


The common daisy is a herbaceous plant of the genus Bellis perennis and is native to the Americas. Questions in this category are all about daisies, including propagation, planting, maintenance, trouble shooting, harvesting, and enjoyment, as well as their regions, growing conditions,light requirements, and more.

262 Questions

Are daisies seed or spore producing?

Ah, daisies are such lovely flowers, aren't they? They actually produce seeds, not spores. Each daisy flower holds tiny seeds that can be scattered by the wind or carried by birds to create new daisy plants. Just imagine a field of daisies spreading joy and beauty with each seed they produce.

Is a daisy a Domain?

No, a daisy is not a domain. A domain typically refers to an area of expertise, a field of study, or a specific subject matter. A daisy is a type of flower.

How many cells do daisies have?

A daisy plant is made up of millions of cells, each performing specific functions such as photosynthesis, nutrient absorption, and reproduction. The exact number of cells in a daisy plant can vary depending on its size and age.

What pollinates a daisy?

Bees, butterflies, and other flying insects are known to pollinate daisies. They visit the flowers in search of nectar or pollen, and as they move from flower to flower, they transfer pollen, aiding in fertilization.

What kind of weather or climates do daisies live in?

Daisies thrive in temperate climates with mild temperatures and moderate rainfall. They prefer sunny locations with well-drained soil. Daisies can also tolerate colder weather and light frost.

What is a daisy like border plant?

Alyssum is a common border plant that is similar to a daisy with its small, white flowers and delicate appearance. It is low-growing and often used to edge garden beds or containers for a dainty and colorful border.

Is a felicia daisy blue an annual or perennial?

Felicia daisy blue is a perennial plant, meaning it will come back year after year as long as it receives proper care and growing conditions. It is a versatile and low-maintenance plant that can add color to the garden for an extended period.

Is a daisy asexual?

No, daisies reproduce sexually through the exchange of pollen between male and female reproductive organs. The male part of the flower, the stamen, produces pollen which is transferred to the female part, the pistil, enabling fertilization and seed formation.

Can daisies perform photosynthesis?

Yes, daisies have the ability to perform photosynthesis. Like all plants, they contain chlorophyll in their cells which allows them to convert sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide into energy in the form of sugars. This process is essential for their growth and survival.

What are the needs of the daisy flower?

Daisy flowers require plenty of sunlight, well-draining soil, and regular watering to thrive. They also benefit from occasional fertilization to promote healthy growth and flowering. Additionally, deadheading (removing spent flowers) can help prolong blooming.

What is a daisies food?

Daisies are flowering plants and do not require food in the sense that animals do. They make their own food through the process of photosynthesis, using sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose for energy.

How long does picked daisy last?

Generally, picked daisies can last for around 3-7 days if properly cared for. To help them last longer, change the water daily, trim the stems at an angle, and place them in a clean vase with fresh water. Keep them in a cool spot away from direct sunlight or heat sources.

What domain is a daisy in?

The daisy is a flowering plant, and all plants belong to the taxonomic domain of Eukarya.Eukarya covers all organisms in the Kingdom Plantae, as well as the Kingdoms Animalia, Fungi and Protista.

How do daisies benefit ecosystem?

Daisies benefit the ecosystem by providing nectar and pollen for pollinators like bees and butterflies. They also help improve soil health by preventing erosion and providing habitat for beneficial insects. Additionally, daisies contribute to biodiversity and beautify the landscape.

What class is a daisy in?

A daisy is in the class Magnoliopsida, which includes all flowering plants with true flowers and seeds enclosed in ovaries.

How much does a daisy grow in 1 week?

On average, a daisy can grow about 1 to 2 inches in one week under optimal growing conditions. However, growth rates can vary based on factors like sunlight, water, and soil nutrients.

How is fern different from a daisy?

Ferns are non-flowering vascular plants that reproduce via spores and have large, often feathery leaves, while daisies are flowering plants that reproduce via seeds and have distinct flower heads with white petals and a yellow center. Ferns also typically prefer shady, moist environments, while daisies thrive in sunny, well-drained areas.

How much sunlight does a daisy need?

Daisies generally require full sun, which is about 6-8 hours of direct sunlight per day for optimal growth and blooming. They can tolerate some light shade but may not flower as profusely in those conditions.

What does a shasta daisy look like?

The shasta daisy has white petals surrounding a yellow center, resembling a classic daisy flower. It typically grows on tall stems with dark green foliage. Shasta daisies are known for their bright and cheery appearance in gardens.

Where do daisy flowers live?

Daisy flowers are native to Europe, North America, and some parts of Asia, but they have been introduced to other regions around the world. They thrive in temperate climates with full sun and well-drained soil, and can be found in meadows, pastures, and gardens.

Who discovered the daisy?

The daisy is a common wildflower that has been around for centuries, so it is hard to attribute its discovery to a single individual. It grows in many parts of the world and has been a well-known flower in various cultures.

Are daisies vacular?

Yes, daisies are vascular plants. Vascular plants have specialized tissues that transport water and nutrients within the plant, allowing them to grow larger and more complex structures. Daisies, like other flowering plants, have a vascular system comprising xylem and phloem for conducting water and nutrients.

What eats a daisy flower?

Daisy flowers are commonly eaten by certain insects such as caterpillars, beetles, and grasshoppers. Some animals like rabbits and deer may also consume daisy flowers as part of their diet.