



The Laundry category revolves around articles of clothing that have been or are to be washed. Questions in this category typically include tips for removing stains or how various items should be washed.

500 Questions

What is the standard procedure for laundry?

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Asked by Wiki User

The standard procedure for laundry typically involves sorting clothes, treating stains, selecting the appropriate cycle and temperature on the washing machine, adding detergent and fabric softener, transferring clothes to the dryer or drying rack, and folding or hanging clothes once they are dry.

How do you make washing machine balance?

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Asked by Wiki User

To make a washing machine balance, ensure that it is placed on a flat, level surface. Adjust the leveling legs at the bottom of the machine to stabilize it. Make sure to distribute the load evenly inside the machine before starting a wash cycle to prevent imbalance issues.

What makes a laundry detergent good?

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Asked by Wiki User

A good laundry detergent effectively removes stains, odors, and dirt from clothing, while also being gentle on fabrics and colors. It should also be environmentally friendly, safe for use with different washing machines, and suitable for a variety of water temperatures.

How does bounce fabric softener work?

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Asked by Wiki User

Bounce fabric softener sheets work by releasing a small amount of fabric softening agents and fragrances when heated in the dryer. These agents coat the surface of the fabric, reducing static electricity, softening fibers, and helping to reduce wrinkles.

What will happen if we mix fabric softener and glue?

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Asked by Wiki User

Mixing fabric softener and glue may result in a sticky, gooey substance that is not useful for any practical purpose. It is better to use these substances for their intended purposes to achieve the desired results. Mixing them could also create a messy and difficult-to-clean situation.

What happens when you mix laundry detergent and water?

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Asked by Wiki User

When you mix laundry detergent and water, the detergent molecules attach to dirt and oil particles, breaking them up and making them easier to wash away. This process is known as emulsification, where the detergent helps to lift and suspend dirt in the water to be rinsed away.

Why woolen clothes are dry cleaned?

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Asked by Wiki User

Woolen clothes are dry cleaned to prevent them from shrinking, fading, or losing their shape when washed in water. Dry cleaning uses a chemical solvent instead of water to remove dirt and stains, which helps maintain the integrity and quality of the wool fibers.

Why are the disadvantages of using hard water to do laundry?

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Asked by Wiki User

Hard water contains high levels of minerals like calcium and magnesium, which can form deposits on clothes, reducing their brightness and softness. These minerals can also interact with detergents, making them less effective in removing dirt and stains. Over time, the buildup of minerals can shorten the lifespan of clothes and washing machines.

As far as sanitation goes does it matter if you put dirty dish wash cloths in the laundry along with other soiled clothes.towels.etc - there are traces of fecal matter and urine on the soiled laundry?

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Asked by SurvivorMan

It is important to wash dirty dishcloths separately from other soiled laundry containing fecal matter and urine to prevent cross-contamination. Wash them on a hot cycle with detergent and bleach to effectively kill any harmful bacteria. It's good practice to routinely disinfect your washing machine afterwards to prevent the spread of germs.

Why do people like tide?

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Asked by Wiki User

People like Tide because it is a well-known brand with a reputation for effective cleaning, brightening, and fabric care. It is also available in a variety of formulas to suit different washing needs, such as pods, liquid, and powder detergent. Additionally, Tide often introduces innovative products and technologies to stay ahead in the laundry detergent market.

Can i put fabric softener in dispenser labeled for bleach only in Maytag washer LA710 made 1982?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is not recommended to put fabric softener in a bleach dispenser, as it can damage the dispenser and potentially harm your clothes. It is best to follow the manufacturer's instructions for your Maytag washer LA710 and use the correct dispenser for fabric softener.

What Can i use instead of laundry detergent?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can use baking soda or white vinegar as alternatives to laundry detergent. Baking soda helps to lift stains and odors, while white vinegar can help to soften fabrics and remove soap residue. Just be sure to research proper usage amounts and methods to avoid damaging your clothes.

Are laundry detergents flammable?

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Asked by Wiki User

Most laundry detergents are not flammable because they do not contain flammable substances. However, some detergents may contain chemicals that are flammable, especially if they are in a concentrated form. It is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions and store detergents away from sources of heat or flame.

Where is the expiry date located on boxes or containers of laundry detergent?

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Asked by Wiki User

The expiry date on boxes or containers of laundry detergent is typically located on the bottom or side of the packaging. It is usually printed as "EXP" followed by the month and year. Be sure to check it before using the product to ensure effectiveness.

How do you get bleach off of shoes what product?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can try using a mixture of water and vinegar to help lift the bleach stain off your shoes. Alternatively, baking soda paste or hydrogen peroxide may also be effective in removing bleach stains from shoes. It's important to test these products on a small, inconspicuous area of your shoes first to ensure they do not cause damage.

What gets yellow stains out of pillow case covers?

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Asked by Wiki User

Mix equal parts of water and hydrogen peroxide, and apply the solution to the yellow stains on the pillowcase cover. Let it sit for a few minutes before laundering as usual. Another option is to use a mixture of baking soda and water to form a paste, apply it to the stain, let it sit, then wash the pillowcase.

What are the uses of laundry soap?

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Asked by Wiki User

Laundry soap is used to effectively clean and remove dirt, stains, and odors from clothing and other fabrics during the washing process. It helps to break down and lift away substances such as oils, dirt, and grime that accumulate on fabrics. Additionally, laundry soap also helps to maintain the appearance and longevity of clothing by preserving the color and texture of the fabric.

What is the best fabric softener for nylon?

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Asked by Greycat12999

Choose a fabric softener that is gentle and specifically formulated for delicates like nylon. Look for one that is free of harsh chemicals and dyes to help maintain the softness and elasticity of the fabric. Avoid using too much fabric softener, as it can leave residue and affect the performance of the nylon fabric.

What are tide detergent ingredients?

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Asked by Wiki User

Tide detergent typically contains surfactants, enzymes, bleach, builders, brighteners, and fragrances. Specific ingredients can vary depending on the type of Tide detergent, with some formulas designed for sensitive skin or high-efficiency washers. It's important to check the product label for a comprehensive list of ingredients.

Why nylon is the best material for a bath towel?

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Asked by Wiki User

Nylon is not typically used for bath towels as it is not as absorbent or soft as materials like cotton. Cotton is the preferred material for bath towels due to its softness, absorbency, and durability.

What is laundry room in French?

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The translation of "laundry room" in French is "buanderie."

Which chemical removes laundry stains?

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Asked by Wiki User

Oxygen-based bleach, such as hydrogen peroxide or sodium percarbonate, is effective in removing stains from laundry. These chemicals work by breaking down stains and lifting them from the fabric during the washing process. It is important to follow the instructions on the product label to ensure safe and effective stain removal.

What is the process that causes the clothes on a line to dry?

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Asked by Wiki User

Clothes dry on a line through a process called evaporation. As the damp clothes are exposed to the air and sunlight, water molecules on the fabric's surface gain enough energy to break free and turn into water vapor, which then evaporates into the surrounding air.

White shirt with blue stain remove with what?

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Asked by TammieScarbroughfb2394

To remove a blue stain from a white shirt, you can try using a mixture of white vinegar and water to blot the stain. Gently dab the stained area with the solution and then wash the shirt as usual. If the stain persists, you can also try using a stain remover specifically designed for colored stains.

Is ironing Starch flammable?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, starch is flammable. When starch is heated to a high temperature, it can ignite and burn. It is important to avoid exposing starch to open flames or high heat sources during ironing.