech audience is their age range. This can impact their interests, values, and level of understanding of the topic being discussed.

Why do preschoolers use private speech?

Preschoolers use private speech as a way to regulate their thoughts and actions. It helps them work through problems or tasks, plan their actions, and practice language skills. Over time, this self-directed speech becomes internalized and contributes to their cognitive development.

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