


Hyperbole and Superlative

Includes questions related to the use of exaggeration for emphasis or to express a superlative degree.

500 Questions

What is the comparative and superlative adjectives for heavy?

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Comparative: heavier Superlative: heaviest

What is the comparative and superlative to the word light?

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Asked by Wiki User

Comparative: lighter Superlative: lightest

What is the comparative and superlative degree of energetically?

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Asked by Wiki User

Comparative: more energetically Superlative: most energetically

What is the comparative and superlative degree of heavy?

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Asked by Wiki User

Comparative: heavier Superlative: heaviest

Is electric current flows like water in a river bed a alliteration metaphor simile or hyperbole?

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Asked by Wiki User

This is a simile because it compares the flow of electric current to the flow of water in a river bed using "like."

The pizza was hotter than the Sahara Desert in the summer?

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This is a creative way to describe a very hot pizza! It effectively communicates the extreme heat of the pizza using a vivid comparison to the scorching temperatures of the Sahara Desert during the summer.

What superlative degree of heavy?

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The superlative degree of heavy is "heaviest."

What is the comparative degree of light?

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Asked by Wiki User

The comparative degree of "light" is "lighter."

Give the comparative and superlative adjectives for heavy?

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Asked by Wiki User

That is not a question, but a statement. Statements in English are suffixed by period (.), not question mark (?).

heavy - heavier - heaviest

Is disappeared into thin air a hyperbole?

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Yes, "disappeared into thin air" is a hyperbole. It is an exaggeration to emphasize the suddenness and inexplicable nature of someone or something going missing.

What is the Fastest thing in this earth?

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The speed of light is the fastest known phenomenon in the universe, traveling at approximately 186,282 miles per second.

What is the comparative and superlative word of light?

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Asked by Wiki User

The comparative form of "light" is "lighter" and the superlative form is "lightest."

Why can erepsins be stored in active forms?

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Asked by Wiki User

Erepsins, digestive enzymes that break down proteins into smaller peptides and amino acids, can be stored in active forms because they are secreted as inactive zymogens or proenzymes. When needed, these zymogens are activated by specific conditions in the digestive tract, such as low pH or the presence of other enzymes, to prevent self-digestion or the digestion of other tissues before reaching their target sites.

Radix malorum est cupiditas?

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This Latin phrase translates to "the love of money is the root of all evil." It comes from the Bible, specifically 1 Timothy 6:10. The message is that greed and the desire for wealth can lead people to commit immoral or harmful acts.

Two examples of flammable things?

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Gasoline and lighter fluid are examples of flammable things that can easily catch fire and burn. These substances should be handled with care and stored in well-ventilated areas away from sources of ignition to prevent accidents.

What is the superlative form for worse?

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Dative : bad

Comparative ; worse

Superlative; worst.

What is the superlative form of 'good'?

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Dative ; good

Comparative ; better

Superlative ; best.

What is the comparative form of badly?

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Dative ; bad

Comparative ; worse (NOT 'worser')

Superlative ; worst (NOT ; Worsest).

Superlative of small?

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Dative ; small

Comparative; smaller

Superlative ; smallest