



The Aztecs were active in Mexico from the 14th through 16th centuries. They are most famous for their practice of human sacrifice.

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Where is the Aztec empire capital city located?

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The Aztec empire's capital city, Tenochtitlan, was situated on an island in Lake Texcoco in present-day Mexico City. It was founded in 1325 and served as the political, religious, and economic center of the Aztec civilization until it was conquered by the Spanish in 1521.

How did the Aztecs thank their god for helping themto find a place to settle?

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The Aztecs thanked their god by performing rituals and ceremonies, offering sacrifices like animals or human captives, and building temples and monuments in honor of the god. They believed these actions showed their gratitude and devotion to the god who guided them to their new settlement.

Who told the aztecs where to find their new home?

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Asked by Kaitlinj

According to Aztec legend, their deity Huitzilopochtli guided them to their new home, Tenochtitlan, by appearing as an eagle perched on a prickly pear cactus with a snake in its beak. This symbol is now depicted on the Mexican flag.

What was the geographical setting have on the civilization that grew there Aztec?

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The geographical setting of the Aztec civilization, located in the Valley of Mexico, influenced their agricultural practices, architectural innovations, and trade networks. The presence of lakes and fertile soil supported their farming of crops like maize, beans, and squash, while the surrounding mountains provided natural defenses for their capital city of Tenochtitlan. This geographical setting also contributed to the development of a complex society with extensive trade connections with neighboring regions.

What was the Aztec's region?

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They lived in Valley Of Mexico

What are the features of the Aztec towns and cities?

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Aztec towns and cities were characterized by large pyramid temples, palaces, markets, ball courts, and a central plaza surrounded by buildings. They had intricate systems of aqueducts, canals, and causeways for transportation and irrigation. The layout of the cities followed a grid pattern with residential areas, administrative buildings, and temples organized around a central ceremonial precinct.

How did the Aztecs deal with the climate?

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The Aztecs adapted to the climate by building their capital city, Tenochtitlan, on an island in Lake Texcoco, which helped regulate the temperature. They also created chinampas, a system of floating gardens, to grow crops in the swampy surroundings. Additionally, they utilized aqueducts and canals for irrigation and managing water resources.

How did the Aztec find their homeland?

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According to Aztec legend, they were guided to their homeland of Tenochtitlan by the god Huitzilopochtli, who told them to look for an eagle perched on a cactus with a snake in its beak. This symbol was found on an island in Lake Texcoco, where they built their capital city.

What is the advantage of spanish over the Aztecs?

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Spanish conquistadors had advanced weapons, armor, horses, and military tactics that gave them a significant advantage over the Aztecs, who primarily relied on traditional weapons such as spears, arrows, and clubs. Additionally, the Spanish had the support of various indigenous groups who were enemies of the Aztecs, which weakened the Aztec resistance. The Spanish also brought diseases such as smallpox that devastated the Aztec population.

What are the physical features of Aztec Mexicans?

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Aztec Mexicans typically have a mesoamerican appearance with varying skin tones from light to dark brown, dark hair, and brown eyes. They may have prominent cheekbones, straight black hair, and a sturdy build. Other physical features can vary widely due to the diverse genetic influences in Mexico.

In what region did the Aztec civilization live?

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The Aztec civilization lived in Mesoamerica, specifically in the Central Valley of Mexico. They founded their capital city, Tenochtitlan, on an island in Lake Texcoco, which is present-day Mexico City.

What language did Aztec and Toltec have in common?

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The Aztec and Toltec civilizations both spoke a form of the Nahuatl language. While there were some differences in dialects, they shared similarities due to their cultural and historical connections.

What modern country was the Aztec empire mostly in?

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The Aztec empire was primarily located in Mexico. Their primary city was based where Mexico City (the capital) is currently located. During their expansion years, their empire did reach small parts of Guatemala as well.

Where location did hernado Cortez water and land?

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Hernan Cortes landed in present-day Mexico in 1519 and established the city of Veracruz as his base for further expeditions into the interior of the country. He later ventured into the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan (now Mexico City), where he encountered and ultimately conquered the Aztec Empire.

What geographic features might have drawn the Aztec here?

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The Aztecs settled in the Valley of Mexico because of its fertile land, abundant water supply from nearby lakes, and natural defenses provided by surrounding mountains and marshes. This geographic location allowed them to establish a thriving civilization based on agriculture, trade, and military power.

Why did the Aztecs have to live by the swampy shores of lake Texcoco?

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The Aztecs settled around Lake Texcoco because the swampy shores provided fertile land for agriculture. They utilized advanced engineering techniques like building chinampas (floating gardens) to create more arable land and grow crops for their expanding population. Additionally, the lake provided a source of freshwater, fish, and transportation for the Aztec civilization.

Where was the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan located?

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Tenochtitlan, the capital of the Aztec Empire, was located in present-day Mexico City. It was situated on an island in Lake Texcoco and was connected to the mainland by causeways. The city was a major cultural and political center of the Aztec civilization.

How did the Aztecs depend on their environment?

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The Aztecs relied on their environment for agriculture, as they used chinampas, artificial islands on the lake, to grow crops like maize, beans, and squash. They also depended on the lake for fishing and transportation. Furthermore, natural resources like obsidian and building materials were obtained from the surrounding areas.

What major bodies of bordered Aztec land to the north and south?

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I don't believe they had north and south bodies of water as they were locating in the middle of the Valley of Mexico but they had the Pacific Ocean to the west and the Atlantic Ocean to the right...

What was the landscape or terrain like where the Aztecs lived?

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The Aztecs lived in the Valley of Mexico, which was a highland valley surrounded by mountains and located at a high elevation. The valley had fertile land with volcanic soil, lakes, and marshes, which allowed the Aztecs to practice agriculture and build floating gardens. The terrain was characterized by diverse ecosystems, including forests, wetlands, and agricultural fields.

How was Aztecs relationship with their neighbors?

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The relationship between the Aztecs and their neighbors was often characterized by conflict and tribute demands. The Aztecs exerted their dominance through military conquests, tribute collection, and alliances with certain neighboring states. This resulted in a complex network of relationships that alternated between cooperation and aggression.

Why did the Aztecs choose their home as the place they wanted to settle down at?

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The Aztecs chose to settle in the area of modern-day Mexico City because they believed it was the site where they would find an eagle perched on a cactus, as foretold in their prophecy. This area also had fertile land for agriculture and access to water from the nearby lake Texcoco. Additionally, it was a strategic location for trade and defense.

How did the Aztecs understand the spatial world?

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The Aztecs believed that the world was divided into three realms: the celestial realm, the earthly realm, and the underworld. They viewed space as interconnected, with different levels and layers occupied by various deities and forces. They used symbols and rituals to navigate and interact with these different spatial realms in their cosmology and religious practices.

How do you say father in Nahuatl?

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In Nahuatl, "father" is said as "tlahtli".

How did the physical geography affect the economics trade and urban centers of the Maya Aztecs and Incas?

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The Maya, Aztecs, and Incas all utilized their physical geography to their advantage for trade and urban centers. The Maya built their cities in dense tropical rainforests, while the Aztecs utilized the agriculture-friendly environment of the Central Mexican Valley for trade and urbanization. The Incas developed an extensive road network through the Andes Mountains to facilitate trade and connect their urban centers.