


Canis latrans, or coyotes, are also known as the Prairie wolf. They are opportunistic omnivores, both as hunters and scavengers. Sixteen of its 19 subspecies are found in Canada, Mexico and the United States, while the remaining three are found in Central America.

500 Questions

What is the coyote's food chain?

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Coyotes are considered apex predators in their food chain, meaning they have few natural predators. They primarily feed on small mammals like rodents, rabbits, and birds, as well as insects, fruits, and carrion. In some cases, they may also scavenge on larger animal carcasses.

Do coyotes live around grassland areas?

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Yes, coyotes are adaptable animals that can be found in a variety of habitats, including grasslands. They are often seen in open areas such as grasslands, prairies, and meadows, where they hunt for small mammals and birds.

Is coyote a scavenger or a carnivore?

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Asked by Stevekim012

Coyotes are classified as omnivores, meaning they eat a varied diet that includes both plant and animal matter. While they primarily hunt and consume small mammals like rodents, they are also known to scavenge on carrion and eat fruits and vegetation.

What would happen to the population of plants if the beetle population decreased?

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If the beetle population decreased, there would likely be an increase in the population of plants that the beetles were feeding on. This increase could lead to competition for resources among the plants, which may affect the overall balance of the ecosystem. However, the specific impact would depend on the role that the beetles play in the ecosystem and how other species respond to their decline.

What is the taxonomy for a coyote?

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nature: organic

kingdom: animalia

phylum: chordata

class: mammalia

order: canidae

family: canidae

genus: canis

species: latrans

the scientific name is Canis latrans (genus & species)

Will coyotes come after your dogs in their dog pen?

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Yes, coyotes will break into pens that hold rabbits. Even if they can't break in, coyotes will be attracted by the rabbits and they will pace around outside the pen -- this is terrifying to rabbits, and can lead to death by shock/heart attack.

Predators like coyotes are one of many risks inherent in keeping rabbits outside. If you keep your rabbits outside, you must protect them from the risks. If you aren't able to adequately protect them, you must keep them inside or find someone who can keep them safe (re-home them).

It isn't fair to keep pet rabbits where they can be terrified or killed by predators: pets have been domesticated, which means they've been taken out of their natural environment, bred so that they've lost many of their natural instincts, and then they are placed in a pen where they have no chance of natural defence (escape). Letting predators kill animals under these conditions is cruel: it's nothing like the natural predation of a wild animal. Think of it this way: in your own home, you may be able to protect yourself against an armed maniac; in a jail cell, you don't stand a chance.

What food would best attract a coyote to trap?

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Cat dung (poop) and watermelon is their favriote treat

Do coyotes eat red spotted quails?

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  • Yes coyotes eat birds and deer and live stock .

What is the most nutritious meat?

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Among different meats... rabbit meat is the best with low fat content.. its considered good even for heart patients. ... Sources FAO... TANUVAS... Among different meats... rabbit meat is the best with low fat content.. its considered good even for heart patients. ... Sources FAO... TANUVAS...

What is the fur on a coyote for?

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The fur of a coyote provides warmth, insulation, protection, and camouflage.

How do coyotes live in a hot environment?

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their fur thins and their tounge help their sweat

Do wolves and coyotes fight each other?

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Werewolves most certainly do not fight each other. They are very loving and kind to one another. (but don't tell that to a vampire or anyone else or I'll eat you, no seriously I am a werewolf myself and i will eat you if you tell no seriously i am) Werewolves only fight, well, everything except other werewolves. Toodles!

Do coyotes eat sheep?

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Yes. They eat sheep and are best known for tearing up it's testicles.

How many years a coyote live?

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a coyote can live up to 16 years

Is a wolf paw print bigger than a coyotes paw print?

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Yes, on average a cougar will almost always be larger than a wolf.

Adult cougars stand about 60 to 76 centimeters (2.0 to 2.5 ft) tall at the shoulders. The length of adult males is around 2.4 meters (8 ft) long nose to tail, with overall ranges between 1.5 and 2.75 m (5 and 9 ft) nose to tail suggested for the species in general. Males typically weigh 53 to 90 kilograms (115 to 198 pounds), averaging 62 kg (137 lb). In rare cases, some may reach over 120 kg (264 lb).

Wolf weight varies geographically; on average, European wolves may weigh 38.5 kilograms (85 lb), North American wolves 36 kilograms (79 lb), and Indian and Arabian wolves 25 kilograms (55 lb). Though rarely encountered, extreme specimens of more than 77 kilograms (170 lb) have been recorded in Alaska and Canada. The heaviest recorded gray wolf in the New World was killed on 70 Mile River in east-central Alaska on July 12, 1939 and weighed 79 kilograms (170 lb), while the heaviest recorded wolf in the Old World was killed after World War II in the Kobelyakski Area of the Poltavskij Regionin the Ukrainian SSR, and weighed 86 kilograms (190 lb). In general, height varies from 0.6 to 0.95 meters (24 to 37 in) at the shoulder.

Which state has the most coyotes in the US?

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"The Coyote State" is an unofficial nickname of South Dakota, which is officially "The Mount Rushmore State".

In what cities in Michigan are coyotes found?

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there are coyotes in all major cites, in every state across the us basically. the numbers have gone up over the years in some, and ppl start to see what they call packs, Livonia, Rochester hills, pleasant ridge, are a few i heard, prob all the northern Oakland county spots.. anyway, just what i heard recently. watch yo dogs umizoomi is wicked awesome watch you forget the superbowl salty twinkies

Where do coyotes live in Connecticut?

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yes, there are a few sightings, and I just heard one in the backyard.

Do coyotes fur color change?

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What eats a coyotes in the prairie grasslands?

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As for insects, grasshoppers/locusts are one insect I can think of that eats plants of near any kind.

When it comes to animals, the question is a little too vague... Sheep, horses, cows all eat grass, whether prairie or not. It might help if you make your question a little more specific. :)

How do coyotes get water in the winter?

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Coyotes, like any animal in a desert environment, will find water wherever it can be found. If no surface water is available, some will dig in stream beds to find groundwater, or locate succulent crop plants. In extreme cases, they have even been known to eat the so-called "coyote melons" (Cucurbita palmata), which are very bad-tasting.

Why have coyotes spread out to live in more areas of Canada?

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The coyote is native to North America. Despite being extensively hunted, the coyote is one of the few medium-to-large-sized animals that has enlarged its range since human encroachment began. It originally ranged primarily in the western half of North America, but it has adapted readily to the changes caused by human presence and, since the early 19th century, has been steadily and dramatically extending its range. Sightings now commonly occur in a majority of the United States and Canada. Coyotes inhabit nearly every contiguous U.S. state and Alaska. Coyotes have moved into most of the areas of North America formerly occupied by Gray_Wolf, and are often observed foraging in suburban garbage bins.

Read more about coyotes in Wikipedia.

What time of day are coyotes active?

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depending on the temprature or time (either 8:30 pm to 4:00am) coyotes will howl at the times given above. You'll hear them howl at the moon or communicating to each other like "Stay away for this is my territory!".

How much space does a coyote need?

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A wolf needs to have plant of room to roam free. There is not certain amount of space. They can run hundreds of miles a day.

What do coyotes hate?

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Pretty much anything bigger and meaner than them. Sometimes raccoons will scare coyotes. But like I said pretty much anything and bigger and scarier than themselves.