



The branch of mathematics that deals with the study of continuously changing quantities, with the use of limits and the differentiation and integration of functions of one or more variables, is called Calculus. Calculus analyzes aspects of change in processes or systems that can be modeled by functions. The English physicist, Isaac Newton, and the German mathematician, G. W. Leibniz, working independently, developed calculus during the 17th century.

500 Questions

What is x in 16x equals 4?

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16x = 4

Divide both sides by '16'


16x/16 = 4/16

x = 4 / 16

x = 1/4

What is an IVP in differential equations?

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An initial value problem (IVP) in differential equations is a problem that involves finding a solution to a differential equation that satisfies certain initial conditions. These initial conditions are usually specified as the values of the unknown function and its derivatives at a given point in the domain. The solution to an IVP is unique if it exists.

What is the foci of an eclipse?

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Asked by Selyndriat

The foci of an eclipse refer to the two points within the elliptical orbit of the Moon where the Earth is located at the time of the eclipse. These points define where the alignment between the Sun, Earth, and Moon occurs, leading to either a solar or lunar eclipse.

What is a sentence with skewed in it?

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Asked by Wiki User

The results of the study were skewed because of the small sample size used in the research.

Sin cos?

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"Sin" stands for "sinus". The sinus of any angle is defined, in a rectangle triangle, as the ratio of the side opposed to the angle and the hypotenuse. The sinus is useful because it is unique to any angle, which means that the ratio of the opposite side and the hypotenuse in any rectangle triangle is always the same given a certain angle. "Cos" stands for "cosinus". The cosinus of any angle is defined, in a rectangle triangle, as the ratio of the side adjacent to the angle and the hypotenuse. Like the sinus of an angle, the cosinus of an angle will always be constant, which means that, given a certain angle, the ratio will always be the same even if the triangles don't have the same size. Sinus and Cosinus are very useful to determine missing informations in rectangle triangles. In fact, with only two informations (angle and side), you can find every information on this triangle.

What is potash maker todays equivalent job?

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A modern equivalent job to a potash maker would be a chemical engineer specializing in mineral processing or a production manager in a chemical manufacturing plant. These roles involve overseeing the production of chemical compounds used in various industries.

What is the derivative of sine of pi?

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y = Sin(pi) = 0

Then its derivative is

dy/dx = Cos(pi). = -1

What is the square root of a 100?

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Remember 10 x 10 = 100

That is 10^(2) = 100

So square root is the 'inverse function'.


sqrt(10^(2)) = sqrt(100)

10 = sqr(100)

A laser printer is capable of printing two pages size 911 inch per second at resolutio of 600 pixels per inchhow many bits per second does such device require?

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To calculate the number of bits required per second, you first need to find the total number of pixels printed per second. Since each page is 911 inches in size and the resolution is 600 pixels per inch, each page will contain 911 * 600 = 546,600 pixels. Since the printer can print two pages per second, it will print 2 * 546,600 = 1,093,200 pixels per second. As each pixel requires 1 bit to represent it in binary, the laser printer will require 1,093,200 bits per second to print at this speed and resolution.

What happens to the value of y when the value of x changes in y equals 4x?

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y = 100 - 4x

( a ) Find the value of y when x = 20.

How many cubic-meters can 1 person normally consumed in a day?

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On average, a person can consume around 2 to 4 cubic meters of water per day for their daily activities such as drinking, cooking, bathing, and sanitation.

What is the value of k in electrostatics?

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The value of k in electrostatics represents Coulomb's constant, which is approximately (8.99 \times 10^9 , \text{N m}^2/\text{C}^2). It is used to quantify the strength of the electrostatic force between two charged objects according to Coulomb's Law.

What is the pH of an aqueous solution with the hydronium ion concentration H3O plus equals 2 x 10-14 M?

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The pH of the solution can be calculated using the formula pH = -log[H3O+]. Therefore, pH = -log(2 x 10^-14) ≈ 13.7. This means the solution is basic since the pH is above 7.

What is meant by converge and diverge?

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Converge means coming together or meeting at a common point, while diverge means branching off or moving apart in different directions. In mathematical terms, if a sequence or series of values approaches a specific number as they progress, they are said to converge. On the other hand, if the values in a sequence or series move further apart or do not approach a specific number, they are said to diverge.

Does marigold has parallel venation?

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No, marigold has reticulate venation in its leaves.

What happen to simple pendulum at lowest point of its swing?

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At the lowest point of its swing, a simple pendulum's velocity is at its maximum, and its potential energy is at its minimum. The kinetic energy is at its highest since the pendulum has the highest speed.

What happens to the acceleration of a simple pendulum as it approaches the lowest point of its swing?

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The acceleration of a simple pendulum is highest at the lowest point of its swing. At the lowest point, the gravitational force acting on the pendulum is at its maximum, causing the pendulum to accelerate most rapidly in the direction of the force.

What is x plus 5?

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to solve this one must know the value of x

What was the relationship between Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz?

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Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz were both prominent mathematicians and physicists during the 17th century. They independently developed calculus, leading to a bitter dispute over who had priority in its invention. This controversy, known as the "calculus priority dispute," strained their relationship and tarnished their legacies.

You inch equals how many cm?

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1 inch is equal to 2.54 cm.

What did Newton and Leibniz do?

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Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz independently developed the concept of calculus in the late 17th century. They each made significant contributions to the field, with Newton originating the method of fluxions and Leibniz introducing the notation of calculus that is still used today. Their work laid the foundation for modern mathematics and science.

6.25 x 1018 equals 1?

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6.25 x 10^18 is equal to 6250000000000000000.

What is 1000 times 19?

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1000 times 19 is equal to 19000.