


The kiwifruit is an edible berry of a woody vine. It has a rough brown skin and a bright green flesh with edible black seeds. The kiwi is a commercial crop in many countries, such as Italy and New Zealand.

500 Questions

How do you candy kiwi fruit?

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you put the kiwi fruit in a blender get the lifting leave it out for 13 hours then put safings of what ever you want in it put in the oven for 15 minutes and then leave it rest about 5 to 7 minutes and EAT IT

How long does the kiwi fruit grow on a tree?

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Undamaged, at least a week. Cut, opened or bruised, somewhat less, possibly two or three days.

I just ate a kiwi from the fridge that is three months old. Still firm texture, sweet flavor though outside looked somewhat shriveled. I put them in the fridge when they were not quite ripe and am amazed they have lasted so long.

Can kiwifruit give you diarrhea?

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Yes Alas, I adore kiwi fruit but they give me terrible diarrhea. I do not digest the seeds either, apparently, and thus they are visible in my faeces. For you to ask this question I assume you are similarly afflicted.

Does kiwi help you to digest food?

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Kiwi's are really great fruit and really healthy for you. They contain more vit c in relation to their size than an orange! they have a large array of vitamins in them that are proven to aid muscle recovery and performance.

Why does kiwifruit make your tongue hurt?

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Surprisingly, it's not because of the acidity of the fruit. Fresh pineapple contains enzymes that are commonly extracted and used in meat tenderizers, and the effect of the enzyme on your tongue causes the prickling.

Why is kiwi good for health?

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  • Vitamin C
  • potassium
  • copper
  • dietary fiber
  • magnesium
  • Vitamin E
  • manganese

It is said that in adults kiwi may reduce triglycerides and blood clots in adults. They may also promote respiratory health in children.

What was kiwifruit originally called?

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the kiwi fruit's real name is the Chinese goose berry

Can you eat kiwi seeds?

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the seeds from a kiwi fruit are not poisonous but in fact the spiky bits on the skin of a kiwi is a human can take in a small percentage of this but if you take in too much it results in bad food poisoning. Trust me i know from experience.

How long to digest kiwi juice?

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it takes about 2-3 hours

How might psa affect kiwifruit business?

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it makes love to it

Why the kiwi is endangered?

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Not all species of kiwi are endangered, but the brown kiwi is one that is endangered. The biggest threat to the brown kiwi comes from dogs, feral cats and other imported pets including the stoat, of all things. New Zealand has no native predators. Being a small, flightless bird, its defenses are extremely limited. Many kiwis are also killed every year by unregistered Pig-Hunting dogs (registratrion requires Kiwi Aversion training) and being killed while crossing roads/highways.

Loss of habitat due to deforestation and destruction of large tracts of native bush is also endangering the brown kiwi. Not only does this threaten its food sources, but deforestation means the kiwi has fewer places to hide from its many predators. Prior to Europeans coming to New Zealand, the kiwi enjoyed a healthy population.

How much protein in a kiwifruit?

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This is from wikipedia:

Kiwifruit is a rich source of vitamin C, 1.5 times the DRI scale in the US. Its potassium content by weight is slightly less than that of a banana. It also contains vitamin E. and a small amount of vitamin A. The skin is a good source of flavonoid antioxidants. The kiwifruit seed oil contains on average 62% alpha-linolenic acid, an omega-3 fatty acid.[12] Usually a medium size kiwifruit contains about 25 calories,[13] 0.3 g fats, 1 g proteins, 11 g carbohydrates, 75 mg vitamins and 2.6 g dietary fiber.

Is a kiwifruit a citrus fruit?

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'Citrus' refers to the Lemon, Lime, Grapefruit, Orange family of fruits.

A Kiwi fruit is not related to any of these.

Does kiwifruit prevents cancer?

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I am not sure about all fruits and vegetables, but I know that asparagus is helpful to cancer

What kind of plant does a kiwifruit grow on?

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Correctly speaking, a kiwi is a bird. It is a small, flightless bird native to New Zealand.

The plant is called a kiwifruit. Outside of Australia and New Zealand, this name has been shortened to just 'kiwi', but the proper name is kiwifruit.

Is the kiwifruit older than the kiwi bird?

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The kiwi bird is a BIRD and a kiwi fruit is a FRUIT.

The only thing that is the same is that they are both brown.

How fattening is kiwi fruit?

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It's really dependent on how much of it you eat. Kiwi, as all fruits has a fair bit of sugar in it. Sugar means calories, and too many calories - no matter where they're from - can make you gain weight.

It's far less fattening than candy and chocolate though.

What kind of vitamins does kiwi have?

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  • Yes, kiwis have vitamin k
  • Kiwifruit consistently rank at the top of fruit in nutrition density models which tell us exactly how nutritious food is. That means you get more vitamins and minerals per gram, and per calorie, of kiwifruit than most other fruit.
  • Kiwi fruit is high in vitamin K. You may know also that garlic is a natural blood thinner, but you may not know that kiwi fruit also acts as a natural blood thinner to help prevent blood clots. Kiwi fruit is considered a food that is moderately high in vitamin K. A 1-cup serving contains 72.5 mcg of vitamin K, providing 90 percent of your daily value. When taking Coumadin, it is recommended that you limit your intake of moderately high vitamin K foods to less than three servings a day.
  • While oranges have a deserved reputation as valuable sources of vitamin C, kiwifruit can also lay a claim on the vitamin C crown. In fact there is twice as much vitamin C in kiwifruit as there are in oranges. You only need one kiwifruit each day to get your recommended daily intake of vitamin C.
  • A kiwifruit has about the same level of potassium as a banana - but only half the calories. This makes kiwifruit an excellent low-sodium option to access potassium, which is potentially beneficial for heart health and in the maintenance of blood pressure.

What is the texture of a kiwi?

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Bumpy, squishy, furry, and soft!

What country did the word kiwi come from?

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The kiwi is native to New Zealand.