



A small species of bird found in the Americas. Notable for their ability to hover and fly backwards due to their size and extremely fast wing movement.

500 Questions

Is a hummingbird bigger than a car?

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Actually they are among the smallest birds.

The smallest bird is the Bee Hummingbird.

How are hummingbirds important to flowers?

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Hummingbirds fly from flower to flower, sticking their beaks into the center to take sips of nectar. While sipping nectar, hummingbirds are inadvertently transporting pollen grains from previously sipped flowers. The process results in the cross pollination of different flowers, through the help of the hummingbird.

Basically: Hummingbirds help flowers pollinate each other, which allows flowers to reproduce.

When should you start feeding hummingbirds in Ohio?

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When you feel like it!

Why does a American gold finch drink sugar water from a hummingbird feeder?

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I have seen a male Goldfinch drinking from mine too. San Jose, CA.

What can you put on hummingbird feeders to stop honey bees?

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The problem is the design of the bird feeder. Most H-bird feeders use an inverted bottle. As it is emptied, an air space develops over the nectar and this air will expand and contract as it warms during the day and cools at night. This acts like a pump to force more nectar out the bottom of the feeder than the birds consume so the excess pools around the feeder "Flowers" and can be reached by bees.

The answer is to discard your bottle feeder and get a dish feeder. I found that these are somewhat difficult to find in stores (8 varieties of bottle feeders and 0 dish feeders) so go online and look. You'll find many models so read reviews before making your choice.

What bird flies forwards and backwards?

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Only hummingbirds can do that with their own abilities. Seagulls can barely glide backwards involuntarily in high winds.

Wing beats per second of a Giant hummingbirds?

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The Giant Hummingbird's wings beat 8-10 beats per second, the wings of medium sized hummingbirds beat about 20-25 beats per second and the smallest beat 70 beats per second.

8-10 beats per second would be 30,720-36,000 per hour assuming they are in complete flight for an hour, which I doubt

Can you put cold hummingbird food in there feeder?

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If too warm/hot the hummingbird will not feed.

How many times does hummingbirds flap there wings in a hour?

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Hummingbird's typically flap their wings 50 times per second and up to 200 times per second. Per minute: 3000 flaps up to 12,000. Hourly: 180,000 typically and up to 720,000. Now that is a lot of flapping eh...:)

Why do the hummingbird like the canopy?

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I did a report on the rain forest and I believe it is because they enjoy and eat the nectar from the plants/flowers that live in the canopy. Hope I helped :).

Why are birds fast when they fly?

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the hummingbird can go up to 30 mph, and 75 wing beats per second

How do you identify a bumblebee humming bird?

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Click on the 'Bumblebee Hummingbird' link to see a picture of the Bumblebee Hummingbird.

When can i see hummingbirds in southeast Texas?

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Yes they do. They are not seen in the late autumn and winter though.

What do hummingbirds nests look like?

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Many hummingbird nests are composed of plant and animal matter. The plants would consist of soft plant down, and other materials would include lichen. The most unusual material used for nesting is spider webbing. This material adds tremendous strength and waterproofing. Nesting materials of all birds have a lot to do with the materials available during brooding.

Does the humming bird have any predators?

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A humming bird has no predators

Can pigeons fly backward?

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Yes they do.

Nearly all birds can walk.

(Some birds that spend a lot of time on water find it difficult. Some, like Swifts, stay in the air.)

Who is the predator of the hummingbird?

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What species? There are dozens of predator species and there are hummingbird species that inhabit the Americas from southern Canada to southern S America. Under the right circumstances almost any meat-eater or omnivore would make a meal of a hummingbird. In any one area/habitat, bird-specialist predatory birds are likely to be the most significant predator.

How fast do hummingbirds beat their wings?

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Asked by Wiki User

it doesnt. butterflies lack hearts.


Butterflies do have hearts. It's the length of their body and is beats about 50- 60 beats per minute. The link shows a cool drawing of a butterfly heart and how it works.

How do hummingbirds eat its food?

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They lap up the nectar with their tongues.