

Johann Sebastian Bach

A famous German composer of the Baroque period, who lived from 1685-1750.

500 Questions

When was Johann s bach's birth?

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Johann Sebastian Bach, composer of the Baroque Era -

Birthday: March 31, 1685 in Eisenach, Germany.

Bach died on July 28, 1750 in Leipzig, Germany.

When did bach learn to play organs?

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From 1700 to 1702 he attended St. Michael's school in Luneburg' where he sang in the church choir and probably came into contact with the organist and composer Georg Bohm.

Johann Sebastian Bach first wife name?

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It appears that JS Bach had two wives. In 1707, at the age of 22, he married his second cousin, Maria Barbara Bach with whom he had many children, only four of whom survived. Maria died suddenly in May 1720. The following year, Bach married again to Anna Magdalena Wilcken who was the daughter of a musician. She was a singer, harpsichordist and music copyist. She took on the four surviving children from his earlier marriage and produced a further 13.

Who was the king of the fugue?

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Johann Sebastian Bach

Who were Johann Sebastian bach's wives?

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It appears that JS Bach had two wives. In 1707, at the age of 22, he married his second cousin, Maria Barbara Bach with whom he had many children, only four of whom survived. Maria died suddenly in May 1720. The following year, Bach married again to Anna Magdalena Wilcken who was the daughter of a musician. She was a singer, harpsichordist and music copyist. She took on the four surviving children from his earlier marriage and produced a further 13.

Bach wrote in every genre of his days except?

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While at Leipzig, Bach taught organ and composition, gave recitals, and was often asked to judge the quality of organs. He was responsible for the musical education of some fifty-five students in the St. Thomas school. He rehearsed, conducted, and usually composed an extended work for chorus, soloists and orchestra for each Sunday and holiday of the church year.

What were Js Bach's children famous for?

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Bach had 20 children in total. From his first marriage with Maria Barbara Bach, Johann Sebastian Bach had seven children, four of which survived into adulthood. The four who survived were Catharina Dorothea, Wilhelm Friedemann, Carl Philipp Emanuel, and Johann Gottfried Berhard.

From his second marriage with Anna Magdalena Wilcke, Bach had 13 children, six who survived to adulthood. The six who survived were Gottfried Heinrich, Elisabeth Juliana Friederica, Johann Christoph Friedrich, Johann Christian, Johanna Carolina, and Regina Susanna.

The four most famous who also became composers, were:

Carl Philipp Emanuel

Johann Christian

Wilhelm Friedemann

Johann Christoph Friedrich

The link below has a good family tree diagram showing some of his many children.

What did Bach do throughout his life?

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I can answer 1 of those 3

The answer to that question is.........

1. Bach iw on3 of the 3 B's of classical music-- along with Beethoven and Brahans.

How many children did Johann Bach have with Maria Barbara?

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Johann Sebastian Bach had twenty children.

Who taught bach music?

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His father, Johann Ambrosius Bach, town and court musician of Eisenach taught Johann Sebastian Bach music.

Who was JS Bach?

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Johann Sebastian Bach, was a baroque composer. He was born in Saxe-Eisenach, Germany, in 21 March 1685. His death was in Leipzig, Germany in 28 July 1750. He has 20 children, but there are only 10 had survived to adulthood. His first wife, Maria Barbara Bach (1684-1720), his second cousin, bore him 7 children, but only 4 survived to adulthood, they are Catharina Dorothea (1708-1774), Wilhelm Friedemann (1710-1784), Carl Philipp Emanuel (1714-1788) and Johann Gottfried Bernhard (1715-1739). His second wife, Anna Magdalena Bach (born Wilcke, 1701-1760), bore him 13 children that only 6 children survived to adulthood, 2 of them are Johann Christoph Friedrich (1732-1795) and Johann Christian (the 'London' Bach, 1735-1782). His first wife died when he was 35 years old, while his second wife died 9 a-half years after his death.

What is the tempo of Bach little fugue?

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Johann Sebastian Bach wrote Organ Fugue in G minor (Little Fugue) in 1709

What musical period did Johann Sebastian bach perform in?

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Bach lived, worked, and performed in the Baroque period.

How old is Johann Sebastian Bach?

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German composer Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) was born on March 31, 1685 (March 21 on the Julian calendar then in use). He died at the age of 65. The year 2018 marks the 333rd anniversary of his birth.

Does Bach have any modern day relatives who are also famous musicians?

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Bach had many many descendants.

Johann Sebastian Bach

(1685 - 1750)

Anna Magdalena Wilcke (his wife)

(1701 - 1760)

Johann Jacob Bach

(1682 - 1732)

Wilhelm Friedemann Bach

(1710 - 1784)

Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach

(1714 - 1788)

Gottfried Heinrich Bach

(1724 - 1763)

Johann Christoph Friedrich Bach

(1732 - 1795)

Lucia Elisabeth Munchhusen

(1728 - 1803)

Johann Christian Bach

(1735 - 1782)

Elisabeth Juliane Friederica


Johann Christoph Altnikol


Johanna Carolina


Regina Susanna


Wilhelm Ernst Colson Anna Philippiana Friederica Bach

(1755 - 1804)

Wilhelm Friedrich Ernst Bach

(1759 - 1845)

Charlotte Philippina Elerdt

(1780 - 1801)

Christina Luise Bach

(d. 1852)

Johann Sebastian Altnikol

(1749 - 1749)

How many compositions did Felix mendelssohn write?

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Here is something I wrote as if I were Moses...

My name is Moses Mendelssohn. I was born in Dessau, Germany September 6th 1729. I was a German Jewish philosopher. When I was only a child I was diagnosd and suffered from a curved spine. I also changed my last name to Mendelssohn, honouring my father, Mendel. I had my wife, Fromet Guggenheim, my three sons, Joseph, Abraham, and Nathan, then my three daughters, Dorothea, Recha, and Henriette.

I taught my self a lot of things like spelling and philosophy. With my small earnings I bought a Latin copy of John Locke's essay about the human understanding and I learnt it with a Latin dictionary. I was the first Jew to bring orthodox Jewish life I argued with many people about what makes Judaism unique. I wrote many philosophical essays and I was considered the father of the Jewish Enlightenment.

My family was very poor, but we managed to learn things and survive. My father was a Torah scribe. I began a traditional Jewish education under David Fraenkel, the rabbi of Dessau. When David became rabbi of Berlin, and I became 14 years old, I followed him and studied in Fraenkel's yeshiva in Berlin. I soon became a scholar of Talmud and Rabbinics. I got free meals from neighborhood families and I was offered very odd teaching and tutoring jobs.

In addition to knowing the German and Hebrew languages, I had to study French, Italian, English, Latin and Greek.

Another perspective:

Presuming that the writer of the question was actually asking about German composer Felix Mendelssohn, he wrote five symphonies for full orchestra, and twelve string symphonies.

Why was Bach not all that famous when he lived?

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During Bach's lifetime, he was known mostly for his skills as an organist and organ technician. He was not well known for his compositional output during his lifetime for two main reasons:

1) Bach composed in a polyphonic fugal style that was considered to be going out of fashion starting around 1730 or so in favor of a more homophonic cosmopolitan style that appealed to the growing middle class. The use of polyphonic forms such as passacaglia, ritornello form, and fugue were considered relics of a musical style that was needlessly complex, elitist, and lacked expressive directness.

2) Unlike Handel (who was a world traveller) Bach spent almost his entire life in Germany working in small courts such as Weimar and Cothen. Even though his last decades were spent in the larger city of Leipzig, he never settled in large cities known for music such as London, Paris, or Vienna.

Where was Johann Sebastian Bach's first job?

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vivaldi worked in an orphanage for daughters of noblemen and there mistresses.

George Frideric Handel's Messiah is an example of?

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Handel's YOUNG MESSIAH is a beautiful walk through the Bible, and suitable for listening any time of the year. If you are a believer in Christ and Eternity you will most likely desire your own copy. I began to listen to it 20 yrs ago this next Spring.

How was Mozart influenced ny Johann sebastin bach?

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He allowed Mozart to create more music.

Which instrument is Bach most famous for playing?

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Bach was most famous as an organist.

Was Johann Sebastian bach catholic?

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Yes, Bach was very devoted to the Lutheran traditions.

What was going on in America during Bachs lifetime?

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There were many events taking place in America during Bach's lifetime. The Enlightenment Period and the Scientific Revolution were taking place as well as the Revolutionary War and the discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton.

Why was Johann Sebastian bach so important?

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just mainly cuz he his music is the famous music in the 19 century