


Arachnids are members of a broad class of organisms that are very familiar to humans. The organisms in this class range from the common spiders to scorpions to ticks and mites. However different these organisms are, they all share one common characteristic, they all have eight legs. Questions and answers about the class and the organisms in it should be placed in this category.

500 Questions

Are all arachnids nocturnal?

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Armadillos are in general nocturnal but are most active during dawn and dusk.
yes, they spend their time at night digging holes and burrows.

What is the most common arachnid?

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Spiders are the most common arachnids.

Does a arachnid have a shell?

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Yes, arachnid exoskeletons are made out of chitin.

How would you determine whether an unfamiliar arthropod is an arachnid?

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Asked by Wiki User

Arachnids are spiders, scorpions, ticks, and mites. Insects are organisms like grasshoppers and bees. Insects, unlike arachnids, can often fly and usually have three pairs of legs. Arachnids have many legs. The spider has eight legs.

What happens if a radioactive spider bites?

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Asked by Jaylan Streich

Assuming the spider didnt die himself from it, its most likely radiation poison that will probably give you cancer or kill you pretty quickly. Although there are stories of a boy been bitten by one and gaining superhuman powers but that's a one in a million chance

What is the difference between an arachnid and an insect?

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Asked by Wiki User

That they don't fly and that they're expected to have four sets of jointed legs as adults are the two most obvious ways in which arachnids differ from insects and bugs. In contrast, insects and bugs [Insecta class] have a set of antennae and three sets of jointed legs. Spiders and fellow members of the Arachnida class don't have wings or antennae.

Instead of antennae, arachnids have a set of antenna like 'chelicerae' for feeding and defense, and a pair of antenna like 'pedipalps' for feeding, moving around, and reproducing. They also tend to have eight legs. But that's where some variability enters into the class. For example, it's possible to find four or six legged arachnids among the adult mite population.

How many pairs of JOINTED legs do an arachnid have?

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Asked by Wiki User

10 total. There are 4 pairs of walking legs and 1 pair of chelipeds (these are used by the male to transmit sperm to the female and used by both genders to bring food closer to their chelicerae/mouthparts)

We recently studied arthopods in zoology.

Which characteristic would be important in classifying an animal as either an insect or an arachnid?

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an important characteristic would be that arachnids only have 8 or more legs also they dont have wings. some arachnids are crad, spider ex.

How many body regions does a arachnid have?

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Two body parts for arachnids, prosoma and opisthosoma.

Origin of arachnid?

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The word arachnid comes from the Greek legend of a beautiful lady who dared to compare her weaving skills to the goddes Athena. Her name was called Arachna. So Athena turned her into a spider! She lived in a cave and was defeated by Hercules.

How do arachnids move around?

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Asked by Wiki User

Arachnids are spiders and related animals They walk on 8 legs. Some spiders also ride the wind on a length of their silk, much like riding a mythical magic carpet.

How long can a tick live?

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Asked by Wiki User

I have been researching this question myself. According to a local vet and every internet source I can find, it is not possible for a tick to burrow under the skin. However, I actually saw otherwise.

We found a stray 5-month-old puppy who was covered in ticks. We took her to the vet and gave her Frontline. We picked well over 100 ticks off of her, alive and dead. She had lots of ticks in her armpits, but we also found some bumps. They were fairly large raised areas with a black circle in the middle. I questioned friends and family as to whether these could be ticks. I also called the vet. One of the techs told me that ticks would not be under the skin, so we just watched the areas to see what happened.

Five days later, we had gotten most of the dead ticks off of her. However, the bumps were still there and still the same. We finally decided to check them out. We squeezed the bumps, and they began to ooze a clear pus. As we kept squeezing, the black thing started to emerge. Once we could, we grabbed it with tweezers and pulled it out. It was, in fact, a dead tick. We found two others just like this.

There are other suspect areas, but we are continuing to monitor them.

I just returned from camping with the cub scouts in Virginia Beach. My son woke up Saturday morning with a new mole on his neck. When I looked closely at it, it was a tick, but only the back 1/3 was above the skin. The rest was visible as a dark area just under the skin. A nurse we were camping with looked at it and said "emergency room". We went to the hospital where it took two PA's and two nurses over half an hour to extract the tick using tweezers and hydrogen peroxide. They said the hydrogen peroxide was to make the tick back out as it would deprive him of oxygen once it started to foam. The only problem was that the tick mouth was so deeply embedded that the hydrogen peroxide couldn't get that deep. They ended up pulling it out in pieces. This was after they shot pain killer into the wound. He ended up with a tick sized wound on his neck. This was on Halloween morning and the tick was on Joey's neck near his jugular vein so this became known as the Vampire Tick Attack of North Landing Park.

Do arachnids have 2 body regions?

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Asked by Wiki User

The body region of an arachnid is the cephalothorax. The cephalothorax is like the head and the thorax combined.

P.S. HA!! To all of you adults and teenagers out their with that question and to you who answer it with "holy squidward!" because you just got told of by a 12 year old girl.

The body region of an arachnid is called a?

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Asked by Basketball393

The body region of an arachnid is called the gnathosoma (or capitulum

Is a caterpillar an arachnid?

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A caterpillar is not an arachnid, it is the larval stage of an insect.

What is the outer covering of arachnids?

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Arthropods are protected by an outer covering of a hard protein chitin, similar in function to the protein keratin in hair, nails, hooves, beaks, claws, etc., elsewhere in the animal kingdom. Some arthropods particularly marine ones further harden it through biomineralization with calcium compounds.

Because of the rigidity of the arthropod exoskeletons, they need to periodically shed it (moult) in order to grow.

How does the brown recluse spider protect itself?

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The spider gets its name because it loves to hide. To defend itself from potential predators, it bites the assaulter. If you live in a prominent area of brown recluse spiders, then you should be aware of its preferences for nutrition.

A brown recluse spider hunts for prey during the night hours. It bites its prey, leaves it for dead, and then returns later to recover the corpse. The brown recluse spider will eat anything from small insects (like grasshoppers) to other spiders. Keep your home pest-free, keep the laundry off of the floor, keep your attic and basement clean, recycle old cardboard boxes, and seal any crevices in your home. This will help you fight off any infestations from these spiders and any other insect.

Is a tarantula a spider?

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Asked by Laila Emard

No. They are close relatives though

What skin do arachnids have?

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Asked by Wiki User

Well arachnids are Spiders so fur

What main group of animals do arachnids belong to?

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Asked by Wiki User

Arthropods include several orders of invertebrates:

- insects

- arachnids (spiders, scorpions)

- crustaceans (shellfish, snails)

The four living subphyla are:

Chelicerata - horseshoe crabs, scorpions, spiders, mites, ticks

Myriapoda - millipedes, centipedes

Hexapoda - insects (six legs)

Crustacea - crabs, lobsters, shrimp

How is the vision of insects and arachnids different?

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Asked by Wiki User

Most spiders have four pairs of simple eyes, usually grouped into two or three rows, an arrangement that gives them a wide field of vision. Insects have one pair of compound eyes, each made up of individual hexagonal-shaped facets and each facet has its own optic nerve. Their compound eyes allow them to see all around themselves without moving, and this ability makes them very sensitive to seeing any nearby movement.

How many pairs of walking legs do arachnids have?

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Asked by Wiki User

Arachnods have 4 pairs of legs.