

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

In the fifth Harry Potter book, the Ministry of Magic is interfering at Hogwarts. Things in the wizarding world are showing signs of more signs falling apart.

500 Questions

Where is the spiral staircase in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix?

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It's on the bottom floor. Go up ONE set of stair and you'll se a portrait of a red bearded man. Talk to him.

What did dudley see when he was kissed in Harry Potter?

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JK Rowling, when asked the same question in an interview, replied:

"I think that when Dudley was attacked by the dementors, he saw himself, for the first time as he really was. This was an extremely painful but ultimately salutory lesson and began the transformation in him."

Although, a few harry potter fanfics say that it was him doing Magic. I think this is more entertaining and causes some good fanfics. Just thought I'd add that in there.

What page does Harry Potter kiss Cho Chang in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix?

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Okay, Harry goes on his date with Chang in chapter 25 The Beetle at Bay, page 491.

He kisses her earlier on in Chapter 21 The Eye of The Snake page 403.

I don't like Chang. eeevil.

Well that's just me but I hope this helped ! :)

Did Bellatrix Lestrange's husband escape from Azkaban?

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J.K. Rowling didn't say anything about her husband at the end of the last book, but its assumed he was either killed in the last battle or was captured and put in Askaban, as very few death eaters got away, and those who did only managed to escape because they helped in the last battle (like Lucius and Draco)

How much pages does the order of the phoenix have?

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The U.K. version has 766 and the U.S. version has 870. It baffles me how there's such a difference.

What is Harry Potter and the order of the pheonix about?

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Harry sees Dementors in Privet Drive and uses magic to stop them attacking him and his cousin Dudley. This leads to him being tried at the Ministry for underage magic, and he faces expulsion from Hogwarts, although with Dumbledore's help he is cleared of all charges and allowed to return to school. When he gets back to Hogwarts for the start of the new school year, he finds that the Ministry are interfering at the school, because they think that Harry is lying about Voldemort's return. Harry has visions through Voldemort's mind throughout the year, and sees Mr Weasley get attacked by Voldemort's snake, causing fears that Harry is being possessed by Voldemort. Eventually, Voldemort plants a false vision is Harry's mind that Sirius is being held captive at the Ministry so Harry and his friends go to save him before realising he is not there. Harry and his friends battle with the Death Eaters until the members of the Order of the Phoenix arrive. Sirius Black is killed by Bellatrix Lestrange, Dumbledore battles Voldemort in the Ministry, and Fudge has to finally believe that Voldemort is back.

Harry Potter is attacked by Dementors with his Cousin and manages to send them away, however the Ministry of Magic expels him from school because of the underage use of magic in the presence of a muggle. Then, the decision to expel him is put on hold until trial can prove him either guilty or innocent. He is taken away from his Aunt and Uncle's by a group of Wizards - among them Moody, Kingsley, and Tonks. He is taken to the Order of the Phoenix headquarters which is in fact his Godfather's - Sirrius Black - House.

The Order of the Phoenix is a resistance group against Voldemort, headed by Dumbledore.

He goes to the hearing, and leaves cleared of all charges. Back to school.

The new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher is... well... a right nasty piece of work. Doloras Umbridge. She is instituted by the Ministry of Magic, placed there on Fudge's orders to...pretty much make sure they don't learn any REAL defense spells. Only Knowledge. So, while she is slowly taking over Hogwarts and sucking the fun - and life - from it, Harry is experiencing a connection with Voldemort. Dreams and his scar hurting are common. He sees some things that Actually Happen and because of this is taught - briefly - to try an close his mind.

Doesn't really work. In the end, he sees a dream/vision that isn't real - Voldemort puts it there to lure him in - and he goes to the Department of Mysteries in the Ministry of Magic. Cue epic fight with Death Eaters. Order pops up. Death occurs. Dumbledore comes. Voldemort comes. Cue epic battle between them. End fight with world - and Fudge- finally realizing he IS back and Harry and Dumbledore are NOT bonkers.

Lots of questions answered about why Voldy wanted Harry dead in the first place in a discussion with Dumbledore at the end.


Harry gets attacked by demetors, he meets the Order of the Phoenix (a secret group that is trying to get rid of Voldemort) when he is taken from the Dursleys, sees his godfather again, Gets a minsrty worker as a proffesor, sees his godfather being tortured by Voldemort (which Voldemort planted the picture in his mind) and he knows that they are at the minsrty, he goes there with friends, finds out it was fake, death eaters come for a profesy, they have a fight, members of the order come (including Harry's godfather) and help out, Harry's godfather dies from belletrix (a death eater)

What is the plot of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix?

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Very short summarY:

5th year

Hagid left & came back

Dolores Umbridge is a monster for the Ministry

Professor Trelawny if fired

Hogwarts is a prison

Dumbloredore's army fights for the right to use magic

Harry and Dumbledore are almost arrested

Umbridge becomes headmisstress

Fred and george leave

Nigini attacks Mr. Weasley

Battle at the MInestry

Sirius is killed by Bellatrix

Where are all of Luna's missing clothes in the 'Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix' video game?

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1. Blue jacket on first table on the left in the Great Hall

2. Purse under smaller pile of leaves to the right as you go out into the Entrance Courtyard. Find the broom and use Windgardium Leviosa to sweep the leaves until they disappear.

3. Lion mask on table in the library.

4. Sock/shoes by fountain in the Clocktower Courtyard.

5. Quibbler (newspaper) on the floor by the bookcase and portrait in the Viaduct Entrance.
Her shoes are tied above an archway outside of the Great Hall and her other stuff is hidden around the castle.

What was the weapon in 'Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix'?

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a prophecy that professor Trelawney made

(There was something about an extreme powerful weapon, but finally nothing came out of it.)

something came out of the prophecy,but no one noticed it because they were fighting but Dumbledore did.15years was what professer Trelawney said.

"the boy that was born when July dies away."and "niether of them lives,when the others is alive."

What does Harry Potter do in Harry Potter in the order of the phoenix?

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Harry Potter was the wizard who ultimately defeated Lord Voldemort.

Harry Potter, up to his eleventh birthday, was a small, thin orphan who lived with his uncle and aunt (of which were rude and mean to Harry) and his cousin, Dudley. On his eleventh birthday, a wizard named Hagrid, a half-giant, that he was in fact a wizard. He finds out about Lord Voldemort, who killed his parents and tried to kill him when he was one year old (the spell backfired as Harry was graced with love from his mother). He goes to Hogwarts, trains to be a wizard, meets Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, and battles his way through six years of schooling (And one year of fighting), where Voldemort comes back to life in Harry's fourth year and plots to kill Harry.

Read the books to find out. The books are are amazing.

Is Percy Weasley In the Order of the Phoenix?

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During Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Hagrid and Madame Maxime were in the wilderness trying to gain support of the giants before Voldemort could convince them to aid him. Hagrid actually appears later in the book when he returns to Hogwarts with his giant, half-brothe, Grawp, who remains hidden in the Forbidden Forest.

Where is the potions section in the library in Harry Potter and order of the phoenix?

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The Book You Need Is In the RESTRICTED SECTION if your talking about the game all the way on the left in the 2nd before last section. There Is One Book In That Shelf...Thats what you need for Professor Snape.

What curse killed Sirius Black?

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It is not known. "Molly's curse soared beneath Bellatrix's outstretched arm and hit her squarely in the chest, directly over her heart." We also know that fairly standard curses can cause permanent damage, as we discovered when Professor McGonagal was hit by so many spells at once. more than likely it was the killing curse

Why did Harry Potter form a secret group in hogwarts school of wizard?

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Harry, Ron, and Hermoine start "Dumbledore's Army" in Order of the Phoenix because Professor Umbridge will not teach Defense Against the Dark Arts. She will only teach the theory of it because she does not believe that Voldermort is back, therefore she doesn't believe that they children need to know how to use DADA. They form the "DA" to teach other students how to actually perform spells to be able to defend themselves. Most the students who join believe Harry when he says that Voldermort is back.

What year is Harry Potter poison classes in year 5?

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harry has potion classes every year. He does not get poisioned though, only Ron does in the 6th book. Snape only tells Umbridge that she could poison Harry for information if she wished to, but that he would have no time to talk, as the poison would almost immediately kill him. He was just bluffing.

How do change the language of Harry Potter order of phoenix in ps2?

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Solution for subtitle dialog


I'm Italian and don't wirte English very well.

Step 1 - download update swkotor v. 1.03

2 - extract file manually, don't automatically (with universal extractor for example)

3 - look for file "dialogen" (English dialog) ( n.b. there are dialogit( Italian dialog),

dialogfr (french dialog)

4 - change filename from "dialogen" to "dialog"

5 - copy filename "dialog" into directory of Kotor

6 - enjoy!

n.b. subtitle cutscene are in originally dialog

How do you duel in Harry Potter 5?

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Assuming this is an xbox 360: * Point your wand at the offending person (usually a Slytherin) by pressing "Y" * Move the right analog stick in the desired way. (Press select to learn all the different wand movements.)

What book comes after Harry Potter and the Order of the phoenix?

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although all of the books are completed in the series, the author has since released a companion book called beedle the bard. she has said she will be releasing an encylopedia in years to come. Also the next movie coming out is Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. it will be released on July 15, 2009.

What do you do after you defeat Voldemort in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix?

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Well all you do is find lunas things(luna is in the entrance hall)

BElow is a list of where you can find items

1.A sweater on one of the tables in the Great Hall.

2.take note of the pile of lever in the entrance courtyard (four large,one small)

Use wingardium leviosa" on the broom and hover it over the small pile until the small pile disappears thus revealing lunas purse.

3.Luna's newpaper next to the Portrart in the Viaduct Entrance.

4. A bear mask on the library table.

5.Socks next to the fountain in the clocktower courtyard.

Who was not a member of the order of the phoenix?

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Only a small portion of the wizarding community have the learned ability of being an Animagus, which is a person who can transfigure into an animal at will.

Everyone else is Not an Animagus (including Harry Potter, who is not).

The Marauders were a group of friends, who included James Potter, Peter Pettigrew, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. The three of them sympathized that Remus Lupin is a werewolf, so they learned how to be Animagi, and practiced it themselves.

Rita Skeeter and Minerva McGonagall were also revealed or shown to be Animagi. It might also have been implied that Albus Dumbledore was one.

I cannot recall others stated in the novels.

The wizarding community required people with the Animagus ability to register this ability with the ministry of magic. (for security reasons).

How do you get Percival Pratt's portrait's password in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix video game?

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You can't get the password from Draco Malfoy. Put on the invisibility cloak and go to the room with the Slytherin portrait. You'll see two Slytherin students use the passageway, revealing the password to you, which is "Slytherins are Supreme".

What is the MLA citation for Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix?

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Rowling, J. K. Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix. New York: Scholastic Inc., 2003. Print.