

Exxon Valdez Oil Spill

The March 1989 Exxon Valdez Oil Spill occurred in Prince William Sound, Alaska when a tanker headed for California hit a reef and gushed 10.8 million gallons of crude oil.

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Where did the Exxon Valdez environmental disaster occur?

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Alaska in Prince William Sound. The oil is still in the environment and will be for another 100 years. It ruined a pristine environment and killed many animals. If you would like to see what it did you can find it online and get a first hand view of that happened as the oil came ashore and mixed with the cold water.

How did the oil spill affect the land?

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If oil gets on you it could kill you. Oil can kill all sea life and plants in the ocean.

How do you clean up a gas spill in a garage?

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Get a bag of cheap, but absorbent cat litter to soak the liquid oil. Scoop it up and put into a double trash bag (so it doesn't leak in you car) and take it to a parts store or an auto service center and see if they will put it with their oil to be recycled. The oil stain on the concrete can be cleaned with Purple Power and a scrub brush, and the residue can be hosed down and flushed outside or into a city storm drain (the water deludes the chemicals enough, so they aren't harmful).

The Exxon Valdez oil spill?

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There was zero evidence that Captain Hazelwood was drunk during his time on the ship. He was not on duty during the collision either. The Third Mate was guiding the ship on autopilot.

The main cause according to the NTSB was the failure to repair the sonar that would have told the helmsman and third mate that the reef was coming up. There is no mention of alcohol being a factor in any NTSB report.

The ship ran aground and the rocks punctured the hull of the ship.

1. Sonar that should have been working was not.

2. The ship was taking a shortcut through very shallow waters with the Capt. downstairs and the needed equipment not functioning. (Sonar)

3. Cheap construction of the ship reducing a margin of safety. They used a single hull system to lower cost. This meant no protection for a single puncture. Double hull laws were soon enacted by the US after this disaster in hopes of preventing or reducing further oil disasters.

When did Alaska oil spill happen?

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3 times actually and they were masive.

hope this helps babes

Does dawn dish soap contain gluten?

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Of corse not but look on the facts just in case

Did the oil spill kill any animals?

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yes it effected fish and plants wich also effected us by ruining drinking water

Where do oil spills mostly happen?

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Oil spills can happen anywhere where oil, not limited to crude oil, is contained, produced, used, transferred or transported. Some examples are Oil platforms in the sea, oil wells on land, oil tankers transporting oil, facilities that refine the oil or transfer it to ships, motor vehicle workshops, motor cars, boats, restaurants, etc.

Spilling even half a cup of oil in water or on the ground is still an oil spill and can be hazardous to the environment. Not only crude oil from oil wells are hazardous to the environment, but also cooking oil and motor oil (to name a few) are.

How do oil spills affect marine life?

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Effects on marine life

Oil spills have a devastating and long-term impact on waterways and coastal areas around the world. When a spill occurs, oil rapidly spreads in the water thanks to currents and the wind. As it spreads, oil mixes with water and becomes sticky, clinging to helpless marine life unable to avoid its deadly pursuit. The environmental effects can have serious consequences for many marine populations. Oil can cause hypothermia and drowning of birds as the oil breaks down the insulating capabilities of their feathers, makes them heavier and compromises their flying ability. It can also cause hypothermia in seal pups and otters as the oil destroys their insulating fur. What's more, birds and other animals often ingest oil when trying to clean themselves which can poison them and create toxins in their immune systems. Birds that dive under water to catch food are most vulnerable to spilled oil since they spend most of their time sitting on the water between dives. In the Great Lakes, and in the shore waters of the Pacific and Atlantic coasts, loons, grebes, and diving ducks such as long-tailed ducks, mergansers, and eiders are most affected by oil spills. Dabbling ducks including the American black ducks and mallards are often victims of oil spilled into the shallow coastal and inland waters of their habitats. Seabirds including puffins, shearwaters, razorbills, murres, and dovekies are frequently affected by offshore oil spills. These birds live mainly on open water, however; they can also become oiled in coastal waters since they come to coastal islands to breed. Oil spills can have more devastating effects on some bird populations than on others. Birds that lay several eggs are more likely to recover from deaths caused by oil spills than those that lay fewer eggs. The bottom line: the closer the spill occurs to the shoreline, the greater the ecological damage since coastal areas are home to more concentrated and diverse populations of marine life than at sea. Spills can also severely harm turtle eggs and damage fish larvae, causing deformities. Shellfish and corals are particularly at risk since they can't escape the runaway slick. Oil spills are also responsible for tainting algae, which perform a vital role in waterway ecosystems. If a spill isn't contained quickly, oil can lie beneath the surface of beaches and the sea, severely affecting marine organisms that burrow, such as crabs, for decades. Since these burrowing creatures are a food source for other animals, the cycle of poisoning can continue for many years.

birds die because their feathers stick and cant move or fly, fish die of poisoning other marine mammals also die from movement impairment for being like glued to rocks.

What is the worlds largest oil spill?

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The worst oil spill ever happend in march 15, 1910 in Kern County, California when a man named Julius Fried bought a patch of land hoping to strike it rich with oil. Months passed and the drill hit 2,200 feet (670 meters) below the surface, and the well erupted and gushed uncontrollably for 18 months spewing 9 million barrels of oil. About 5 million barrels were captured and sold.

How has the oil spill affected us?

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The Spill onto the Washington Mall rally grew out of the collective action taken against BP as a result of the explosion. First, we started boycott pages on Facebook. Then we took to the streets, gas stations, and beaches. After many of the boycott managers got to know each other, we thought that more needed to be done. The rally grew out of those conversations.

How can buy sandhi sudha oil in sri lanka?

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i need to buy sandhi sudha oil in sri lanka

Do oil spills cause disease to marine life?

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yes very greatly first it covers the sea surface and reduce the supply of oxygen and sun rays, next it make water poisnous to aquatic plants and animals, it also effect on sea birds as the layer of oil stick on them and make them heavy because of which they become unable to fly and die.

How do you calculate an oil spill on land?

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Density = mass ÷ volume, which can also be written as Density = Mass ÷ (length x width x height).

Height is your thickness, so isolating the variable gets you

Height = Mass ÷ Length ÷ Width ÷ Density.

Who was the president during the Exxon Valdez oil spill?

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George H. W. Bush. (The father, or George senion)

Exxon Valdez oil spill effect on stock price?

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If the BP oil spill is any indicator the price of exxon took a 60% short term hit. And, of course it eventually completely recovered.

How much money did it coat to clean up the Exxon Valdez?

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Because the spill impacted 1,300 miles, it took the Exxon Valdez Company four summers to clean up the spill. Some oil may still remain on the beaches. It took 10,000 workers, 1,000 boats, 100 airplanes, and the Navy, Army, and Air Force to clean up the spill. Exxon spent about $2.1 billion for the clean up.

How many animals are killed in an oil spill?

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The term animals can be applied to a number of life forms from krill to Blue Whales. Specific animal related death rates are occasionally developed for rare, endangered or "cute" critters, usually after an oil spill. The general animal deaths number has never been calculated.

To calculate the number it would be necessary to determine:

* Number of animals of the species alive at any given time. * Total mortality rate from all causes. * Percentage attributable to pollution. This is far more than a life's work. Additionally, the data would be changing as fast as you could collect it. And this is precisely the problem with assessment of the pollution of our oceans. Pollution is massive (consider the North Pacific Gyre), and there isn't a good way to "get a handle on it" in an attempt to affect changes. The problem is just "out there" and bringing it home takes massive effort.

In the specific case of oil spills it would also be necessary to know the number and location oil spills each year. Many jurisdictions do not require reporting, many spills are never identified and many purposeful discharges occur. This data would be as difficult to assemle as the number of animal deaths.

How much oil was spilled in Exxon Valdez?

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The current estimate is between 114 million and 144 million liters (about 800,000 barrels). This number is far beyond the hopelessly optimistic number put forth by Exxon, who gave a "low-ball" estimate of about 10.8 gallons. This number, unfortunately, is still reported in the press but two independent investigations have found the estimate erroneous in the extreme.

How did Alaskans cope with the Exxon Valdez oil spill?

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There were three methods for cleaning up the spill. Burning, Mechanical Cleanup, and Chemical Dispersants. Burning could not work because of unfavorable weather. There was not enough wave action for the chemicals to clean up the spill. Mechanicul Cleanup worked but it was a slow process, because they did not have the necessary equipment in the first 24 hours.

How could have the Exxon Valdez been prevented?

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making sure there isnt alot of oil in the tank

What were the environmental effects on the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill?

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When the Exxon Valdez hit Bligh Reef in March 1989, splitting its side open and releasing up to 115,000 m³ of crude oil, the spillage affected 1,900 km of coastline; loss of wildlife estimates were 250,000 seabirds, nearly 3,000 sea otters, 300 harbour seals, 250 bald eagles, up to 22 killer whales and billions of salmon and herring eggs.

How many polar bears were killed by the Exxon Valdez oil spill?

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The Exxon Valdez oil spill did not occur near the polar bear's habitat so none were affected.