


From the Court of Arthur and the Round Table to Ivanhoe, from fire-breathing Dragons to Damsels in distress, No, not really, The life and times of a Knight during the Middle Ages. It's not so romantic as you have been lead to believe.

500 Questions

What do knights use as transportation?

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Knights historically used horses as their main mode of transportation. They were skilled in horseback riding and often rode into battle on horseback wearing full armor. Additionally, some knights may have used carriages or chariots for travel when not in battle.

Was John hobday knighted?

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There is no public record of John Hobday being knighted. Knighting usually involves a public announcement or listing in official records.

What is a way that knights protected themselves?

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Knights protected themselves in battle by wearing armor made of metal plates or chainmail, along with a helmet to shield their head. They also used shields to deflect incoming blows and carried weapons such as swords, lances, and maces for defense and offense. Additionally, knights relied on their skill in combat and training in various fighting techniques to stay safe on the battlefield.

Can a Jew be knighted?

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Yes, a Jew can be knighted, as knighthood is typically awarded based on service to the country or community, rather than religious affiliation. However, historically, there have been restrictions on Jews receiving knighthood due to discriminatory practices.

How did a knight use a dagger?

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A knight would typically use a dagger as a secondary weapon for close combat when their primary weapon, such as a sword, was unavailable or ineffective. Daggers were used for stabbing and thrusting in gaps in an opponent's armor or for other close-quarters combat situations. They could also be used for more practical tasks like cutting food or rope.

What is true of stalls for draft horses?

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Stalls for draft horses should be larger and more spacious compared to stalls for regular-sized horses, as draft horses are larger and need more room to move around comfortably. The stalls should also be well-bedded and have high ceilings to accommodate their height. It's important to ensure the stalls are kept clean and well-ventilated to promote the draft horse's health and well-being.

What was the code of ethics that knights were supposed to uphold called?

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Knights had to follow the 'Code of Chivalry.'

The chivalry was a code of conduct in which Knights had to protect and defend the less fortunate, women including to show qualities of loyalty and honesty. As a Knight you were taught to worship you God.

In white knight chronicles do the avatars get a knight?

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Yes, in White Knight Chronicles, avatars do have the ability to transform into knights known as "Incorruptus," granting powerful abilities and skills in battle. Each player-created avatar can customize their knight form to suit their playstyle and strategy.

William 1066 beloved servant Richard de egle?

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William the Conqueror was a king of England in 1066, and Richard de Egle was his trusted servant. They may have had a close relationship based on loyalty and service.

Are the soldiers forced to fight in the feudal system?

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In the feudal system, soldiers were often bound by duty and loyalty to their lords, which could be seen as a form of obligation to fight rather than being explicitly forced. However, the consequences of not fulfilling this duty could be severe, including loss of land, possessions, or social status.

What is the central component of the informal code of conduct among officers?

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The central component of the informal code of conduct among officers is loyalty to fellow officers. This loyalty often includes covering for each other, supporting one another in difficult situations, and maintaining a united front.

Does a knight's armor rust?

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Yes, a knight's armor can rust if not properly maintained. Armor was typically made of steel, which is prone to rusting when exposed to moisture and humidity. Knights would often clean and oil their armor to prevent rust and maintain its effectiveness in battle.

What kind of knights fought against the Muslims?

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During the Crusades, European knights, such as those from England, France, and Germany, fought against Muslim forces in the Holy Land, particularly against the Saracens, who were a diverse group of Muslims from the Middle East and North Africa. These knights were part of the military orders like the Templars, Hospitallers, and Teutonic Knights, who were dedicated to protecting Christian pilgrims and territories in the region.

Which is worse the plague or bubonic plague?

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The bubonic plague is a specific form of plague caused by the Yersinia pestis bacterium transmitted via fleas. While both are serious infectious diseases, historically, the bubonic plague variant has been more devastating due to its higher mortality rate and rapid spread among populations.

What did the color orange symbolize in medieval armor?

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The color orange was not commonly used in medieval armor symbolism. Medieval armor was typically made of steel and decorated with engravings or painted with symbols such as crosses or animals to represent religious beliefs, family emblems, or personal preferences.

CAN an ex felon become a knight of Columbus?

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It is possible for an ex-felon to become a member of the Knights of Columbus, as the organization does not have specific restrictions against ex-felons joining. However, admittance is subject to the specific rules and regulations of individual councils within the organization.

What are the 4 characteristics of chivalry?

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The four characteristics of chivalry are bravery, loyalty, courtesy, and gallantry. It encompasses qualities such as honor, respect, and generosity in dealing with others, particularly towards women and those less fortunate.

What is a knight's personal flag called?

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A knight's personal flag is called a heraldic banner or a personal coat of arms. It typically features a unique design that represents the knight's family lineage, achievements, and values.

What is the feather pouf on a knight's helmet called?

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The feather poof on a knight's helmet is called a plume. It was used for decoration and to help identify the knight during battles or tournaments.

Where are the magic boots on chibi knights?

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The magic boots in Chibi Knights can be found in the second level of the game inside a treasure chest. They will give your character the ability to jump higher, allowing you to reach new areas and overcome obstacles.

Should the code of chivalry still be followed today?

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While the code of chivalry may have its roots in medieval times, some of its principles can still be relevant today, such as honor, courage, and respect. Adapting these values to contemporary society can promote positive behavior and ethical conduct, even if the specifics of the code are no longer directly applicable.

How did the knights use the mace weapon?

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Knights used the mace as a close combat weapon to deliver powerful blows on their opponents, especially those wearing heavy armor. Its design, with a heavy spiked head, was effective for crushing armor and inflicting damage even if the opponent was wearing protective gear. The mace was particularly useful in battles where slashing or piercing weapons were less effective against armored opponents.

What race is Jordan Knights wife?

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Jordan Knight's wife is Caucasian.

Which Crusade did the Christian knights win?

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The First Crusade (1096-1099) is considered the most successful where Christian knights managed to capture Jerusalem in 1099, establishing several Crusader states in the region.