


Dreams and Dream Interpretation

The psychological, scientific and spiritual explanations of the process and functions of the images and experiences we undergo while asleep and the interpretation thereof.

500 Questions

Do you need sleep and dreams?

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Every living organism, including plants, birds, animals and humans, needs sleep and they do sleep as and when the physic needs sleep. Dream is a partner of sleep especially in respect of animals and irresistibly, humans.

Dream is a scientific phenomenon closely linked to sleep. To know the reason for dreaming, therefore, it is necessary to understand what sleep is and how it takes place.

The sensory centers like visual, auditory, olfactory, motor et al in the cerebral cortex would be constantly working, whether one is sitting idle or doing something. The result of the continuous interactions of the nerve cells in the central nervous system, would be loss of vital energy and life force in the nerve cells. The lost energy is recouped by or through a process of inactivity of the nerve cells. The state of inactivity is brought about automatically by an inborn nerve connection called unconditioned reflex. This state of inactivity, rather rest, is what one calls natural sleep.

Sleep is one of the most important nervous functions aimed at keeping the physic healthy and worthy of action. The nervous system ensures that any stimuli, whether it emanates from internal environ or external environment, does not cause or result in sudden and abrupt waking up, by stage managing the introduction of dreams, which enable continuation of sleep, enable the nerve ells come out of inactivity within a reasonable time, the time that is required, may be seconds. This is what the scientific truth of dreams.

Some people dream every night while others seldom dream at all.true or false?

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False. It is common for everyone to dream multiple times during a night's sleep, but not everyone remembers their dreams. The frequency of dreaming can vary from person to person based on individual differences and sleep patterns.

Mary dreams of being drowned by a large wave how might freud interpret this dream?

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Freud might interpret Mary's dream of being drowned by a large wave as representing her unconscious fears or desires. The wave could symbolize overwhelming emotions or unresolved issues in her life that she may be avoiding. Freud might say that exploring these deeper feelings could provide insight into what is troubling Mary.

What does it mean when you dream you are pregnant then you give birth and as soon as the baby is born it can talk and walk then i went down into my basement and saw my crush down there working out?

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Dreams about pregnancy and giving birth can symbolize new beginnings or a creative project coming to fruition. The baby talking and walking could represent aspects of yourself or your ideas coming to life quickly. Seeing your crush in the basement working out may symbolize hidden desires or attractions that you are exploring in your subconscious mind.

How has travel changed the world?

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Travel has facilitated cultural exchange, leading to greater understanding and appreciation of different customs and beliefs. It has also boosted economies by promoting tourism and trade between countries. Additionally, travel has enabled the spread of ideas and technologies, shaping global development and innovation.

How do you start dreaming again?

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To start dreaming again, try creating a consistent sleep schedule, practicing relaxation techniques before bed, and keeping a dream journal to record any dreams you do have. Engaging in activities that stimulate your imagination and creativity during the day can also help with dreaming at night.

I am doing a weekend group with some of my friends called Real Girls in a Fake World and it is all about staying true to yourself and following your dreams. What are some idea's for things we could do?

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That's a great theme for your group! Some ideas for activities could include creating vision boards to visualize your dreams, having open discussions about personal goals and challenges, engaging in confidence-building exercises, and sharing inspiring stories or quotes. You could also plan a social media detox day to disconnect from the fake world and focus on real connections with each other.

What term did Freud give to the hidden meaning of dreams?

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Freud referred to the hidden meaning of dreams as the "latent content," which represents the unconscious desires, thoughts, and emotions that are disguised in the manifest content of dreams.

What are varied types of contrived experiences?

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Some varied types of contrived experiences include escape rooms, immersive theater productions, virtual reality simulations, and themed entertainment attractions. These experiences are designed to transport participants to unique and engaging environments that may not exist in reality.

When you have a dream about someone is it because that person was thinking of you?

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No. Although this is a popular superstition, it has no basis in reality. There is no magical broadcasting or transmitting system that connects anyone's thoughts with the dreams of others. An obvious example: countless teenaged girls dream about celebrities such as Justin Bieber or in other generations, Elvis Presley or Frank Sinatra. But the celebrity certainly has not been thinking about each individual girl.

Dreams are the subconscious concepts embed in the human psyche that is recalled as images or concepts and actions for suppressed emotions/desires in the subconscious mind. However recent studies have revealed the human ability to connect in empathy with others.

Although this is a very popular superstition, it has no basis in fact. Human beings cannot communicate over distances without a device such as a telephone or radio. Both thoughts and dreams exist only in the mind of the individual and are not broadcast to the mind of any one else.

Your dreams are not connected to another person's dreams or thoughts. The exception would be if you are telepathic, which is unlikely as no evidence has been produced in spite of extensive research.

What is the activation-synthesis theory?

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dreams are a byproduct of brain activity during sleep

What does it mean when you dream you are flying?

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Dreaming of flying often symbolizes a sense of freedom, empowerment, and control in your waking life. It may also represent a desire to escape from limitations or difficult situations. Ultimately, the meaning can vary depending on the context of the dream and your personal experiences.

Do some people not experience dreams?

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It is rare, but some individuals may not remember their dreams or experience them less frequently than others due to certain factors such as sleep patterns, lifestyle habits, or individual brain chemistry. However, dreaming is a normal part of the sleep cycle for most people.

Why do you have dreams and sometimes you don't?

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Dreams occur during the REM stage of sleep, which happens multiple times throughout the night. Factors such as sleep quality, stress levels, and sleep patterns can influence whether you remember your dreams or not. If you don't remember a dream, it doesn't necessarily mean you didn't have one.

What does winning the lottery in a dream mean?

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Dreams about winning the lottery can reflect a desire for financial abundance, luck, or success in waking life. It may also symbolize a feeling of being rewarded or feeling fortunate in some aspect of your life. Overall, the dream likely reflects your subconscious thoughts and feelings about luck and prosperity.

Why do people give up on their dreams?

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People may give up on their dreams due to obstacles, lack of support, fear of failure, self-doubt, or shifting priorities. Life circumstances, setbacks, and challenges can also play a role in causing people to abandon their aspirations.

What does it mean when you dream of a bird flying inside?

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Dreaming of a bird flying inside can symbolize freedom, new opportunities, or the need for a change in your life. It may also represent a desire for peace and harmony.

What makes deja-vu happen?

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Deja-vu is a feeling of familiarity or a sensation that you have experienced a situation before when in fact you haven't. It can occur due to a temporary glitch in the brain's memory process, where new information is mistakenly interpreted as a duplicate. The exact cause of deja-vu is not fully understood, but it is believed to be related to a combination of memory, perception, and attention processes.

Are you pyshic because you have deja vu often?

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I am not psychic. Déjà vu is a common phenomenon where you feel like you have experienced something before when in fact you have not. It is believed to be linked to how memories are processed in the brain, rather than any psychic ability.

Can we die if we don't dream?

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We only remember dreams that occur just before we awaken. People who awaken slowly often do not remember their dreams at all, but brain scans and other tests reveal that everyone dreams. Therefore, the answer is "no." You would have to die -- or at least be brain dead -- in order not to dream.

What does it mean when you don't have a dream in your sleep?

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Not remembering a dream does not necessarily mean you didn't dream. It is common for people to have dreams but not recall them upon waking up. Factors like sleep pattern, stress levels, and overall health can affect dream recall.

What are the differences between Deja Vu ESP and Precognitive dreams?

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Deja Vu ESP is the feeling of having experienced the present situation before, often associated with extrasensory perception. Precognitive dreams involve dreaming of future events or experiences before they happen. Both phenomena suggest a connection beyond normal perception, but Deja Vu ESP occurs in waking moments while precognitive dreams happen during sleep.

Is deja vu a physic power?

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Deja vu is not considered a psychic power. It is a phenomenon where a person feels like they have experienced the present situation before, even though it is unfamiliar. The exact cause of deja vu is not fully understood, but it is believed to be a memory-related phenomenon rather than a psychic ability.

How do you use vu at?

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Did you mean Vue.js? Vue.js is a JavaScript framework used for building user interfaces and single-page applications. You can use Vue.js to create interactive web applications by writing components using Vue's template syntax, data binding, and reactivity features. You can include Vue.js in your project by importing it from a CDN or installing it through npm.