

Halo: Combat Evolved

Halo: Combat Evolved is the first game of Halo series. It is an FPS game , which deals with the main character Master Chief and his AI , Cortana on a mission to fight against a alien race called The Covenant.

102 Questions

What are some disadvantages to trial by combat?

Well, friend, trial by combat may not always lead to a fair or just outcome, as it relies on physical strength rather than evidence or reason. It can also be quite dangerous, as it puts the participants at risk of serious injury or even death. Remember, there are many peaceful and thoughtful ways to resolve conflicts that don't involve violence.

How do you do death match in halo combat evolved?

first you have to get Xbox live

first you need an internet cable to connect with Your Xbox (should come with Xbox)

then you have to pay either $50 a year (best price), 8.00 a month (if you do this for a year it will be $96 total) or $25.00 per three months (tri-monthly) which goes to about $100 if you do this all year.

How do you skip videos in Halo Combat Evolved?

i have halo reach for xbox and i was able to skip the intro many times. All i did was i kept hitting random buttons. after the bungie symbol came up, i kept hitting start and back and that took me to the campaighn menu. i hope this helps.

Halo Combat Evolved error cannot connect to network?

Make sure Windows Firewall is not blocking Halo, and that your computer is properly connected to the network.

How do you skip a level in halo combat evolved PC?

you can press the start button on your controller, go down to end game, and start on the next part or a new part from the campaign. other than that there is no button solution combination, no secret code, or anything like that.

What happened in between Halo Reach and Halo Combat Evolved?

what happens is after you stop the brute chieften tarterus from lighting all 7 of the halo rings you appear back to master chief and you fun through the covenunt holy city high charity facing brutes elites grunts jackels hunters whatever they can throw at to but the best part is there all fighting amongst themselfs. you can sit and watch or fight too but the flood comes in the wrecked friguet inamberclad, so that just adds the flood to the list your mission is to stop truth at all cost so after you make it to the end of the city you see truth escaping into a forrunner ship to teliport onto the ship before it gos into slipspace and from there the ship is headed to earth and that's how the battel is brought back to earth and that's where to take a life pod of the ship in halo 3 and crash land and jonson finds you

How do you get Halo Combat Evolved full version free?

I dont know why dont you go ask the president and see how he would answer that question.

Where can you buy Halo Combat Evolved on PS2?

AT EB-games of course it is there! Actually the project was cancelled due to disagreements between bungie and halo. bummer i was actually looking forward to it to.

How do you hack halo?

Dude u cant hack halo it has no cheats believe me ive been playin halo for 17 years lolANSWER

you have to get this modding chip from from bestbuy or some place like that and put it in your xbox (not xbox 360) and it will allow you to modd/hack halo or any other xbox game (again not xbox 360)

-roxas uchiha

Sorry man u cant hack halo but i know one way to get into an anti air wrath! melee the driver until the door comes off. melee him again killing him and get into the anti air wrath. if u melee him and u wait to long the wraith will expolde so u need to do it very very fast!

What are the system requirements for Halo 3?

Halo 3 is not available for PC, it is only available for Xbox 360.

But, Halo 2 is available for PC. I can give the system requirements of Halo 2.

OS - Windows Vista

Processor - 2 GHz

Memory - 1 GB RAM, 7GB Hard Drive Space

Video Card - NVIDIA 6100, ATI X7000 or Above ( 128 MB or above )

Halo 3 is not currently available on a PC. Therefore the system requirements at this time is to have a functioning Xbox 360. If you wish to play it on Xbox live you will need internet hooked up to the Xbox 360.

Can you get unlimited ammo in Halo Combat Evolved ctf on the xbox?

You just need to edit the game type by pressing "X" on the Custom games menu, and then go to "Infinite ammo" and make it say enabled

Is halo combat evolved two players?

On the Xbox version you can play up to four players in split screen or 16 with system link. Only multi player mode, there is no cooperative play. There is also no online play for the Xbox version. The P.C. version does however support online play.

How do you cheat in HALO combat evolved?

there are different ways to cheat. you can betray youre teammates, find skulls to give you different powers, you can screen cheat (it means to look on other peoples screens to see what theyre doing), cheat codes, and normal cheats like making a warthog fly. see easy just find some cheats online.

Can blood be turned off in Halo 2 for the PC like in Combat evolved?

Yes there is a way to turn off blood in halo 2 just like combat evolved. Just type in blood off and blood should turn off.

Halo combat evolved on Xbox 360?

Yes here's how to play both of them:

Halo Combat Evolved(Halo 1):

You have to have Xbox Live for this. You have to download it from the Xbox Live Marketplace for 1200 Microsoft points.

Halo 2:

Okay this one is confusing for me. You can try these 3 suggestions I give you if you like though(got clues from looking up how to play Halo 2 on the 360):

Suggestion 1. You have to get a patch for your normal Halo 2 game

Suggestion 2. It's forwards-compatible(don't know what that means I'm only 13, sorry)

Suggestion 3(decided myself). 2 could be same as 1 but I'm not sure because no websites I looked at didn't have the same answer as 1. You can look and see if it's available like 1 is if you like!

Can you play halo reach custom game with Halo Combat Evolved?

go to ur c: file (if ur using window)then program files, click on Microsoft games, halo custom edition, then (i think) hceupdate

the update will make the game run with out a disk

and yes u can use a halo PC CD for halo ce

Were can you get a free download of Halo Combat Evolved for Mac OS X?

Halo is not for mac and never will be. ask anyone

Go on halopedia its right there. halo combat involved

heres the website:

Good luck =)

Can you play Halo Combat Evolved in second or third person?

No. Halo has no third person option and i do not believe a second person option is even possible for any game. All the mods created by the fans make it plausible for there to be a third person version though.

How do you get a banshee in multiplayer Halo Combat Evolved?

It depends what your playing and where your playing it.If you play capture the flag on a mapthat has lots of names.I think its death valley or gorge or sumthing.The map with two bases red and blue. Most people know the map off by heart.

Can you play co-op on Halo Combat Evolved for the PC and If so how?

You cannot play Co-op on Halo Combat Evolved or even Halo Custom Edition for the PC.

A couple of years ago, there was a mod created that had co-op working however had many glitches and was not worked on enough. If someone knew what they were doing, it could be developed today however as of date, this doesn't exist, unfortunately.

Why won't Halo Combat Evolved create a online game work after i modded it and returned it to normal?

If you have a bad CD key, that could be a problem. This worked for me :


Halo 1 free:

Halo Ce free:

Halo Trainer:

How many weapon's are in Halo Combat Evolved?

There are 10 weapons in Halo CE.

6 UNSC\Human weapons, and 4 Covenant weapons.

There are also 2 grenades, Sticky and Frag.