



Gout is the inflammation of joints caused by too much uric acid. It is a form of arthritis in the joints leading to the sudden development of pain and inflammation.

500 Questions

Is duck high uric acid?

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Duck is moderately high in purines, yes. So if you're going to have duck, have white wine with it - not red!

Does NSAID effect gout?

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no, actually NSAIDs themselves are used in the treatment of gout,

Here in this link, different drugs used in the treatment of gout are explained.

Gout is caused by the build up of what in the joints?

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Gout is the result of a build up of Uric acid crystals in the joints after uric acid in the blood reaches saturation point.

Is tobacco use bad when you have gout?

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You need to look at this question from a different prospective - it is not safe to smoke at all.

Does B12 help with gout or arthritis?

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well the doctors do not accept this fact since this has not yet published in their books. In my case, i had a gout attack and i was given Neproxin which helped to reduce the pain in three days. i was totally out of pain when i went to doctor three days afterwards. he also gave me vitamin b 12 as its level was low (not as part of gout treatment but for some other problem of mine with fatigue and dizziness symptoms). the pain of gout again started and since then its been two months that i am struggling to reduce the pain.

Are carrots bad for gout?

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In generally Carrots are having diuretic function. It means substances from the carrots will enable to clean up the body, by eliminating waste products from the body (urea, nitrogen compounds etc) and will not allow uric acid to remain in the body to crystalize (micro crystals). These depositions of minute fine crystals are the cause of joint problems in gout (pod agra in latin)

Is rice good for gout?

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it's my first time to have gout. i have no idea what food should i eat while I'm having the attack.

Can medicine cause you get gout?

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Go to the related link below (Drug Causes of Gout) For more information.

Does acetaminophen cause gout flares?

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every time i use acetaminophen my gout flares up, nothing else i use does that

Is boiled peanut bad for gout?

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Can you eat celery with gout?

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Does pork affect gout?

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yes it is because it contains acid

What are good veggies and beans to eat for gout?

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beans? they produce a lot of gas from your butt. do not let the gas out in school! the people who smell it would grab their nose, but your fart might be loud so they will know who farted and make fun of you especially your a girl because girl farts smell more then boys' farts. I know that because I once smelt a girl's fart in school and it was NASTY! I soon found out that Ava let the gas out.

Is it ok to drink a sprite if you have gout?

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Yes, sprite should not affect gout.

Do carrots lower uric acid levels?

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Uric acid is made as a result of proteins that have purines these are then turned into uric acid by the metabolism. Carrots are a low purine food and would produce only small amounts of uric acid.

What is uric acid level in goat meat?

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i was the one asking it

Can anchovies fish good for uric acid?

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Yes , they are high in Uric Acid and can contribute to gout .

Is apple good for people with gout?

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apple will not give people with gout any problems as a matter of fact there are claims that apple cider vinegar taken daily can be helpful.

Is Guinness bad for gout?

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Gout sufferers should avoid alcoholic beverages.

Is yam good for gout?

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Can you eat escargots with gout?

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Is shrimp high in uric acid?

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Are eggs OK if you have gout?

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