


Camels are common desert animals that were once used, and still often used, to cross deserts with. Because they can go weeks without drinking water, they are easy to take care of. All questions regarding camels are welcome here.

500 Questions

What is the purpose of the camel's tongue?

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The purpose is so that the giraffes can reach leaves at the top of the tree.

And to clean their ears.. Green, R.H (2013)

Were do camels live?

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Camels are typically Found In Regions with Warm & Arid weather (like Deserts); they are found around the equator, anywhere streching from Northern Africa, and Eastward, all the way to Western Asia.

What south American animal related to a camel?

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There are six camelids - Old World camelids are the dromedary (one-humped camel) and the Bactrian (two-humped camel). New World camelids are the llama, alpaca, guanaco, and vicuna.

What are a camels feet called?

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a camels foot it called a camels foot not a hooves prehistoric camels may have had hooves but present day camels do not so a camels foot is called a camels foot

Why a camel can live in desert and not in forest?

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Actually, giraffes do live in parts of the Namib and Kalahari Deserts. Click on this link for more information.

What is the average lifespan of a camel?

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40 years, but camels with a healthy life may live longer

What should you hump?

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well for girls out there that are maybe or deff/ to young or you just dont want to get pregnant!,,, butt mostly just want to masturbate.,,,here are some things, teddy bears hard noses, the top of a broom, your hand, the side of a doorway, you could also pile up your bed blankets maybe put some thing under them and go up and down.butt the thing i would most liikely recamennd is youre finger, just put it in between youre vayvay lips... most likely pointiing finger, and if you think you would rather be on top or on the bottom{whicis what i like, its just easyer}. if your on bottom just go slightly up and down and move your finger in slight hard circles. hope you enjoy!

How does the color of a camel help it survive?

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The colour helps it blend into their environment.

Why is there a camel on a masonic shriners ring?

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There is not a camel on a Masonic ring. The symbols located on a Masonic ring include the Masonic square, a compass, and sometimes the letter G. A Masonic ring is often worn on the right, little finger.

How do camels survive from predators?

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the reason camels developed like today, is that it choose an environment where there are no or few predators; the desert.

when threatened camels run away, they ill rarely fight.

if they fight they (especially males) can become very agressive and dangerous, they are very powerfull animals; i have seen a camel break a horse's neck in an eye blink.

Why do camels eat cactus?

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camels eat so they can walk longer before they must eat again

How do you hump a blanket?

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Roll up a part of it and rub it against your private parts.

How long can a camel go without a drink?

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about 100 days

How does camels have a tough tongue and teeth?

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because their gee units

How is a camels temperament?

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Both Bactrians and Dromedary males are difficult to deal with during the mating season, but Dromedaries are purportedly more prone to spit and kick than Bactrians are. Other than that, I'm told they are generally "indifferent" in attitude and have a personality similar to cattle.

How long can a daisy survive without water?

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it is about a half a glass of water give it 4 monouths your good to go

For how long does a camel spider live?

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The typical Camel Spider can live up to a month without food. this is because of the large hump on its back which stores its own "Protein Shakes".These protein Shakes, if you will, are a complex mix of carbohydrates,sugars and crude protein absorbed from semen taken in by the Camel Spider Toe

Why does camels have thick pad?

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What does the bactrian camel eat?

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Camels are herbivores which means they eat desert vegetation, such as grasses, herbs, and leaves. If there isn't any grass left camels will eat whatever animals they seem suitable

What is a nose peg in a camel?

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It depends on what you are talking about because there are several meanings.

1. The Nose Peg is a member's only piece of Slayer equipment used in the Slayer skill.

2. Nose Peg cartoons.

3. There are Camel Nose pegs. Where they put a peg through a Camel's nose. which are used to control the camel

(Poor Camels)

4. A Japenese beauty product

5. A nose peg is used in music for musicians that play a woodwind instrument

How much wool can a sheep produce in one year?

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if you times the sheeps weight with the weight of the ram hu got horny and got the sheep pregnant the answer would come to how many sheep the ewe would have!!!

so the answer would be 3847382583275

What are the special features of camel?

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long legs for walking and tough knees for kneeling down, widely spread feet helping prevent sinking in the sand, a hump on its back to store fat to keep them cool, short thick curly hair helps insulate from the sun, and a long neck.........

it also has 2 set of eye lashes to protect its eyes from dust and sand, hairy ears help keep dust and sand out, tough lips

Is a camel unicellular or multicellular?

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Giraffes are multi-cellular.