


Democratic Party

In the US, a Democrat is a member of the Democratic Party, one of the two primary political parties. Its progressive and social liberal platforms are considered center-left in the US political system.

500 Questions

What event in 1857 caused a great controversy that split the northern and southern democrats?

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By appointing Abraham Lincoln to run against Stephen Douglas in the senate race.

What political party was Andrew Jackson part Democratic or Republican?

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Andrew Jackson was a Democrat/Democrat-Republican

Andrew Jackson and his "Jacksonian" supporters began the Democratic-Republican party, which later became the Democratic Party. The party lasted it split over slavery of the eve of the Civil War. It elected four more presidents after Jackson. It has ties to the modern Democratic party which formed after the Civil War.

Andrew Jackson was with the Democrat political party. He was the 7th President of the United States from 1829 to 1837.

Are there more registered democrats or republicans?

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This is a very good question. What makes it a very good question is the fact that it is very difficult to answer.

Thirty States in the USA require some kind of party affiliation (or non-affiliation) as a part of their voter registration system. So if you are looking for "registered Democrats or Republicans" you are limited to those 30 states and can't look in 20 states that do not require registration

If you are looking for the number of people who "consider" themselves as Democrat or Republican you can look to statistically significant surveys, such as the Rasmussen survey. Rasmussen reported 35.4% reported themselves as Republican and 32.7% reporting themselves as Democrats. 32.4% said they were "Independent." This polling asks 15,000 Americans to report their affiliation. This may seem like a few, but it is a very good number over all for determining the breakdown nationally.

You might ask 35.4% of what? What do I multiply 35.4% by to determine the number of persons who consider themselves Republicans. Too bad, we don't have that number, and whatever it is it changes every day.

There are several other major polls (Pew and Gallop, to name a few), which show slightly different numbers indicating a Democratic advantage, but, over time, the longer-term trend for a decade has been for more people to identify as Independent (now almost 40%) than either Democrat or Republican (both which vay from about 25 to 35%, depending on the year and poll). However, if the question includes "leaners" (self-identified Independents who usually vote for one party), the percentages change significantly. Democrats consistently have about 50%, while Republicans muster a variable 35-45%, looking at data from the past decade.

But in the end you must ask yourself exactly what is it that you want to know? Because when you include the peculiars of the many state parties and the peculiars of the country's election systems these numbers are frequently meaningless. In particular, the outcomes are driven by actual voters; the percentage of voters who actually vote varies significantly in any given election, with the percentage of registered voters who don't cast a vote varying from about 15% to as much as 30% or more.

What happened when the Democratic Party attempted to choose a candidate for the presidency in 1860?

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It's not that the Democrats were unable to nominate their own candidate - it's that they chose not to. Ulysses S. Grant had been president for four years already and the Republican party was split over the question of a second term. His first four years were marked by corruption, incompetency, and nepotism. A group of Republicans split off from the main party and formed their own branch, called the Liberal Republicans. They formed a platform which spoke of ending Reconstruction and was thus appealing to the weakened Democratic party. Party leaders approached the Democrats and struck a deal with August Belmont, chairman, and John R. Doolittle, president, to unite the two parties beneath the Democratic ticket. This action is often construed by historians as a desperate move by all involved to defeat the highly popular hero of the Civil War - the Democrats simply didn't believe they could defeat him on their own, so they didn't try. They hoped that by uniting with the Liberal Republicans they could garner enough support to remove Grant from office. It may have worked, if only their choice of candidate had been more opportune. Horace Greeley, a well known and popular newspaper editor, had spent his entire career harpooning the Democratic party in his paper, calling then liars, murderers, thieves, alcoholics, and just about anything else insulting he could come up with. Many Democrats simply couldn't stomach voting for a man who had dedicated his life to insulting them, and either turned to Grant or abstained from voting all together.

The Irish supported the Democratic Party because?

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Asked by Dreed94

Immigration takes place in many parts of the world. Currently Italy and Greece are receiving many immigrants from North Africa.With regards to the United States, it became "home" for millions of immigrants over the past 200 years. In the 19th century, and well into the 20th century many immigrants from Europe landed in the larger cities of the East coast of the US. There they found that, for the most part these large cities were controlled by the Democratic Party. It made sense to support this party as it was friendly to immigrants ( for the most part ) so it made commonsense to support the party that governed where many immigrants decided to stay. There were many jobs to be found in these east coast cities.

What are the Liberal Democrat Party's policies?

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There are many generalized liberal party views. Some of these include a women's right to chose to have an abortion, helping disadvantaged people, as well as legalizing marijuana.

What did southern democrats want in the election of 1860?

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The Southern Democrats Supported Slavery & They Elected John Breckenridge As Their Democratic Presidential Candidate.

Is Shepherd Smith a Democrat or Republican?

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Republican definitely but he tries to look and sound neutral

Shepard Smith is a democrat, as are Geraldo Rivera, Greta Van Susteren and Alan Colmes. Bill O'Reilly is an independent.

Are Democrats or Republicans more against crime?

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Everybody is against crime. The danger for all politicians is that they try to 'prove up' how much they are against crime by passing harsher and harsher penalties. Not a recent phenomena. England once made picking a pocket a capital offense. The hangings of pick-pockets

drew huge crowds, whose pockets were then picked by local pick-pockets.

The tendency for all elected officials, who know you are against crime too, is to use your fear of crime to enhance their electability. In that environment justice goes out the window.

How much does a us senator make yearly?

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It has been reported that Senator Traut is currently making an annual salary of $192,000.

What is Joe Biden's favorite color?

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Asked by Blaze Goldner

Blue is his favorite color as he dead it to me cuz I have met him in real life and asked what his favorite color was and he he said it was blue.

What is Jerry Brown's belief?

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Jerry Brown believes in the most typical democratic stand point short of socialism. he's very bipartisan in that he doesn't much believe in anything other than trading green (which is evidently now a resource) for jobs, and state where the money is dying, making money through prop 19, and raising taxes for social programs. He also gets made fun of by the Jello Biafra, and the Dead Kennedys.

Why do the democrats hate the middle class?

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It may be because they are doing something with their money whereas many other wealthy people keep all their money to themselves and spend it on things that they don't need.

How did the views of the whigs and democrats differ from those in the Free-soil Party?

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the whigs and democrats embraced the idea of popular sovereignty

Is chuck schumer gay?

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That is a pretty personal question. Perhaps you should ask Chuck.

What was a major accomplishment of Franklin Roosevelt and the Democratic Party during the Democrats' era of control from 1932-1968?

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The New Deal, a series of domestic laws passed by Congress and Executive Orders by the president were major accomplishments of the Democrats during Franklin Roosevelt's terms of office. Social Security was one of these.

Is ray romano Republican or democrat?

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Ray Romano is a registered Republican. His 'Everybody Loves Raymond' co-star Patricia Heaton is also a registered Republican.

Does the state democratic party platform for Utah include marriage equality?

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Asked by Johntorresbrooklyn

Yes, the state democratic party platform for New Jersey does include marriage equality.

What is an example of a country with a democratic government?

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Switzerland is the only one i know of as a place with direct democracy all other countries have either Representitive democracy orsomething else but if your looking for a direct answer with lots of info i think you should visit another website that knows more about government.

How did John Locke help shape the US?

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If one is a socialist then perhaps they can find contribution in the writings and works of Jean Jacque Rousseau, but in general he contributed nothing to the United States, unless of course one is a socialist. Rousseau was a prominent French figure who wrote novels as well as philosophical works at the time of the French Revolution and up until his death in 1778. His political and philosophical views mostly stood in stark contrast to the 18th century political movement in America. While the Americans embraced the notion that people are born with inherent and inalienable rights, Rousseau adamantly rejected this view. While there are some similarities between 18th century American philosophy and Rousseau's it is the differences that disqualify him as influential in early American politics. Any contributions that may be claimed would be by the modern day socialists who favor his "Social Contract" whereby the people abandon their natural rights and subject themselves to the general will.

It could be argued that Rousseau's views on education have profoundly influenced modern American education, but the vast majority of his ideas are more prominently found in the public schools famous for dumbing down the public and not in the private schools famous for educating the elite. To claim Rousseau made contributions to our modern public school system is to find someone to blame outside of ourselves for the tragedy that is our public school system which in the end is nothing more than a massive babysitting firm for average Americans with children. Some of those children might learn a thing or two about Rousseau, Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, and Machiavelli, they will also learn how our country was founded by rich white slave owners, how the captains of industry who forged prosperity in this country were robber barons and how the socialist movement can't find any political footing in this country because of red baiting by the capitalist system where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

It is hard to find a private school in this country that has suffered the tragedy of school massacres such as Columbine. It is unlikely one will have to pass through a metal detector and negotiate the security guards that patrol public schools in a private school. The question of God in the classroom is a moot point in private schools as the school either preaches God or they don't and those parents who shop for private schools have a choice in the matter. Not so for the parents of children who attend public schools. In the public school system, the individual has abandoned his natural right to be educated and subjected himself to the general will known as School administrators and the PTA. If the socialists believe that the modern public school system is a shining example of Rousseau's influence then they condemn him as just another high minded idiot who so reviles the people in their modern form he had developed a social contract to replace the earlier divine right contract so many tyrants had relied upon, where he alone has the answer for all of us idiots who couldn't possibly survive or obtain happiness without his approval. It is the common characteristic of all utopian's that they necessarily place themselves above the mindless wickedness of the people who could not be trusted without their guidance.

What television stars are democrats?

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Olivia Wilde, Oprah Winfrey, Alex Baldwin, George Clooney, Jennifer Aniston, Barbara Streisand, Chris Rock, Scarlett Johansson, Rosie O'Donnell, Zach Braff, Edward Norton, Jessica Alba, etc. A large majority of celebrities have democratic views.

Who were the northern democrats who sympathized with the south?

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No, because it was pro-slavery.

What types of people support Republicans and what types support Democrats?

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Asked by HotAnswerer

That is a good question, and a lot depends on how you ask it. This is because in the United States the two national parties are actually 50 state parties and territories like Puerto Rico. And each state has its own rules as to who is a member of a party. In Texas, for example, you declare your party membership by voting in that party's primary election. If you vote in the Republican primary, you are a Republican, and if you vote in the Democratic Party's primary you are a Democrat. And you can change when the next primary rolls around.

But other states, such as New York, Nevada and California, require you to register as a Democrat or as a Republican or other party, including the Green Party, the Libertarian Party or even register as non-partisan (an independent.) They do have hard statistics on who considers themselves as a Democrat or a Republican, but also have good evidence that folks go out and vote whatever way they wish.

In the 2008 Presidential Election you could say that Barack Obama, the Democrat, received 69,456,897 votes and John McCain, the Republican received 59,934,814 votes. But this does not tell the tale effectively either. A lot of American voters consider themselves as independents. That is, the are not a member of either party. Or any party.

My own estimation is that about 39% of voters consider themselves Democrats and about 35% of people consider themselves Republicans. The rest (26%) are independents. How do I come to these numbers? By watching polls on politicians who are 'obviously guilty' of some naughty act. Those are the numbers that usually turn up as supporters of the 'obviously guilty' one. The true believers. And that, I think, is the best way of telling how many people support which side.

What characteristic can be used to describe the people?

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anything that describes a person

What rights should the government protect the most?

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by not making stupid decisions, remove illegal immigrants who drain our resources and cause crime, stay out of foreign affairs unless asked to by that government, less strict gun laws that already have no purpose, less involvement in the public laws, and more effort in fixing the economy.