


For questions on the theory, method, and practice of studying past cultures and peoples.

500 Questions

How do archaeologists look for evidence about early peoply?

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Archaeologists look for evidence about early people by excavating sites, analyzing artifacts and ecofacts, and using scientific techniques like radiocarbon dating to determine the age of remains. They also study the environmental context of the site to understand how early people lived and interacted with their surroundings. By combining different sources of evidence, archaeologists can reconstruct the lives and cultures of early people.

How did archaeologists study in the past?

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Asked by Wiki User

In the past, archaeologists primarily used excavation methods to study artifacts buried in the ground. They also relied on field surveys, documentation, and drawing of their findings. Additionally, they used basic tools like shovels, brushes, and measuring tapes to uncover and analyze archaeological sites.

Did Early humans rode on the backs of animals to get from place to place more quickly?

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Early humans likely did not ride on the backs of animals as a primary mode of transportation. Instead, they would have walked or used simple forms of technology, like canoes or rafts, to travel over land and water. Domestication and riding of animals for transportation purposes came much later in human history.

What statement describes why the radiocarbon dating has a upward limit of 50000 years?

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Radiocarbon dating has an upward limit of 50,000 years because of the half-life of carbon-14, which is about 5,730 years. After this time, there is very little carbon-14 left to measure accurately. Beyond 50,000 years, other radiometric dating methods, such as uranium-lead dating, are used to determine the age of geological samples.

What are the demerits of archaeology?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some demerits of archaeology include the potential for site destruction, ethical concerns regarding the treatment of human remains and cultural artifacts, and biases that can influence interpretation of findings. Additionally, archaeological work can be time-consuming and costly, with uncertain outcomes.

What artifacts did homo sapiens?

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Asked by Wiki User

Homo sapiens created a variety of artifacts including tools such as handaxes, blades, and projectile points for hunting and food processing. They also created symbolic artifacts like cave paintings, carvings, and jewelry for communication and expression of culture and beliefs.

Why are half lives useful to an archeologist?

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Asked by Wiki User

The half-life of radioactive material is useful for radioactive dating. For example, All organisms on earth have a given concentration of carbon-14. Since carbon-14 has a half life of 5700 years, scientists can fairly estimate the lifespan of an organism based on its carbon-14 content. This is done by measuring the amount of carbon-14 left from its (previously calculated in a lab) initial amount. If there is exactly a quarter of the initial amount of carbon-14 left in an organism, then it is safe to assume that the organism is 11400 years old. This is why the half-life of a radioactive material is useful for radioactive dating.

What are some artifacts of the caddos?

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Some artifacts of the Caddo people include pottery vessels, shell beads, stone tools, and ceramic figurines. These artifacts provide insights into their daily life, beliefs, and cultural practices. Archaeological excavations have uncovered a rich array of Caddo artifacts in various sites across the southeastern United States.

What is an example of an artifact for Julia apex?

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Asked by Wiki User

An artifact for Julia Apex could be a detailed project report outlining the implementation process, key findings, and outcomes of using this programming language for a specific project or analysis. This report could showcase the capabilities and advantages of using Julia Apex in a practical setting.

What is an example of an artifact for Julia?

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An artifact for Julia could be a test report that shows the results of running unit tests on her code. This artifact can demonstrate her ability to write reliable and high-quality code that passes all test cases.

What are the 5 W's of archaeology?

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The 5 W's of archaeology are who, what, where, when, and why. These elements help archaeologists understand and interpret past human cultures and societies through the study of artifacts, sites, and other evidence. By addressing these questions, archaeologists can piece together a clearer picture of the past.

What is a place where artefacts of historical or archaeological interest are housed and displayed to the public is called a?

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That place is called a museum. Museums typically have collections of artefacts, artwork, and other historical items that are curated and displayed for public viewing and education.

Is each artifact developed to meet one goal?

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Not necessarily. An artifact can be developed to serve multiple goals or purposes depending on the context and requirements of the project. It is essential to define the objectives and scope of the artifact's development to ensure it aligns with the intended goals.

Where are artifacts underground?

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Asked by Wiki User

Artifacts can be found underground in various locations such as archaeological sites, burial grounds, caves, and ancient ruins. These artifacts provide valuable insights into past civilizations and can be discovered through archaeological excavations and surveys. Additionally, artifacts may also be found in underwater locations such as shipwrecks and submerged cities.

What religion was australopithecines?

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Australopithecines did not have a religion as we understand it today. They were early hominins who lived 2-4 million years ago and did not possess the complex cognitive abilities necessary for religious beliefs.

What are all the artifacts are called?

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Artifacts are objects or items of historical, cultural, or archaeological significance. Some common types include tools, pottery, jewelry, coins, statues, and manuscripts. Each artifact provides valuable insights into the lives and activities of past civilizations.

What was important about Donald Johanson and discovery of Lucy in 1974?

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Donald Johanson, along with his team, discovered the fossilized remains of a hominid skeleton in Ethiopia in 1974, which they named Lucy. This discovery was significant because it provided insights into human evolution, as Lucy was one of the earliest known ancestors of modern humans. Lucy's skeleton revealed important information about bipedalism and the characteristics of early hominids.

How does luck help archaeologist's?

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Luck can lead archaeologists to unexpected discoveries or help them stumble upon important artifacts through chance. However, relying solely on luck is not a sound archaeological strategy; it should be complemented by thorough research, analysis, and methodology.

Why might an archaeologist digging on ancient ruins sift dirt through a screen?

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Archaeologists sift dirt through a screen to recover small artifacts, bones, or other delicate materials that may be missed during excavation. This process helps them to carefully examine and catalog all items found at the site.

What time span does archaeology cover?

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Archaeology covers the study of human history from the emergence of our earliest ancestors to recent times, typically up to about 12,000 years ago. This includes the study of artifacts, structures, and other physical remains left behind by ancient civilizations.

What Artifacts play a key role in the study of?

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Asked by Wiki User

Artifacts such as pottery, tools, coins, and artwork play a key role in the study of archaeological sites. They provide valuable insights into ancient cultures, lifestyles, trade networks, and technology. By analyzing these artifacts, archaeologists can reconstruct and understand past societies.

What is an archaeologists symbol for their work?

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One common symbol used to represent archaeology is a trowel, which is a tool frequently used by archaeologists to excavate and uncover artifacts. The trowel is seen as a symbol of the meticulous and detailed work involved in archaeological fieldwork.

What is archaeologists symbol for work?

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Asked by Wiki User

The trowel is often considered the symbol of archaeologists' work. This tool is used to carefully excavate and uncover artifacts and remains from archaeological sites.

What are economic artifacts?

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Economic artifacts are objects that hold economic value or significance, such as currency, trade goods, or financial instruments. These artifacts may provide insights into past economic systems, trade networks, or practices. Studying economic artifacts can help us understand the economic history of a society.

What does archaeologist study?

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Asked by Wiki User

Archaeologists study cultures from the past so that we can understand more how people lived back then.