



Space, or "Outer Space" is all the vacuous expanse that exists outside of Earth's atmosphere and between celestial objects.

500 Questions

What is Airless space called?

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Asked by Wiki User

Why don't satellites crash into earth?

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Asked by Wiki User

Well, they do eventually, when they're done doing their jobs. If defunct satellites don't burn up on their way down, they usually land in the ocean or somewhere else away from civilization.

As for why that doesn't happen immediately, it's science, baby. Satellites are launched into space by rockets, and even though the force of gravity pulls on them, the initial velocity from the rocket is enough to counteract gravity's pull. The closer the satellite is to Earth, the faster it needs to go to stay in orbit. Sometimes they need to change orbit to avoid bumping into another satellite or other space debris, but once they're out there, satellites can stay in orbit for hundreds of years.

What was the first game played in space?

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Asked by Dahlia Hagenes

Tetris was the first video game played in space—Russian cosmonaut Aleksandr A. Serebrov took his Game Boy with him on his 1993 mission to the MIR Space Station, and he played Tetris in his (limited) downtime.

In 2008, NASA astronaut Greg Chamitoff played several remote games of chess from the International Space Station against different planet-bound Earthlings. He used a felt board and affixed velcro to the bottom of the pieces to make sure none of them disappeared into the void.

The first-ever space sport was a 2018 doubles badminton match between Russian, American, and Japanese crewmembers of the ISS. The zero gravity environment made things a little tricky, but at the end of the day, they didn't even keep score—"friendship won."