It would depend on the culture. My people are Hawaiian and as a child my aunties taught me to dance the hula and other island dances. We had big parties called a luau. My dad and his friends would play guitar and Ukulele and we would dance and sing. I'm pretty sure that almost any tribal people would practice similar activities. In tribal communities things like dance and song used to be preformed to show reverence for nature or the gods that govern nature. Or to bring about a response or need such as a rain dance or a dance or chant or ritual to bring about a successful hunt or harvest.
Tribal people is not a one size fits all term. Each culture will have different traditions and taboos. you need to research specific cultures to find out what that tribe does in contrast to what another tribe does. There are many tribal communities still living the old ways with minimal contamination from the modern world. They still live off the land, speak their language and practice their beliefs.
if you are interested in tribal cultures you might learn more about American Indians, Eskimos, nomads of Tibet, the rain forest tribes such as the Yanomami, and there are the numerous tribal people of Africa and Australia's Aboriginal people.
I hope that helps
tribal people livelihood is nothing...
It provides food and medcines for the tribal people.
The tribal people are named the Pelegostos. This is fictional
In one of the early chibcha rituals the tribal leader is covered with what kind of dust
The zulus are a tribal brotherhood.
tribal, ethnic and religious
What do you mean by that? They are actually mermaids, but not the kind fairy-tale like as we know from e.g. "The Little Mermaid". Instead they form a more wild, tribal people with a language entirely different from human speech.
Tribal Fusion offers you the opportunity to get to know your online audience. They give you the opportunity to know which kind of people who visits your website, and how you can make the best possible appeal to either those people, or how to get those who isn't visiting your website to do exactly that.
A tribal social group.
a kind of tribal family