

Cyclops (X-Men)

Cyclops is also known as Scott Summers. He was one of the first heroes of X-men. His power is the ability to shoot lasers out of his eyes. Since he is not powerful enough to control his own powers, he has to wear shades to choose when he want to use his powers.

500 Questions

What do cyclops do for most of the day?

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Asked by Wiki User

Cyclops are creatures from greak myths and they spend time crafting weapons and other things.

One cyclops I know of was a shepard.

At the time of the titanomancy cyclopes were forgers and ironsmiths.

What does gambit eat?

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Asked by Angusizjusftw

Babies, cards, brandt and WoW characters.

What weapons does the X-Man Cyclops use?

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he normally uses his mutant power: optic blasts, which can burn through almost anything and have a radius of 2,000 feet

What is the duration of X Men film?

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The duration of X-Men - film - is 1.73 hours.

In x men does storm die?

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No, are you crazy?! Being one of the most popular African American women superheroes! No way, plus she's to valuable. Her fanbase is high and will get even higher if there is an Xmen Origins: Storm. If the publishers at marvel ever died off her character they would be making a BIG mistake.

What are the powers do victor have in x men?

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Asked by Wiki User

Victor's powers are the following:

-heightened senses

-great agility

-healing factor

-grow his nails into claws

Who are the X-Men?

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the x men are a group of mutents that are trying to stop the war of humans v.s mutants with the help of xavier that is in the futer helping them along th way.

here r the caracters

*Cyclops (Co-Headmaster & Leader) - First member of the team and first student of the Xavier Institute. He was a member of the original team. During his time with the X-Men he has served as a Field Leader. In 2002, when Xavier retired, Cyclops became co-headmaster of the Institute alongside Emma Frost.

  • Iceman - Second student of the Xavier Institute and second member of the original team of X-Men. He left alongside the rest of the original team (besides Cyclops) when the new team (in 1975) joined. He later returned when the team split into 2 squads (blue & gold teams). Since then he has served as an X-Man on and off.
  • Angel - Third student of the Xavier Institute and third member of the original team of X-Men. He left alongside the rest of the original team (besides Cyclops) when the new team joined. He later returned when Cyclops went on a leave of absence after Jean's death, but soon left after clashing with Wolverine. He returned when the team split into 2 squads in 1991 and since then has served on the team on and off.
  • Beast (Medical Doctor) - Fourth student of the Xavier Institute and second member of the original team of X-Men. He left early on because he thought he was too old to be apart of the team any longer. He later returned when the team split into two squads in 1991. Since then he has acted as a part-time fighter to the team and full-time scientist, teacher, engineer, and medical doctor.
  • Nightcrawler - Joined the X-Men as the new team in 1975 sent to save the original team from the evil island of Krakoa. Left the X-Men alongside Colossus and Shadowcat in 1987 and didn't come back until 1998, where he has remained an active member of the team since.
  • Wolverine - Joined the X-Men as the new team in 1975 sent to save the original team from the evil island of Krakoa. Has since served as a member of the team on and off, leaving on various occasions for various reasons. Now also leads the killing team, X-Force.
  • Storm (Field Leader) - Joined the X-Men as the leader of the new team in 1975 sent to save the original team from the evil island of Krakoa. Excluding interim periods, she remained a member of the team or the X-Treme X-Men since. She has also led the Fantastic Four and is Queen of Wakanda.
  • Colossus - Joined the X-Men of the new team in 1975 sent to save the original team from the evil island of Krakoa. Served as on and off active member of the team until 1992 when he joined Magneto's Acolytes, and later joined Excalibur. He joined the X-Men again in 1998 until his death in 2001. He was later resurrected in 2004 and has been an active member of the X-Men since.
  • Shadowcat - Joined the X-Men following Jean's death and Cyclops's departure in Uncanny X-Men #139. On and off, she remained a member of the team until 1987. She left alongside Nightcrawler to join Excalibur, until he return to the X-Men in 1998. Since then she has been an active member of the team.
  • Rogue (Field Leader) - Joined the X-Men in Uncanny X-Men #171 (1983) after leaving Mystique's Brotherhood incarnation. Remained on the team until her accidental death by Dazzler. She was later revived and joined again when the team split into two squads in 1991. Since then she has been an on and off member of the X-Men and Storm's X.S.E.
  • Cannonball - First to graduate from New Mutants to X-Men status (in 1995). Since he joined the team he has been an active member on and off, also teaming with X-Force in the late 90's.

Emma Frost (Co-Headmistress & Leader) -Former White Queen of the Hellfire Club and big X-Men villain. In the 90's she led Generation X (a team of young mutants). In 2001, she joined the X-Men and eventually fell in love with Cyclops and fought with Jean about it from time to time. Jean later saved Emma when Emma's diamond form was shattered into pieces by using her powers to place together the pieces and weld them back together. Xavier soon retired from the X-Men and Emma became Co-Headmistress of the X-Men alongside Cyclops. She has served as an active member since.

Source: Wikipedia

Xmen are students of Professor Charles Xavier that have superhuman abilities they went there because they need to learn to contol therwe powers


How did jean greykill Scott summers?

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Scott Summers has not been confirmed to have been dead. If X-men: Days of Future Past succeeds in theaters, director Bryan Singer wants to bring Cyclops back.

It's sad Cyclopes and Jean Grey Died in X-Men why did they kill them off?

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Cyclops died because Jean Grey killed him not being able to control Phoenix's (her alter ego) power. Due to the same reason Wolverine had to kill her as she was destroying everything and everyone around her (he was able to do that thanks to his hyperregenerative power).

Why did Bishop betray the X men?

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Depending on who u ask.

If u know any thing about bishop you would know he comes from a dark future where the x-men are all dead . And in his future it is told that a red haired mutant starts a war between humans ans mutants leading to the death of most of his family.

Jump to the present day the first mutant to be born in 3 yrs jus so happens to have red hair, and everyone from the x-men to villians wants this child. Because some see her as a messiah others see her as evil.

So to prevent his future from happening bishop sets out to kill the child. And goes against the x-men to do it.

So some would say he betrayed them others agree with his actions

Is there going to be a x men destiny 2?

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Probably not, the first wasn't too successful, and being only a console release, it could take a bigger bomb

Is Scott summers in the X-Men origins?

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Yes. Teenage Scott Summers (who would later become the field leader of the X-men known as Cyclops) appeared in X-men Origins: Wolverine. Many fans cried foul at this and saw it as pointless, not to mention a continuity error.

Who is the x men alter ego?

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The X-Men have alter egos but they arent really used to hide their idenities to a certain point cyclops is Scott Summers, Wolverine is Logan or James Hewitt, Beast is Hank Mccoy, Marvel Girl/Phoenix is Jean Grey, and Iceman is Bobby Drake these are the orignals minus Wolverine. For all of the X-men's idenities and stories check wikipedia or marvel wiki