


Famous Quotations

This category contains questions and answers about some of the greatest quotes in history including the quotes themselves, their meanings, who said them, and when and where they were said.

500 Questions

What advantage does a map have over a globe?

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Asked by Chikenwing

A map is more practical for detailed navigation and planning due to its flat, easily portable format. Maps can show specific regions in more detail and can easily be marked up with annotations or additional information. Additionally, maps can incorporate various types of data and information layers for specific purposes.

Advantages and disadvantages of a contour map?

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Asked by Wiki User

Advantages: Contour maps show elevation changes and terrain features in a 2D format, making them easy to interpret and analyze. They provide valuable information for hikers, surveyors, and engineers to plan routes and construction projects.

Disadvantages: Contour maps may lack specific details on smaller features like buildings or roads, and they can be difficult for some people to understand without training in interpreting them. They may not provide real-time data and can become outdated as the landscape changes.

What does the expression a still tongue makes a wise head mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

This expression implies that being silent and not speaking impulsively can indicate wisdom. It suggests that those who think before they speak are often considered wise because their quietness may reflect their careful and thoughtful nature.

Who said to stake one's life for the truth quote?

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Asked by Wiki User

The quote "To stake one's life for the truth is audacious; to guarantee victory over a lie is awe-inspiring." is attributed to J.M. Paulo.

If we cannot now end our differences at least we can help make the world safe for diversity and meaning of this quote?

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Asked by Wiki User

This quote by John F. Kennedy suggests that while it may be difficult to resolve our conflicts at the moment, we can still strive to create an environment where diversity is welcomed and valued. By promoting diversity, we can work towards a world where different perspectives and beliefs are respected, leading to a more inclusive and understanding society.

What does Mine is better than ours quote mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

The quote "Mine is better than ours" suggests a focus on individual possession and superiority over sharing or collective ownership. It reflects a mindset that prioritizes personal gain or achievement over collaboration or teamwork.

What is meant by the quote man is born free but is everywhere in chain?

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Asked by Wiki User

This quote by Jean-Jacques Rousseau suggests that human beings are naturally free, but societal forces and constraints restrict that freedom. It highlights the tension between individual liberty and the limitations imposed by social structures and norms. Rousseau argues that true freedom can only be achieved by breaking free from these chains of society.

Why independence if the slaves of today will be the tyrants of tomorrow?

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Asked by Wiki User

Independence allows oppressed individuals or groups to break free from oppressive systems and gain autonomy and self-determination. The risk of potential future tyranny can be mitigated through the establishment of robust democratic institutions, and ongoing efforts to promote equality, justice, and accountability in society. It is important to strive for a balance between individual freedom and collective responsibility to prevent the cycle of oppression from continuing.

Who said Patience is a virtue possess it if you can?

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Asked by Wiki User

The phrase "Patience is a virtue, possess it if you can; seldom found in woman, never found in man" is an old proverb with unknown origins. It is often attributed to various sources in literature, but its exact origin remains ambiguous.

What does the quote subsumed into Abnegation hive mind projecting always outward mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

This quote suggests that individuals in the Abnegation faction suppress their own desires and opinions to conform to the collective mindset of the group. They focus on projecting a selfless and outwardly caring image, prioritizing the needs of others over their personal beliefs.

What type of ethics is in question Don't criticize until you walk a mile in their shoes?

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Asked by Wiki User

The type of ethics in question is likely empathetic ethics or the principle of empathy. This idea suggests that one should refrain from criticizing others until they have fully understood their perspective or experiences by putting themselves in their position. It emphasizes the importance of understanding before passing judgment.

Is the pursuit of truth always the right thing to do?

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Asked by Wiki User

The pursuit of truth is generally admirable and important for personal growth and understanding of the world. However, there may be situations where pursuing truth could cause harm or conflict, so it's important to consider the context and potential consequences of seeking truth in each situation.

Who said I believe we all have a spark of godly intelligence that we must live in agreement with nature and that we must develop good character?

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Asked by Wiki User

Socrates, a classical Greek philosopher, is often associated with the belief that all individuals possess a divine spark of intelligence and must strive to live in harmony with nature while cultivating virtuous character. This idea aligns with his emphasis on seeking wisdom, self-improvement, and ethical conduct in daily life.

What does the quote we are all born ignorant but one must work hard to remain stupid?

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Asked by Wiki User

This quote emphasizes that while ignorance is natural at birth, staying stupid requires active effort. It suggests that it is through continuous learning and striving for knowledge that one can avoid remaining ignorant. It serves as a reminder to remain curious and open-minded in order to prevent stagnation and willful ignorance.

Why are quotations a powerful form of expression?

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Asked by Wiki User

Quotations are a powerful form of expression because they can convey complex ideas, emotions, or experiences succinctly and effectively. By using the words of others, quotations can add credibility and authority to a statement or argument. They can also inspire, motivate, or resonate with readers on a personal level.

What is a syngman rhee quote?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Korea's future depends on her people," said Syngman Rhee, the first President of South Korea.

What are roundabouts good for?

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Asked by Wiki User

Roundabouts are effective in reducing traffic congestion and delays, improving safety by reducing the risk of severe accidents, and promoting smoother traffic flow. They also help to lower fuel consumption and emissions compared to traditional intersections with traffic lights or stop signs.

What does if the fool would persist in his folly he would become wise mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

This phrase means that if someone continues to engage in foolish behavior repeatedly, they may eventually learn from their mistakes and gain wisdom through experience. It suggests that sometimes making mistakes and learning from them is necessary in order to grow and develop as a person.

Where did the quote slay the dreamer come from?

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Asked by Wiki User

The quote "Slay the dreamer" is the title of a song by the band Nevermore from their album "Dead Heart in a Dead World." The lyrics of the song discuss themes of despair, betrayal, and loss.

When did gandhi say the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others?

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Asked by Wiki User

Mahatma Gandhi is attributed with saying "The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others." This quote is often cited as a reflection of Gandhi's belief in the importance of selflessness and altruism in finding one's true purpose in life.

Who said To obey is better than sacrifice?

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Asked by Wiki User

The saying "To obey is better than sacrifice" originates from the Bible, specifically 1 Samuel 15:22. It is a statement made by the prophet Samuel to King Saul, emphasizing that obeying God's commands is more important than offering sacrifices.

Famous quote that Benjamin Franklin said?

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Asked by Wiki User

Money has never made man happy, nor will it, there is nothing in its nature to produce happiness. The more of it one has the more one wants.

Benjamin Franklin

Lost time is never found again.

Benjamin Franklin

What does the quote the only good is knowledge the only evil is ignorance by Socrates imply?

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Asked by Wiki User

This quote by Socrates implies that knowledge leads to good actions and understanding, while ignorance can lead to negative outcomes and harm. Socrates believed that having knowledge and understanding of the world was essential for living a fulfilling and ethical life.