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40% of the population.

470 million.

In the State of the Nation survey in 2006,

31% are lacto-vegetarian

9% are lacto-ovo vegetarian

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There are approximately 30-40% of Indians who practice some form of vegetarianism, which translates to hundreds of millions of individuals.

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Q: How many vegetarians are there in India?
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Which country has the most vegetarians?

India has the most number of vegetarians. According to various sources (including Food and Agricultural Organization, UNO and United States Department of Agriculture, USA), about 30% (average of estimates) of Indian population is vegetarian. That means as of 2010 more than 300 million Indians are vegetarians. Indian vegetarians are rarely vegans and mostly lacto vegetarians (that is, vegetarians who consume milk, but not meat or eggs). There are substantial lacto ovo vegetarians (that is, who consume milk and eggs, but not meat), too.

How many vegetarians are there in the world?

It is estimated that there are around 375 million vegetarians worldwide. This number includes both strict vegetarians who avoid all animal products, as well as semi-vegetarians who may consume some animal products, such as eggs or dairy.

What is the percent of Hindus who are vegetarians?

Around 80 percent of the total hindus are vegetarians. in some parts of India this number goes very higher or lower. This trend has been declining as more and more hindus Are abandoning their strict religious views and accepting globalisation of religion.

How many vegetarians are there in Germany?

As of 2021, it is estimated that around 10% of the population in Germany follow a vegetarian diet, which translates to approximately 8 million people. The number of vegetarians in Germany has been steadily increasing over the years.

What percentage of the world population is vegetarian?

Brahmins, Jains, Agarwals, Baiays and Vaisnav followers are vegetarian.The number of vegetarians is increasing by 10% every year.A difficult one to answer. Most of the vegetarians in the world are vegetarian because of their economic situation. In India about 30% are lacto vegetarian because of their religious beliefs. In the west about 3% are some kind of vegetarian due to choice. Over half of the worlds population is vegetarian.

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What country has the most non vegetarians?

China. India has a high percentage of lacto vegetarians.

What countries have the most percentage of vegetarians in it?


What country does lentil soup come from?

I always think of India when I think of lentils. Probably because of the high number of vegetarians, they have created many recipies in India.

Where are the most vegetarians and vegans?

Because of population density and religious traditions, India should have the most vegetarians. There is a higher percentage of vegans in Taiwan.

Which country has the most vegetarians?

India has the most number of vegetarians. According to various sources (including Food and Agricultural Organization, UNO and United States Department of Agriculture, USA), about 30% (average of estimates) of Indian population is vegetarian. That means as of 2010 more than 300 million Indians are vegetarians. Indian vegetarians are rarely vegans and mostly lacto vegetarians (that is, vegetarians who consume milk, but not meat or eggs). There are substantial lacto ovo vegetarians (that is, who consume milk and eggs, but not meat), too.

Do they eat curry in India?

Yes, There are some Hindus who do eat meat but for most part Hindus are vegetarians

What meat is eaten by Hindus today in india?

In present India, there are two types of Hindus. One type is pure vegetarians who worship Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu, Durga etc. The other type are non vegetarians. They too worship the same gods.

Why are people called vegetarians and non vegetarians?

Because they are referring to the person's diet. Many vegetarians call people who eat meat non-vegetarians while they usually call themselves omnivorous.

Are all people in India vegetarians?

About 50% of Indians are strict vegetarians. The other 50% eat non-veg food but not at every day or for every meal, unlike western or Muslim countries. Many Indian non-vegetarians eat meat only once a week or less. Some eat only for lunch....rarely for breakfast. Most people avoid meat on festivals or holy days or other days of religious significance.

Do demi-vegetarians give up eating meat altogether?

It is about a fair split. While some will remain partial vegetarians, many will ultimatel bdome full-fledged vegetarians or even vegan after many years.

Are organic foods suitable for vegetarians?

Yes, absolutely! In fact, many vegetarians probably prefer organic foods.

How many vegetarians in the bay area?
