



A long-running British soap, first broadcast in 1985, which is based around the lives of a group of people living in the East End of London.

500 Questions

Will Stacey go to jail for killing Archie mitchell?

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She said she did on the live episode, but weather she did or not is still to be discovered.

Who did Goldie play in Eastenders?

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A gangster called Angel Hudson.

Name this actress who played in Carrie?

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Original - Sissy Spacek

Remake - Angela Bettis

What is the wallpaper in priyas bedroom on emerdale?

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i would like to know where I can buy the wallpaper from Priya's bedroom in emerdale

Is ben eastenders gay in real life?

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No he is straight. It hasn't actually been written into the soap that he is gay either.

What is the name of the actress that plays Elliot on SCRUBS?

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If you're asking who the actress is, then her name is Sarah Chalke.

Does tamwar die in eastenders?

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Tamwar will be badly disfigured in the fire, and have to undergo extensive plastic surgery. Tamwar suffers severe scaring to his face which causes the young lad depression. Although Afia vows to support her husband, she struggles to cope with Tamwars depression, and the guilt she feels, at it all being down to her own Father. This puts a huge strain on Tamwar and Afia's young marriage, and it looks like they could be heading for divorce.

Is ben from eastenders deaf?

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like me i have a aid but me and ben are partly deaf but not all deaf

so there the answer to your question

What was the first episode of eastenders shown on TV?

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Episode 1.

first broadcast in the United Kingdom on BBC1 on 19 February 1985

Where does Samantha womack live?

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If you want to reach Samantha Womack or Rita Simmons use this address below.

Their name here

c/o Eastenders Studio,BBC 1

Elstree Centre

Clarendon Road


Herts WD6 1JF

United Kingdom

I'm sure they will reply but make sure to put another stamped envelope in the 1st envelope. On the envelope inside,write your own address.And then wait!

Who to write to for a autograh from eastenders cast?

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You can write to any of the actors/actresses on the show. Send your letter to:

(Actor/Actress name)


BBC Elstree Centre

Clarendon Road




What character did mia mckenna Bruce play in Eastenders?

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Yes, she played the part of Penny Branning in 2008.

Who killed Lucy in eastenders?

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Bobby Beale

During the flashback episode that aired on BBC One on 19 Feb 2015, it was shown that Jane Beale found Bobby with Lucy's music box in his hand and Lucy laying dead on the floor. He then said "Whatever she says, she started it!".

It is presumed that the music box is the weapon, and that Jane has been covering for him ever since.

Who did Sharon have an affair with in eastenders?

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Phil Mitchell, brother of her husband at the time Grant Mitchell.

How many people has Phil mitchell killed?

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he hasn't killed anyone his ex-wife Lisa fowler mother of louise shot him.

His mother Peggy Mitchell attempted him to kill Archie but he didn't so on Christmas

day Stacey Slater killed him in the queen Victoria pub

How many years has eastenders been going on for?

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EastEnders was first on Television on Tuesday 19th February 1985 so it has been on Television for 26 years now.

When is Grant Mitchell returning to Eastenders?

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There aren't any plans for him to return at the moment.

Will Stacey return to eastenders any time soon?

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yes she comes bk 4 a 1 off soon and then starts full time in July i think not sure but ye she does x

What age is heather trott in eastenders?

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The character Heather Trott is 42
Cheryl Fergison who plays Heather is 45

Does Charlie Brooks from EastEnders have a child?

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EastEnders is a British television soap opera, first broadcast in the UK on BBC One on 19 February 1985. Charlie Brooks' character is playing the Walford witch.

Barry Evans what happened to him?

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Barry Evans Got Pushed Off Of A Cliff By Janine Butcher On Their Wedding Day, Therefore, He Is Dead.

In 2005 who got ran over and died in Eastenders?

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Jamie Mitchell got run over and killed in 2002.