


Dissertations and Theses

Includes questions regarding the research, preparation, development and presentation of dissertations and thesis for obtaining a college degree.

500 Questions

What two parts does an experiment consist of?

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Asked by Wiki User

An experiment consists of the independent variable, which is the variable that the researcher manipulates, and the dependent variable, which is the variable that is measured and observed in response to the independent variable.

What statement to connect the presence of metallic deposits?

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Asked by Wiki User

The presence of metallic deposits in a certain region suggests the possibility of mineral resources being located in that area, which can be valuable for mining activities. Geological surveys and exploration techniques are often used to identify and assess the extent of these deposits before any mining operations begin.

What are the best topics for thesis in pharmaceutics?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some potential thesis topics in pharmaceutics could include formulation development of novel drug delivery systems, pharmacokinetic studies of existing drugs, bioavailability enhancement strategies, or pharmacogenomics in drug therapy. The best topic would depend on your interests, available resources, and the gaps in current pharmaceutical research that you aim to address.

What is the problem statement of a floating paperclip?

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Asked by Wiki User

The problem statement would typically involve how to make a paperclip float or suspend in a liquid, such as water, without sinking or fully submerging. The challenge may be to find a way to alter the paperclip's buoyancy or surface tension of the liquid to achieve this desired effect.

What is a good thesis statement about radiology?

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Asked by Wiki User

A good thesis statement about radiology could be: "Radiology plays a crucial role in modern medical diagnosis and treatment through its use of imaging technology to provide detailed insights into the human body, helping to guide clinicians in making informed decisions and improving patient outcomes."

What topic can you make for your thesis about bacteriology?

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Asked by Starlightjho

"Exploring the role of bacteriophages in controlling bacterial infections"

What is gemology?

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Asked by Wiki User

Gemology is the scientific study of gemstones, including their characteristics, origins, and classifications. Gemologists typically analyze gemstones to determine their authenticity, quality, and value, using specialized tools and techniques to identify and assess different gemstone properties.

What are the attributes of good research guide for PhD?

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Asked by Wiki User

A good research guide for a PhD should provide clear objectives and research questions, offer a comprehensive literature review, include a detailed methodology section, and present accurate data analysis and interpretation. Additionally, it should have a logical structure, be well-organized, and offer practical guidance on navigating the research process efficiently.

What is sensible and latent heat?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sensible heat is heat that can be felt or measured by a change in temperature, while latent heat is the heat absorbed or released during a phase change without a change in temperature. Sensible heat affects the temperature of a substance, while latent heat affects the state of the substance.

What is meant by the reflection of sound?

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Asked by Wiki User

The reflection of sound is the bouncing back of sound waves when they hit a surface. This phenomenon can lead to echoes and reverberations in an environment.

What tittle is good for thesis in Filipino major?

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Asked by Wiki User

"A Critical Analysis of Contemporary Filipino Literature"

What is a good thesis for the Dakota access pipeline essay?

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Asked by Wiki User

A possible thesis could be: The construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline has significant environmental, cultural, and social implications, sparking debates surrounding indigenous rights, water protection, and sustainable energy development.

What is the scope and limitation in factors affecting the communication skills?

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Asked by Wiki User

The scope of factors affecting communication skills is broad and includes individual characteristics, environment, culture, and technology. Limitations may arise from personal biases, language barriers, physical disabilities, lack of social awareness, and emotional stress, which can hinder effective communication. Understanding and addressing these factors can improve communication skills and interactions.

What are the arguments and evidence that have been put forth to support the nation that there are two separate parts of our brain?

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Asked by Wiki User

The argument for two separate parts of the brain is largely based on the concept of lateralization, where each hemisphere is specialized for certain functions. Evidence includes split-brain studies where patients with a severed corpus callosum exhibit distinct cognitive abilities in each hemisphere. Neuroimaging studies also show different activation patterns in the two hemispheres during various tasks.

What does the Suffix word thesis?

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Asked by Wiki User

The suffix "-thesis" in a word typically signifies a "putting" or "placing" of something. For example, in the word "synthesis," it means the combining of parts to form a whole. In words like "hypothesis" or "thesis," it refers to a proposition or statement that is put forward for discussion or argument.

What is tagalog of statement of the problem?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Tagalog translation of "statement of the problem" is "pahayag ng suliranin."

Which of the following sentences would be the best thesis statement for an essay?

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Asked by Karina Carranza

Without the list of sentences, I can't determine which would be the best thesis statement. Can you provide the options for me to evaluate?

If your were outlining an essay using the sentences below which one would you use as your thesis statement?

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Asked by spekops

Although there are advantages to both, train travel is superior to car travel.

In the concluding paragraph, what sentence best restates the thesis?

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Asked by cchloe

The sentence that best restates the thesis in the concluding paragraph is: "In conclusion, the study provides compelling evidence to support the effectiveness of exercise in improving cardiovascular health and overall well-being."

Which o the following would make the best thesis statement?

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Asked by cchloe

Tail-wagging in dogs is actually a sophisticated method of communicating emotional responses.

Three Qualities in a Dissertation Committee Member that are Key?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Expertise: A dissertation committee member should have relevant expertise in the field of study to provide valuable feedback and guidance.
  2. Availability: They should be accessible and willing to meet with the student regularly to offer support and advice throughout the research process.
  3. Constructive feedback: A good committee member should provide constructive criticism that helps the student improve their work, rather than simply pointing out flaws.

What statement is an example of which type of rhetoric?

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Asked by Wiki User

Please provide the statement you're referring to in order for me to identify the type of rhetoric being used.

What are the scope and limitation of the javascript?

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Asked by Wiki User

The scope of JavaScript includes client-side web development, server-side scripting, and creating desktop and mobile applications. JavaScript is limited by security concerns, browser compatibility issues, and its inability to directly access system resources. Additionally, JavaScript may not be suitable for heavy computational tasks.

Which statement is the best example of an appeal to pathos?

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Asked by Wiki User

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Imagine the joy of a dog that has spent most of its life in a small yard being allowed to run free in a huge national park.