


Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux is also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). It can be caused by a variety of reasons, but results in acids escaping from the stomach and moving up the throat.

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Cholinergic drugs for acid reflux?

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The effects of parasympathetic nervous system on the GI tract includes:

  • Increased motility (peristalsis)
  • More rapid gastric emptying
  • Relaxation of pyloric sphincter
Cholinergic agents used for the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux includes:
  • Bethanechol - this is a longer acting form of acetylcholine, acts as a general cholinergic.
  • Metoclopramide* - its effects are mainly seen on upper GI motility. Increases gastric emptying and increases tone of lower esophageal sphincter.
Metoclopramide* works by displaying anti-dopaminergic activity, which may not be a mechanism for decreasing emptying time of the stomach. But it appears to promote acetylcholine release or improve receptiveness of muscarinic receptors in the GI tract to acetylcholine. Metoclopramide also enhances motility of GI smooth muscle and decreases emptying time of the stomach. The side effects of metaclopramide are dopamine related CNS side effects: Extrapyramidal symptoms, anxiety, depression, drowsiness, dizziness, etc.

Does Coke cure acid reflux?

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Not for most people, no.

GERD (gastro esophageal reflux disease), stomach contents passing into the esophagus, is usually not cured with medications. The factors that contribute to GERD are the lower esophageal sphincter tone, hiatal hernias, esophageal contractions, and emptying of the stomach. To cure it you'd have to have surgery to reinforce the lower esophageal shpincter.

Most people find that the symptoms of chest pain, heartburn, throat discomfort/ hoarseness and swallowing problems can be treated by decreasing the acidityof the stomach contents with medications such as Zantac (ranitidine) and Prilosec (omeprazole). Usually after a short course the symptoms resolve and the medication can be stopped. Most people find that acidic foods such as tomato sauce, citrus and carbonated beverages make it worse. In additions large meals, fatty meals and lying down with food in the stomach increase the reflux and so make it worse. Acidic foods, alcohol and NSAIDs (Aspirin, ibuprofen, Aleve, naproxen) injure the stomach lining and so make symptoms worse. Caffiene (as is found in Coke) relaxes the lower esophgeal sphincter and so increases the amount refluxed.

There is a theory, held by a small number of people and virtually no well respected experts, that the symptoms are from insufficient stomach acid and so taking acids in the form of apple cider vinegar (and I guess Coke according to the questioner) will help. If this was the case then one would expect the medications like Tums and Zantac to make thing sworse, not better.

While it is possible that there is a small group of people who have the opposite from the more common problem, for the vast majority of peope with stomach problems vinegar and soda should be avoided.

Soda is very acidic and would probably be a poor choice for someone with acid reflux. You'd be much better off with water so you don't get all of that acid, sugar, and empty calories anyway.

What can you do to reduce the symptoms of acid reflux?

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Several ways to reduce acid reflux is to make lifestyle changes. Some changes that could be made are reducing stress, exercising, weight loss, and changing what foods you eat.

What casuses Gerd what causes gerd?

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a loose 'lower esophageal sphincter' (LES)

LES is the closure between your stomach and your esophagus. It could be due to a bunch of random reasons like a hernia, a loose diaphragm, or other. If u have gerd, go get it checked out. a third of patients can feel the acid burning their throat and the damage is worse than it feels. They might put u on a proton pump inhibitor like omeprazole (or something else that ends in "eprazole")

Is there a site that provides an acid reflux diet menu?

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To prevent acid reflux, you need to stop eating foods that produce acid. For example, citrus, coffee, and spicy foods all contribute to acid reflux. You should cut out or minimize these in your diet.

What does acid reflux diet means?

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Acid reflux disease is a medical condition that causes chronic heartburn and regurgitation. It can be treated with dietary changes such as eating smaller meals and meals with low fat and high protein content. The benefit of treating the condition with a diet change are that it removes the need for long term medication.

Can dogs get acid reflux?

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Absolutely -- a dog certainly can get acid reflux. Mine has had it for years as a result of some chronic g/i issues. Talk to you vet about some of the human over-the-counter reflux medicines that are safe for dogs to take such as Pepcid, Prilosec as well as a few others. Your vet will recommend the correct dosage for your dog based on weight. You also need to describe the symptoms to your vet to help determine what the underlying cause of the reflux is since reflux may (or may not) be symptomatic of a deeper issue.

What are some acid reflux foods?

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Acid reflux can be triggered by various foods, most notably those that are spicy. In addition, acidic foods, such as tomatoes and oranges, or high-fat foods, such as poutine, can triffer acid reflux.

Can acid reflux lead to sinus and nose pressure?

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No, it cannot. It will end up in your mouth.

What does it feel when your skin feel acids?

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The burning sensation is that the acid attacks the nerve endings near the skin.

An acid can do harm in many ways with you skin. It can dehydrate organic compounds and change them into carbon. An acid can react with the water in your skin to generate heat to kill cells.

Hydrofluoric acid does even more -- it penetrates tissue until it reaches the bones; HF reacts with the calcium in the blood and the bone to cause more damage; worse that one does not feel the pain initially to react quickly.

What is pH for acid reflux victims?

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It is usually not too high of acidity that causes acid reflux. Acid reflux is a product of a faulty cardiac sphincter, which allows the highly acidic chyme to flow back into the esophagus. Your esophagus is not protected from the acid like your stomach is with the stomach lining of mucus. The pH range of stomach acid is about 1.5-2, which is strong enough to dissolve iron nails.

What does it mean when you vomit green foamy gunk?

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typically, it means your cold is almost over. See your health care provider for advice specific to your situation.

What is natural treatment for acid reflux?

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Asked by Nvillalba

The best natural treatments for acid reflux are lifestyle modifications. Eating smaller, more frequent meals instead of a few large meals, sitting up for at least an hour after each meal (instead of immediately lying down in bed), and avoiding certain foods that can potentially aggravate acid reflux such as mint, spicy foods, alcohol, and stopping smoking are natural ways to improve acid reflux symptoms and should be tried before starting medications.

it is better if you take natural remedies such as an apple a day. i have had the same problem for over 3 years, the doctors always give me different medication but it doesn't help for long. I have started eating an apple a day for like 2 weeks now, i have noticed that my stomach has gone better, i can digest food properly and eat everything


The multi purpose Wedge Pillow is a two-piece pillow that lifts up and holds the upper torso, promoting a better breathing and digestion during sleep. In fact, this pillow is an excellent drug free alternative to alleviate nocturnal symptoms of heartburn, acid reflux disease (GERD), and hiatal hernias. The multi functional Wedge Pillow is a great aid to reduce sinus congestion during sleep, to eliminate snoring and sleep apnea symptoms.

The bed wedge pillow is a great reading pillow that you can also use for watching TV, for homework, or just for resting at ease. Our Wedge Pillow lifts you up to a 45-degree angle that promotes your own body to decrease swelling; meanwhile, it helps you stay in a correct position while sitting comfortably in bed. This is crucial for people who must be in an upright posture because of a medical procedure or condition.

The multi functional Wedge Pillow gets rid of the need of piling several pillows on top of each other to accomplish the desired effect of being propped up at the right angle. Each part of this two-piece pillow is covered in zippered pillowcases, giving a healthier, more comfortable night's sleep.

What are some simple recipes for acid reflux?

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Asked by Wiki User talks about recipes that can be made for htose with acid reflux. lists some breakfast, soups, lunch menus, and main course recipes you can make for those with acid reflux.

What affects does acid rain have on wildlife and plants?

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Acid rain is very harmful for wildlife and plants as it contains nitric and sulphuric acids. It affects the growth of plants and roots are damaged therefore deforestation of plants takes place which causing a loss of habitat for many forests and animals will not able to eat fresh grass.

When you have acid reflux will it cause pain on left side of chest and pain and weakness in left arm and leg?

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Actually, that's incorrect - Reflux can cause symptoms that are similar to a coronary condition. Since I've had it for many years, I've had those kinds of symptoms on occasion.

All of the symptoms don't necessarily have to be tied to reflux either - generally it's confined to the upper torso but not the legs. It's possible you could have another problem that's being aggravated by reflux when it acts up, such as a disk problem or stenosis. Since I've got many spinal problems as well, at times I've experienced reflux affecting my lower spine as well.


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Left-side arm and leg pain and weakness is not a symptom of acid reflux, but this set of symptoms could be related to a serious coronary condition. A doctor would likely advise someone with such a combination of symptoms to immediately seek medical help.

Is citric acid harmful if you have acid reflux?

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Yes, it can increase the acidity within the stomach triggering symptoms of reflux.

What are the long term effects of acid reflux disease?

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Have illusions and hallucinations The effects of LSD strongly depend on the mental state of the user and the circumstances in which the drug is used. Therefore, the same dose can produce good and bad 'trips' in the same person, depending on the circumstances in which the drug is used. The sought-after effects of LSD are - * changes in mood an sensory perception; * 'mind expansion' as a key to quasi-religious transcendental experiences; and * effects similar to those associated with Ecstasy-type substances: feelings of empathy and increased sociability. The possible short-term effects of LSD are - * a distorted perception of depth, time, and the size and shape of objects; * hallucinations (that is, stationary objects appear to be moving) (Generally the user knows that these effects are unreal; true hallucinations are relatively rare.); * heightened senses (sight, sound and touch); * psychological or emotional effects such as anxiety, depression, dizziness, disorientation and paranoia; * physical effects such as dilated pupils, lowered body temperature, nausea, vomiting, profuse sweating, rapid heart rate; and convulsions; LSD use increases a person's risk of injury, especially when the person drives a car, or performs other complex tasks such as operating machinery. The possible long-term effects of LSD are - * a growing tolerance to the drug, which disappears quickly after use of the drug is stopped; * flashbacks (that is, short-lived, intense re-experiences of part of a previous trip) which can occur days or even months after the last dose has been taken, leading to disorientation, anxiety and distress;and * prolonged anxiety and depression after use of the drug is stopped. The physical dangers of the long-term LSD use are unknown. Source:

It is usually a sensation of instability. most of the time things will move or talk when they are not supposed to. Like a couch or a backyard full of trees. If you take to much it isn't fun and dangerous things can happen like death. . * ** Trips can heighten the mood you're already in. * Colour, sound and objects can get distorted and you can experience double vision. * Trips can heighten the mood you're already in. LSD can be very theraputic

Is ammonium chloride acid or alkali?

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An ammonia solution is alkaline.

Does acid reflux cause one to spit up phlem?

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Yes, the phlegm is the body's response to counter-attack the acid which is hurting the chest and throat.

How do you take acid out of your body?

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100% of the time you do it orally :) that is take the stamp/candy/sugarcube/powder/liquid just put it on your tongue. Suck on it like then after 1-2min swallow it :)

What types of foods should someone with acid reflux avoid?

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I would avoid eating foods that have a lot of acid in them such as sodas, foods that have tomatoes in them, as well as some acidic fruits. Also if you eat something that triggers your acid reflux I would suggest drinking a little bit of milk. This helps me when I eat something with a lot of acid in it.